.gif)
Brian Kemila of illuminatimatrix links above proposed a totally new
way of decoding the Gospels cryptic rendition of how the so-called
"The Last Supper" (or "L'Ultima Cena" in italian, as in Leonardo Da
Vinci's painting for ex); acc to him, it's all about fractal holographic
repetition, under the layout of Hypnotic Suggestions or Subliminal
Puns. In this way, when the Gospels state that "Jesus" told them to
go find a man with a water-pitcher so that he would lead them to
the house and into the upper room of which, where they would eat
the Passover meal together, Kemila sees a geographical pinpointing
of northern Canada (the "house"), and maybe Alaska as the "Upper
Room". After all, HUDSON BAY next to MANITOBA ("Man") does
indeed have the shape of a water-pitcher.
(further ahead in article Hudson Bay as a fractal of Lake Rakshastal
-twin of holy Lake MANASAROVAR, in Tibet at Nepal's NW corner-)
I go however further than Kemila does, in the sense that I see the
entire Bible as a fractal repetition of the same event of a SACRIFICE
of a MASS scale, in continual mode but with a specific "Omega Point"
of higher relevance, which in my opinion is the centerpiece of the
entire mythical Bible saga in its entirety; in my view, past events
regarding the substitution of one star-sun by another, for ex Saturn
as the "OLD SUN" (DEATH) & current Sol as the "NEW SUN"
(BIRTH/RESURRECTION)-, is the actual Psychic Template
which is repeated ad infinitum in varied manners, presenting at
times different ASPECTS of the same archetypal event, found both
in very far antiquity as well as in our future on 3D Earth. I see the
expression used in the Book of Rev. -"The Alpha & The Omega"-,
as signifying precisely this, the Ouroboros nature of the paradigm
(Time/Space as a serpent that eats its tail, repeats cosmic cycles).
Then you might be shown "The Fall" in the Garden of Eden that
symbolizes the heights of civilizations past & present (Lemuria,
Atlantis, current one -in that succession-). Then you are shown
the "Deluge" of waters and the preservation of some human DNA
lines & all of nature's DNA (obviously a DNA storage bank placed
securely during the cataclysms, "2 of each" meaning one "Ark" in
outer space, while another one deep within a high mountain range
such as Mt Ararat or the like). Then you might be shown a "Moses
& Aaaron" in the "Red Sea Crossing" quite evidently symbolizing an
Exodus to/from Mars ("Moses") the Red Planet during the passage
of the Red Star Nibiru ("Aaron"); this particular aspect comprising
many facets of the conundrum, the River Nile in its 3 courses -Red/
Blue/White- the applicable fractal behind the allegory, with a figure
of "Pharaoh" (Akhenaten, the real Moses) playing a crucial role. At
a later time you are presented with the "Virgin Birth of Jesus" as
the "Son of God" (i.e. the New Sun-Son-Sol), and details such as the
"3 Magi Kings from the East" naturally representing the 3 Pyramids
of Egypt as POLE-SHIFT MARKERS and specific "gifts" each one
brought to the New Sun era, each a symbol of the new times. Then
you have the Death at the Cross ("Crossing of Nibiru") and implied
Resurrection of "Jesus" and his "12 Apostles" -new arrangement
of the Sun and the 12 constellations of the Zodiac-. Much further
ahead you are given "prophecies" of the future (our present times)
which but just show other aspects of the same conundrum, greater
CIPHERS (i.e. the "Seals") pertaining the current Information Age
with software computing as its backbone -the "New Genesis", the
"New Adam & Eve", the "New Nature", etc etc etc-, and the coming
Earth Changes already beginning to transpire gradually.
While there are different species both in the multi-dimensional as
well as the 3D material cosmos, it is dead-obvious the 3D Earth as
we experience it, has been a "joint project" of experimentation for
a Crossbreed species between Reptilian & Humanoid races. Indeed
at another fractal level this is what the "Cross/Crossing" means as
a symbol; at every Crossing of Nibiru, a new variant of the saga is
to be expected, a further devolution/evolution or change in DNA
in respect to these interbreedings. In the very far past, Lemuria
seems to have been a greater % of reptilian DNA program, while
the next civilization Atlantis was an attempt at a 50/50 deal, then
apparently the recessive reptilian components were the TROJAN
Horse "Sleeper DNA" that "invaded" Atlantis resulting in drastic
change in misuse of Crystal-Grid energies and the like, that led to
its destruction (besides the cyclic cosmic conundrum itself, in the
sense it seems only a few prepared in advance to be saved).
Which brings us to the last experiment at hand - our civilization-,
as greatly devolved with an at-the-last-minute 'Revival of Atlantis'
of sorts (since Francis Bacon in the 1600's onward), attempting the
inter-planetary mingling still to some degree operating during the
Sumerian & even Egyptian eras in the past. Under the paradigm
of Earth Changes & Cosmic Realignment of course; question is, how
many have been preparing to save themselves & under the orders
(or advice) of whom in the cosmic hierarchy...?
Why are the oceans depicted in red in this logo...? Red implies as
a rule Mars & Nibiru, but the oceans here imply something else
in greater specificity: the Biblical "Turning the waters into Blood"
as found in the "Moses & Pharaoh" (Moses & Aaron) allegory,
and also in Chapter 16 of the Book of Revelation. We also find
red prominently in the coat of arms of current Pope Benedict 16
(now you understand the "16"), his latin name "BENEDICHTUS"
eerily similar to BECHTEL (for all the rest of the B's go to Bush,
Barack, Blair, Brown, etc). The iconic "16" also found in the brit
intel agency "MI6" which can be read as "M16" by typo. And then
again "P' is the 16th letter in the english alphabet, thus Pope, Paul,
Peter, Priest, President, Prime Minister, Power, Pineal, Pituitary,
Pi, Phi, etc... and... also... POLE ! -(Pole Position, we could call this
Bearing ~~~ "Bear").
It helps to go back to "The Last Supper" allegory; we have a Judas
who in the Leonardo painting is pointing up (to the "Upper Room"...
remember...?). We already know that the bipolarity of God/Satan
and Jesus/Lucifer hides the UNION of both, within the esoteric
hidden reptilian "theology" -at the top and beyond public facades
the elite of the illuminati see themselves as both God/Satan (in
every world religion all the same)-. In english {a=1, b=2, ..., z=26}:
[ JESUS = 74 = LUCIFER = 74 = GEMATRIA ]
( Lucifer ~~~ "Lu - Cipher" )
This is the "G" you see in the sign of masonic blue lodges, "God"
is a "Gematria Cipher" code of existence, a matrix SOFTWARE,
this "God" not the real divinity, but a sort of Demiurg appearing
as a Bi-Polarity. This is the "DEI" -code DEmIurg- of latin; a DEI
or deity of MU -(another name for Lemuria)-; at the time of the
Greek civilization, the Gnostics were mainstream amongst the
learned and educated, who maintained this knowledge of a false
deity and a false existence as a hijacked matrix software. This is
the background to Socrates and his pupil Plato, they were part
of a resistance to the "Trojan" or planted religions and the way
reality "appears to be" in the material 5-Senses Construct. Soon
these views began to be banned and oppressed and ultimately
exterminated practically in full, including all who held similar
views and critical perception of the current devolved 3D reality
and the planted "beliefs" that reaffirm it (ex: Genesis/"And God
saw that it was good", at Creation). The basic tenet and idea to
brainwash you with ever since has been to ACCEPT 3D REALITY
AS ORIGINAL, TRUE & GOOD; it does matter very little if you
do so opting for Science, Politics, Religion, Entertainment, Business
or what have you. Once you accept it uncritically as true & genuine
it follows unequivocally from that the Bi-Polarity of the God/Satan
icons "as constructed" throughout history, and fully determined to
interact with a very limited & narrow-band "5 Senses Construct".
Within this Trojanized Alter-Reality as a 3D Matrix operating via
a hijacked Cipher-Gematria Software of Neuro-Linguistics that
slants the Psionic ("Sion/Zion") Holographic Projection Energy &
Frequency Signatures (organic quantum projection -Plato-) unto
a low-vibe resonating morphic-field, the nature of Cosmic Cycles
is debased unto a MASS SACRIFICE RITUAL of very negative deadly
Earth Changes, which specific intent is to BLOCK THE ASCENSION
openings inherent in each Cosmic Change cycle. Underlying most
religions and satanic practices then, is this attempt at "capturing"
all spiritual energies, trapping them in a low-vibe resonating pool,
not allowing Ascension to actually take place in humans; they do
so by making them all a SACRIFICE RITUAL in a myriad of ways.
This is where Brain Kemila is right on the money, as he describes
3D material "reality" here as a giant etheric trap or cage, where it
all falls back always to the same fractal Ritual Sacrifice as center-
piece to it all. Within this "State-Of-Mind" or consciousness then,
you are basically incarnating under a contract to surrender your
Psionic Energy extracted through the Chakras (Vampirism of
the Etheric kind), for the luciferian entities that have lost higher
energies and have depleted their morphic fields (lost love, lost
passion, lost heart, lost empathy); these therefore NEED YOU TO
ENGAGE IN LOVE, yet only up to the frequency gate that permits
vampirization, in other words a "basic lower-vibe love" either too
attached to the Ego (I/Me/Mine love), or fully tied in to Ritual
Sacrifice (the sacrifice of love itself as an energy).
This is why for ex in Christianity "love" is templated upon the
allegories of "The Last Supper" happening during "Passover",
and the "Death at the Cross"; "Jesus" then trains the mind &
will to accept vampirism (eat his body & blood), and accept it all
like it was "God's Will", and his true & original Plan for us. But,
was it...? This is why you have a "Supper"; it has not been called
by its more logical name -DINNER-, because this other word has
other puns, it encodes both "DEI"(Demiurg) as well as "Reindeer"
{ by anagram "Dinner=Reinnd" }, which is the symbol of Nibiru,
the red-nosed reindeer that wanders in the night-sky announcing
the birth of the New Son/Sun, mastered by St Nicholas (Ni-biru)
or Satan/Santa Klaus. It encodes other things s well:
[ DINNER = 64 = PETER = ZERO ] (Ground Zero)
A very unnoticed yet quite obvious reference is as follows:
As the song goes "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer..." is a pun of
ADOLPH -who other?... Hitler, that is-. Thus Adolph was already
in the 30's & 40's announcing-encoding the big secret subliminally,
Red & Black highly mediatized mass ceremonies and all (and Red is
Nibiru, as Black is the night sky). Hitler's birthday was April 20th,
while the Oil Spill in the Gulf started on April 15th 2010; his full
name yields the emblematic number of floors of the WorlD TradE
CenteR -last initials R.E.D. in reverse-: [ Adolph Hitler = 110 ].
If you write his name containing both the "PH" and the "F" of the
german way of writing his name (Adolf) you can clearly see how
the message of a "Pole Shift" is encoded:
The word "DINNER" also carries a much more obvious & important
pun embedded, since if we almost identically pronounce it "DINNIR"
then "INRI" -the sign on the Cross in the Gospels- is quite evident
in it; but "INRI" is "NIBIRU", the real reason the Gospels tell us
that supposedly that sign was placed on top of the Cross, obviously
a defining clue as to the meaning of the Cross as "Crossing of Nibiru".
Who supposedly placed that sign there...? None other than "Pontius
Pilate" -pun: "Bridge Pole" or Pole Bridge in reverse-; this is also
why the Pope is called the PONTIFF (Bridge), it's all one same topic
over & over again, presented "scattered & dispersed" in a myriad
separate ways ad-infinitum; the Popes then give their most famous
and powerful Blessing to all, called "URBI ET ORBI"...! Translated:
pun of the "ORBIT of NIBIRU"...!
pun of the "ORBIT of NIBIRU"...!
"Supper" on the other hand obviously encodes "UPPER" (Room);
do observe how this word includes "REP" (reptilian), suggesting
what is above us, is reptilian (superiority pun). This is why for ex
"rep" is used to denote "Representative" to a house of legislation,
but republican is merely the repetition of Republic, thus the origin
of this word you'd have to question much farther back (and also if
you wanted to, you'd find letters of reptilian in democrat); attempts
to vilify either the Right or the Left using Gematria are false, they
are BOTH part of the same Bi-Polarity. You can see this for ex in
the "Holy Trinity" of our political days, which fractalizes the mythic
"3 Kings" that visited "Jesus Birth":
Bush is meant to represent "Jesus" (white energy), while Obama is
meant to represent "Judas" (black energy), as Palin represents the
hidden 3rd person of the Trinity as the suppressed female goddess
"outside" energy of "Mary Magdalene" as a "Black Madonna" icon
for this reason, hidden & secret energy of negative signature; Alaska
as detached from the continental USA symbolizes the outside-realm,
the "Virgin" territory where supposedly "The Last Supper" during
the "Passover" takes place. I am of the view that this means that
THE NORTH POLE (in synchronicity with the passage of Nicholas/
[ "MARY MAGDALENE" = 119 ]
{ Mary = 57 } and { Magdalene = 62 = Mason = Queen }
"P-alin" is pun of "Magd-alin"
At another level to properly tie-in the icon of the 3 Pyramids of Giza
(slanted to signify ritual sacrifice of Fire or Pyre), of course and in-
your-face Obama represents Pharaoh Akhenaten, while Palin then
represents Nefertiti, all carefully laidout to ritualize the "Red Sea
Crossing" at the Passover/Passage of Nibiru as "Bearer" (Bear/ see
Pope Benedict's coat of arms) of the pivotal POLE SHIFT -to be an
actual physical earth crust displacement, not merely a magnetic shift,
although it might be preceded by it-. As such, Egypt brings into the
consciousness the "Death & Resurrection" theme on a global scale,
because this has nothing to do with America or the USA per se, the
political game is role-played without even knowledge of the players
about the hidden meaning of it all; the players are chosen for their
names mostly, and the USA is simply the highest point of universal
visibility, and but the latest top nation in a very ancient cyclic saga.
As in the Bible allegory "Moses" turned the waters of the Nile into
Blood before actually effecting the "Red Sea Crossing", so does the
OIL SPILL then turn the ocean "into blood", preceding the actual
cosmic Nibiru Passover/Passage or Crossing.
Thus "Upper Room" for the "Passover Meal" is a pun of Reptilian
from Mu ("Per/Rep" & "Room/Rum" as "Mur/Lemur/Lemuria),
coming back that is...!? The real reason why the USA becomes "THE
STAGE" for this Hyper-Dimensional drama cosmic play, and why its
political figures role-play the main characters of that latest Earth's
history (Egypt) in this respect, is that besides it being vastly a most
mediatized & broadcasted place on the planet & thus it "summarizes
Earth so to speak", it also happens to lay on the southern edge of the
"Upper Room" territory near the North Pole where the cosmic cycle
action takes place as a Pole Shift. Alaska as a detached yet part of the
USA nation, is the ultimate clue then.
Brian Kemila has shown how the Dome of the Rock in the Islamic
Shrine of Al-Aksa contains the stone map of the 11 Western states
of the USA (the actual sacred rock in the muslim shrine, apparently
an extant Lemurian or Atlantean unfinished stone map), this being
the subliminal behind 911 & both 1+1 towers; altogether with the
waters turning into red as in the Oil Spill, also each "North & South
Tower" symbolizes the "Fall of the Economy"/"Fall of the Internet"
(as global connectedness and awareness). The apparent enmity
between the 3 main monotheist religions of Islam/Christianity/
Judaism, is a mass show for the lower public, as each one is merely
just a scattered piece of an unsolved maze, secretly hoarding clues
about the cyclical cosmic upheavals, "theologized" in the form of
fundamentalist dogmatic hocus-pocus make-believe. They are one
face of the extant Lemurian Priesthood, which took over Atlantis,
and has also taken over the present civilization -ultimately the
manifestation of trojan DNA from a group or recessive reptilians-.
[ ALASKA = AL-AKSA ] Dome of the Rock in Islam
Thus the emblematic "WE the People" as reduced in "WE", is used
to subliminally mean "E-conomy & W-eb" ~ "EW/WE"; you'd have
to go back to LEMURIA and its black-magic science Priests to find
an origin to all this on Earth; but the real origin is ORION (orion gen,
origin, orion genisis) in a subgroup rogue warrior cabal from Draco
after the Orion Wars. This is the icon of the fractal Red/Blue/White
"BETEL-geuse" ~~~ "BETHEL" (Bethlehem)/ House of
"RIGEL" ~~~ "Regal" (Royal)/ House of
This is what the "Blueblood" means, the combination of Betelgeuse
(red blood) with regal/royal blood of Rigel (blue blood); white then
is the symbol of all mixtures; the Nile River is a fractal of the arm
of Orion, its waters a fractal of the blood vessels -this why "Moses"
turned its waters to blood, to make the fractal explicit-. In itself the
name "Moses" was used to hide Akhenaten, because it means the
MOSAIC (as in Mosaic Law), the mixture template of 12 DNA's, the
"12 Tribes". This why on another more general level, the Nile River
was viewed as the Milky Way (i.e. our galaxy seen on-edge from the
night sky on Earth), since ultimately the entire galaxy is subject to
similar interdictions (by crossbreeding) in varying forms.

In Pope Benedict 16's coat of arms we so evidently see the figure
of a black man representing Obama -(Ratzinger crowned Pope in
2004 !)-, the SHELL below is a pun of OIL, as Shell Oil and a shell
also found in the ocean...!, and it is surrounded by a RED OCEAN.
The Bear is traditionally Russia & Alaska is almost geographically
part of Russia; there you find the "BERING SEA ("Bear-ring See,
"Ring of the Holy See" or the Pope of the Vatican). Officially the
explanation for the Bear, is a story about a bear that attacked a
saint, but this saint made it carry his luggage load all the way to
Rome, a subliminal for "Bring it all back home Obama", to Rome
or to the origin... that is. The 3 Tiers of the Mitre hat are for the
3 figures of Bush/Obama/Palin in my opinion, appearing also at
the bottom in the form of 3 crosses/stars (the 3 Pyramids), only
the last 2 reappear above in the red stella surrounding the shield
(just Obama and Palin related to the Oil Spill). Let's go back to
the water-pitcher symbol, as in the shape of Hudson Bay above
Manitoba in Canada:
[ "MA" - nit -"OBA" ~~~ "OBAMA" + NI + T ]
But you see here a very similar shape of a water-pitcher on Lake
Rajshastal -the "TWIN" of Lake Manasarovar (on the right)-; it's
Lake Manasarovar the famous & holy one though, at the feet of
most holy Mt Kailash in oriental tradition, most venerated place
Earth for 4 religions...!. It sits close to Nepal's upper N.W. border.
We can see how obvious is the linguistic resonance between NEPAL
and PALIN ("NIPAL"), this whole code representing the PINEAL
Gland, the organic portal from which the Crown Chakra operates
(thus another "Upper Room" -in the Brain- pun); in secret Church
symbology, "Paul" is the Pineal & "Peter" is the Pituitary, as the "2
Pillars" (these the Twin Towers that fall down to render mankind
at the mercy of the vampiric inter-dimensional intruders).
{ MAN-asarovar ~~~ MAN - itoba}
"MAN with a water-pitcher"
There is an island at the superior "eye" of the water-pitcher shape
in Hudson bay, named Prince Charles Island; in previous posts I
have shown that the name "Patmos Island" (supposed location of
the writing of the Book of Rev) means by its initials "PI", whereas
it is pun of "PILLARS", implying the Pillars of Hercules that were
located at the Strait of Gibraltar underneath Spain, on the way to
the Americas (and an Atlantis gateway; "atlantis" & "island" share
the letters "islan", that we also find within "S. Palin"="islan+p"):
[ "SPAIN" ~~~ "S. PALIN" ]
In the 2010 Soccer WorldCup just concluded, Spain was crowned
the champion (rigged to this purpose in the opinion of so many), a
team clearly nothing more than a copy of the Barcelona team in
the spanish league, called "BARCA" in short:
[ "BARCA" ~~~ "BARAC" ]
When we look closer at the theme of the "3 Kings" and tie it to the
"Pillars" and "Patmos Island" esoteric iconography, in relation to
the Birth/Death/Resurrection overarching theme, we discover:
[ G. Bush + B. Obama + Palin = 143 = Patmos Island ]
Pay attention to their 2st & last initials (incl Bush's middle name):
[ GWB/ERH + BO/KA + SP/HN = 149 = Judas Iscariot ]
We then get the very distinct impression that these 3 figures have
been placed to enact a "bringing down the temple" ritual, in other
words to dismantle & deconstruct America, a ritual previously so
clearly symbolized in the coming down of the Twin Towers:
[ NORTH PILLAR = 143 = Patmos Island ]
Manhattan is the financial center of the world, it is an... Island.
---The Fall of the Economy---
---The Fall of the Internet---
"Patmos Island" as a supposed location for the writing of the Book of
Rev is actually a full Code for the Gematria aspect of the information
age, this code has the Internet as its centerpiece (rearranging the
letters we see how it contains the defining acronyms of the computer
& internet age and its relation to business):
DOS: Driver Operating System
LAN: Linear Aggregated Network
ISP: Internet Service Provider
ATM: Automated Transfer Machine
In a worldwide scale Manhattan NY is pretty close to Hudson Bay,
thus marking the "new world fractal" position of Manasarovar. All
we have to do is "follow the MAN with a water-pitcher"... see...?:
MAN-asarovar ~~~ MAN-hattan ~~~ MAN-itoba
The "3 Kings" symbology is as follows; they represent the 3 New
Religions of Monotheism that were being established " in full and
in their present form" around those times (when they were being
manuctured via Edit & Syncretism of previous & extant cults by
the secret teams the Roman Caesars had established to this end;
one of the various teams the one we associate with the Dead-Sea
Scrolls, as we were never supposed to have found those); in the
american fractal of it, Bush represents Christianims, while Obama
represents Islamism, and Palin represents Judaism (the "outsider"
yet part of the deal, as Alaska "out but in", feminine as the Shekinah,
where the male Akhenaten Obama with his ' Yes We Can" becomes
the Nefertiti female part with her "Yes She Can" -SHEKINAH-. As
shown in previous posts, Obama's famous campaign slogan yields:
[ "Change We Can" = 84 = Obama Palin ]
[ "Believe In" = 83 = Barack Sarah ]
Where: { PATMOS = 84 = "A Barack Sarah" = "Obama Palin" }.
Now Obama's middle name is Hussein, and this is how "The Last
Supper" cipher rounds up the encrypted symbology:
[ "LAST" = 52 = PALIN ]
[ "SUPPER" = 95 = HUSSEIN ]
{ "The Last" = 85 = "A Obama Palin" }

The 3 Pyramids of Giza in Egypt were placed at the center of the
Landmass on Earth, meaning they transverse both in Parallel as
well as in Meridian the largest portions of landmass...! In the map
figure we see how the parallel of the Pyramids passes by the lower
section of Texas at Houston (exact Great Pyramid Parallel indeed
actually passes right over the horizontal tarmac of the "George
Bush Intercontinental Airport" in north Houston -thus marking
this precise name-...!), and somewhat above HAWAII.
To follow the 3 Pyramids Meridian across the North Pole you need
a globe, but I can tell you it passes right over ALASKA, not very far
from WASILLA-Alaska were Sarah Palin was Mayor before being
Governor at Anchorage (barely south of Wasilla).
NORTHEAST OF HAWAII. Does this mean that the "trip/travel"
of the "3 Kings of the East" (i.e. the 3 Pyramids) is a symbol of the
"trip/travel" of the North Pole Shift over Alaska unto its final place
of "New Birth" resting NE of Hawaii ? Sych that the "3 Kings for the
East" direct us to follow the 3 Pyramids westward unto the place of
the CROSS (intersection of Parallel & Meridian).
Were the 3 Pyramids of Egypt thus constructed with an exact fore-
knowledge of this North Pole Shift last resting place...? Perhaps this
has to do with the fact that magnetic lines would follow the largest
landmass vectors to create the most powerful Vortex Point as New
Pole location. On the other hand one could argue the oppposite, that
maybe the 3 Pyramids were placed there as Visible Surface Markers,
but interacting with an either invisible or underground vast system
of magnetic vectors, in this way for all practical purposes actually
directing the new movement of the Norht Pole at the moment of
the Shift (I am talking about the Magnetic Shift as precursor to the
Physical earth-crust displacement, provoked by the iron core at the
center of the Earth, resulting from an unprecedented Sun burst that
would totally disrupt the Earth's magnetic field & central dynamo);
this would make the Pyramids not just Markers but also interactive
Devices of a greatly more advanced technology we ignore (and that
perhaps very few in the elite know a little about).
The pervading symbolism of the famous triad of Bush/Obama/Palin
seems to announce such in hidden esoteric way; "Moses" saw "God"
as a BURNING BUSH in his Exodus, and the name "Palin" indeed
does convey the pun of "POLE"; in many previous posts I have in
many ways insisted that "St Paul" means precisely this -POLE-, &
that his "Conversion" on the "Road to Damascus" on a trip north of
Jerusalem, is nothing more than Geographical pun. What it all really
means secretly is the POLE SHIFT which is about to take place, &
setting the coordinates for its new position. In the Gospels "Paul" is
said to have seen a very blinding light -SUN BURST-, which is the
exact event that can trigger a physical Earth-Crust displacement
(physical Pole Shift) since the Sun Burst would 1st effect a Magnetic
Pole Shift, destabilizing the Earth's molten iron core that serves as
the dynamo or main magnet for the entire planet.
It is no secret that Obama went to school in Hawaii, and S. Palin
also studied in college there for some time; the university where
she attended bears a Lighted Torch as logo, same logo as the school
W. Bush attended in Houston...! There is clearly then a symbology
at play here, whereby all things religious, political, or otherwise,
actually run a much different course than the public facades. If we
look at the deadly obvious correspondence between the political
figure of Obama and Pharaoh Akhenaten, in relation to the cryptic
figure of "Judas Iscariot", this is what we find out (last concordance
using Bush & Obama's full 1st & last initials including middle-name):
[ 134 = Akhenaten Judas" ]
[ 134 = "Bush Obama Palin" ]
[ 134 = (GWB/ERH)+(BHO/KNA) ]
We see in the "3 Kings" as "Bush/Obama/Palin", who serve as the
ritual perfunctory Announcers of the Pole Shift, that we go "from
the South to the North" in the obvious sense Bush is publicly placed
as in Houston-Texas (then Austin) , Obama placed as in Chicago-
Illinois, and Palin placed as in Wasilla-Alaska (then Anchorage), in
the the correct order sequentially south to north, as well as in time
succession of power -assuming Palin would be a serious runner &
possible/probable 2012 president-.
Now take a sheet of print paper and square it against CHICAGO, &
you will find it forms a perfect Right Triangle with HOUSTON and
ANCHORAGE; this is the present day meaning of the "SQUARE &
COMPASS" as symbol of Masonry (the Compass means the North
COMPASS" as symbol of Masonry (the Compass means the North
Pole shifting position in the window of time that opens up at the so
called "2012" & up time-frame).
Is this why in the Leonardo Da Vinci painting "L'Ultima Cena" you
find Judas cryptically pointing up with his finger...? Do keep in mind
that besides this painting title, the only other reference to the word
"ULTIMA"... is.. in... "ULTIMA THULE", the mythic hyperborean
land of the North (at the Pole or close), brought to everybody's eye
and attention only 70 years ago by the Nazis...! It therefore seems
quite evident that at a higher hyperdimensional level, humanity has
been given (or to the esoteric elites for that matter) plenty of hints
of the coming event and how it ties to religion; after all not only the
Nazis but former Popes John PAUL (Pole) I, & "John PAUL (Pole)
II, were announcements of the cocundrum, as loud and visible as
can possibly be. Can anyone after reading this expose, pretend not
to understand now what the secret background to all this religious
hocus-pocus and political staged-theater are really all about...?
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