In Part 1 we let Kubrick (via Rob Ager & yours truly) make some important awakening doubts about the dubious nature of our 3D "reality" become more manifest to our awareness, by paying meticulous attention to seemingly imperceptible anomalous details. Here in part 2 we shall go the opposite way, trying hard to take a very broad bird's eye view of reality as it really is in a multi-dimensional sense, and its intrinsic relation to Infinite Consciousness. As this is no philosophical treatise but a free-flowing humble blog as an aid to reclaim a more evolved state, I will make several fundamental statements that are not proven sanctimoniously, if at all; yet you will find that they lead to an opening of sorts, as a psychic vehicle to a better understanding of existence, and a smoother and more assured transition or shift from Devolved to Re-Evolved. I am no lama on a Cloud-9 dispensing sacred gifts, but just a guy here in America; yet here a lot of very-big-words you shall read, nevertheless. Read them with kindness, and ye shall be rewarded; read them like a thief and ye shall eat your own tail.
In official Physics, the basic principle is that for every Action there is a corresponding Reaction; we will thus state here that for every Randomness to occur, a corresponding resonant Order exists, and call this the "RO" or "Root" Principle.
It is not needed for you to 'come-in' and 'put-some-order'; the Randomness itself already has an equivalent Non-Random pattern of Order, otherwise it would not exist. You throw a bunch of balls 'at-random' yet by reason of mass/energy/gravitaton/inertia etc, they appear 'randomnly' projected when in fact half of them (assuming all of them appear randomly dispersed) have a pattern of stasis, inherently so. Famous oracles as the I-Ching for ex, have followed this knowledge -that random is not random at all-. Stasis to what...?
Einstein thought along these lines, but Quantum Physics proved him really wrong. So God DOES play dice with the universe, or not...? I am no fan of Einstein, but the point is well taken, and you are one pesky tiny god (that's why I love Patty Griffin's never released song "Little God"); the particle cannot be determined as a space/time location, and is truly dependent on the observer to manifest again between the previous Quantum Pulse's position and the new Pulse position, thus the observer alters whatever random "trajectory" the particle had or had not, or something along those lines. All this is just funny talk about the fact that physical reality does not exist independent of Consciousness, and that the latter brings a wave into a particle "body" that can be observed in a particular "historic position" in space/time. Alright then, but now let's make the big leap.
We could add that Consciousness then, IS MADE OF A "PSIONIC ENERGY" THAT HAS THE POWER OF ALCHEMY BETWEEN WAVE AND PARTICLE; this Psionic Energy ("Sion / Psion") can be in another manner be understood as a Manifesting-Power made of a mixture of Thought & Will.
The question then obviously becomes: How does the Psion(ic) Energy manifest this intrinsic power...? Let's go back to the 1st statement above, that for every Randomness to occur, a corresponding Order exists; then you must come to realize that when the particle between 2 Quantum Pulses "appears" at a location that cannot be determined or predicted (thus "random"), it does so to your 3D perception since the corresponding Order is not within the 3D space/time, but at a higher 4D & up reality. "3D" or "4D" both intend to mean a transition between one DIMENSION and another, as well as one DENSITY and another -between 3D and 4D to maximally simplify the conundrum, in this case-. Read the preceding until well digested before carrying on; this stuff seems simple, but no it's not, oh no.
While you could on one hand be satisfied in the fact that we don't really see nothing at all "physically", as all visual inputs go through the cornea and are projected upside down in the retina where they are transformed into electrical impulses that travel to the inside dark cavity of the brain where they are "reconfigured" by software to be "visualized" as such within the brain -(implying that if the software is programmed to only decode 3D data then all 4D data is not "seen" at all, and/or that only 5 senses in 3D operation can pickup the input)-, on the other hand you must factor in that necessarily what occurs in one dimension / density is not easily perceived (if at all) in another conjoining dimension / density, and that what appears as "Random" in one is "Order" in the other, then a clearer definition of the vague term "Consciousness" begins to make its way:
Consciousness is the FRACTAL-RESONANT AWARENESS of the symbiotic relationship between at least 2 Dimensions/Densities, thus of the inherent relationship between Randomness and Order, as events manifest in either in respect of the other. Insanity is the obsessive worship of Randomness as sheer randomness as-is, as an absolute entity devoid-of intrinsic Order; Insanity is then a terrible "Diminishing of Consciousness" that results in Devolution, and an illusory self-entrapment in an illusory "single separate realm" of existence. The doors to the asylum are actually closed off by the inside, by the inmates; this 3D reality is as such an asylum to a large degree, and yes the inmates have taken over parts of the asylum
An officially certified teacher would feel insulted by this definition, since official education only teaches the relationships in Order, and discards everything "not in order or patterned" as merely Random, in the sense it is totally chaotic and senseless, empty. It follows naturally from this very narrow uni-dimensional view, that they must call the Multiverse a "Universe", and that they see all the empty space in their Universe as VOID or devoid of any substance/energy/pattern/density/order. And they like to call this "peace".
I call this the "fascist/communist/royalist" physicist's position; in this schizoid worldview, without 1 really big central authority, all else is hopeless irredeemable senseless chaos without Consciousness in act, in other words it is only the king/tyrant or what have you that inseminates Order and sense (enter just below them the academic teacher as rational savior of the mind, dictating what is and is not, uff...!? such arrogance). And yes this is totally true... as long as the people have been educated to think there is only 1 single Universe...!? , religion kicks in and of course will ingrain the fundamental notion that there is "only one way" to contact the divinity in this single Universe (you guessed it) through them of course. But the moment there are more universes or "realities" and that each is a subset of a larger Conjoined Double or Triple (etc) Realm, then none of it makes any sense in the least, it's all hocus-pocus blabber for intellectually and spiritually disadvantaged people. You remove the Multiverse and the Fractal Resonance, and naturally "only one" rule and ruler applies, duh... Perhaps that might explain why they taught so long the unidimensional Universe, don't you think?
Nothing exists in a "vacuum" separate from Consciousness; if something appears "empty" to you, it is because another form of Consciousness (from a conjoined reality or universe) inhabits and Manifests it (via Psionic Energy), that lays outside your dimensional fathoming.
More than this meaning that what you see as "empty space" is full of substance from another realm conjoined to your realm, taken to the ultimate extrapolation this means that EVERYTHING IS FULL AND NOTHING IS VOID, while at the very same time simultaneously EVERYTHING IS VOID AND NOTHING IS FULL in each other's conjoining universe or reality realm. But both extremes do not exist per-se, as they are only "potential fields of existence"; in simple lingo this means that at a minimum of 2 universes or realms conjoined, then on each of them "void/empty space" appears where its mirror-event is "solid substance" (or energy) on the other...! (I am oversimplifying this to the extreme, in order to make it understandable, as a beginning of knowledge on the subject of Conjoined Realms or Universes, since I am only for the moment speaking of a minimum of 2 Realms/Universes conjoined, when there are many more -but you get the idea, I hope-).
As we learned before that Matter becomes as the Psion(ic) Alchemy of Manifesting a Wave into a Particle, the "particle matter" that we perceive in 3D reality is 1-harmonic degree of Psionic Energy removed from the other "physical energies" of Electro-Magnetism and Gravitation, upwards dimensionally speaking.
Everything is already infinitely Full ( "All" -resonant with Order- ), but it FLUCTUATES into an infinitely Empty ("Nothing" -non resonant or Random- ) complement. This is valid for saying between Infinitely Dense and Infinitely Void, as Nassim Haramein's 100% Density of the Void observations apply. That specific "Moment of Consciousness" between both Infinites (totally Full & totally Empty) is an EVENT which we call "Manifestation" -an Event Formation-, caused by at least 3 types of Consciousness in act. As stated before, what es Empty/Random in one realm, is Full/Order in another ream; yet now we understand that these conjoined-mirrors fluctuate in state between one another, via a PULSE.
The Quantum Pulse is then the simple recognition of the fact that one Realm or Universe (dimension/density) FLUCTUATES unto another Realm or Universe (dimension/density), "appearing" in one while "dissolving" in the other, and viceversa. The Order of the Full -"All"- is of a fractal spiral nature, this Going-To the "Full" is also a Spiral Fractal, while the coming-from it is the same as the Going-To the "Void", thus the same Spiral Fractal applies. These 2 opposite direction "Goings-To" are a Fluctuation of State between a CHARGE and a DISCHARGE in energy terms, and one is recursive unto the other, because the "Full" & the "Void" are merely 2 aspects of the same, as All-Is-Nothing and Nothing-Is-All; to the Ether in between, they are only directions in the acts of Charge/Discharge.
This energy from the Ether or empty space in the sense that you go to its Zero-Point Void, has been widely seen as a 4D Torus extracting a recursive 3D/4D energy from nothingness; why...? Because there is no empty space just as nothingness, and it permanently fluctuates between this state in one dimension/density, and its complement as Full/All in another conjoined dimension/density; but it does this fluctuation both "Alternatively & Simultaneously", and that's where the trick is.
Because in the Ether it is the same event in Time that is occurring everywhere in Space, whereas in one Dimension/Density realm it occurs "before or after" the same occurs in the other Dimension / Density FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF EACH. Time is the flow from one Quantum Pulse unto its other concomitant one in a another realm, in such a way that a lower Dimension / Density can be thought by Consciousness as "Going to the Past", just as as higher Dimension/Density can be thought of by Consciousness as "Going to the Future". Since this eternal fluctuation is at the core of Consciousness essence and existence, it is not possible to avoid perceiving or thinking in those terms: THE SPIN OF THE FRACTAL SPIRAL IS INDEED "MOVING" FROM PAST TO FUTURE OR FUTURE TO PAST, yet at the same time in the Ether it is occurring "simultaneously" & everywhere.
We could not think of this or be aware of such, if there weren't any Numbers; because it is Numbers that are the dual capacity to exist as All/Timeless/Everywhere yet also as Nothing/In a Time & Space; what this means is that ONLY NUMBERS can be both simultaneous and sequential. Numbers then are the Ether itself which is full of all numbers from Zero to Infinity, and this is the Ether's "Grid" so to speak; we are formed by Numbers and are able to think in Numbers and be in Numbers, because they are the "Ether" that mediates between all conjoined Dimension/Density realms or Universes -in the most essential aspect of the Ether (spiral grid)-. In this sense, the Psion(ic) Energy manifest as Thought & Will, is the expression of Numbers as the Empathy of the Whole and the Nothingness; these could not be one unless there are numbers that connect both ends of the Infinite -the All & the Nothing-. We then have to be aware than numbers 1 to 9 have a "built-in" AXIS & SPIN, to Go-To/From any Dimension/Density, carrying with it any Consciousness that entertains it; then it follows that Psion(ic) Energy of Manifesting can be aroused and intensified and trained, via Numbers and their Geometry Fractals, if we know the spin-route. However not just by focusing on their Sequential aspect, but also in their Simultaneous aspect, in other words focusing in their full Harmonic/Resonant ubiquity, their etheric double-nature.
---Below are introductory links to the works of Marko Rodin and Randy Powell---:!
A certified educator will once again feel insulted, and rightly so!; they have been so far training pupils NOT to focus multi-dimensionally, but at the contrary training pupils to "only" focus on one half of the nature of Numbers -the sequential/hierarchical aspect-; in this way, an imbalance is produced whereby only 1 half of the Brain hemispheres is evolved (the so called Right Brain), while the other half goes paraplegic so to speak; this has the existential effect of "locking" the person unto this 3D realm only, in terms of Consciousness & Perception. Any senses above the 5 Senses construct, are rendered inoperative by this imbalanced training.
We are now able to specify that Consciousness is the Awareness of Spaces in the Infinitely Dense (Full), while at the same time the Awareness of Packed Energies in the Infinitely Empty (Void); as such, Consciousness is essentially an OSCILLATION OF FOCUS, "tied" by a "Moment" in the Event-Formation between the 2 opposing Infinites, that renders them as a UNION, and not simply as a disjointed or separate Bi-Polarity. What this means is that Consciousness is the act of Thought & Will that can "conjoin" what is of opposing Spiral Spin, what "exists" in apparently separate Dimension/Density realms, as a whole ORGANISM. If this was not so, there could not be a Recursive Charge between the opposing spirals in the Torus, they would be going off into their opposing Infinities (the All & the Nothing) or unto their Dimensions/Densities without ever "feeding back" to Source. This Thought & Will of "Feedback" Recursiveness, is called LOVE, and it is thus INFINITE in essence, able to manifest in a fixed-scale, yet infinite by definition (you can love a person, but not "just" a person only); it does those 2 things, because that's what Consciousness does, be of limited fractal scale while simultaneously be of infinite All & Nothing scale. The important lesson here, that the Recursion of Zero-Point Energy is an Intensification of the Psion(ic) Energy as Love, or what we could term "Fractal Feeling". In a society and realm and mindset without this type of Consciousness/Love, extracting energy from the void is a doomed feat, as the Thought & Will are not in-sync and never will be; like trying to play music if you're tone deaf and lacking in emotional intelligence.
If Consciousness is actually the manifestation of Love as Thought & Will of uniting the All & Nothing (the Infinite at both ends of it), then Love is the RECURSION IN THE FLUCTUATION; we have to pause here and remember than inter-dimensional existence is not a "material physical" 3D technological feat. All Ego linear logic mindset will end you up where you started, or more often worse; we have all heard how in reality UFO's are semi/etheric vehicles controlled by thought, interacting with the psyche of the driver, since anti-gravity interacts with consciousness to be mastered and put to some use. This is not merely a matter of convenience, but an intrinsic aspect of multi-dimensional existence, as the higher up you go in dimensions / densities the more Psychic or Etheric you become, in respect to the "fixed particle" mindset and manifestation of 3D "reality" (the knock-on-wood illusion). Going-Up dimensionally speaking, is becoming less physical in the way matter is here in 3D, and there is a Perception attached to it, an Awareness of it, a Modality to it, a Feeling to it, since you are more & more Wave instead of Particle...! In other words it's higher vibes upon higher vibes as you go up in Dimensions/ Densities, as we all have heard of, and reality is not "fixed" in forms, but rather susceptible to "Instant Manifestation" of Inner Thought & Will.
What happens then, is that your mindset becomes more & more a Psioni(ic) Energy state per se, and this Energy that we now manifest in part as "Thought & Will" here in 3D, is refined to its Wave more pure aspects, in the sense it becomes "you", in the sense "you" become the wave itself, pure light if you will. But this light is Thought & Will of Love as the Union of the Infinite All & Nothing, THROUGH YOU...! These 2 conditions "pass through you" and "are" you as experience; therefore you cannot simply exist in 1 single Dimension/Density, as there would be no "Going-To" either direction. You exist in many Dimensions / Densities, because this is Love and how Love works and manifests, and how Wisdom is acquired.
The operating love "I love You" is just a fractal of the entire picture, as one dimensions loves the other, and how the whole loves the part, the part loves the whole, the All loves the Nothing and viceversa. In other words the Torus passes through you and in you at you for you by you, in every single NODE; in 3D we think of these Nodes as "atoms", but they are in reality Toroids akin to Black/White Holes, each smaller one a fractal of a bigger one, in both directions of the Infinite -the All & the Nothing-. This is how everything is linked to everything, and how existence in one Dimension/Density is concomitant to existence in a another.
And this is why you have a Heart as a perfect Toroid embedding of infinitely recursive fractal sharing waves:
[ EARTH = HEART ] (rearrange the letters)
The Multiverse is recording your experience as each Torus or Black/White Hole passes "through you", and this is the Great Feedback of Love as Infinite Consciousness; the Ying/Yang of the different realms as they are the "mirror"of one another. It's by Infinite Love worked as a UNION, whereas if turned into a Consciousness of Bi-Polarity it is a disease called Psychopathy. This causes disruption or extreme-shear in the Recursive Convection of the Etheric Energy flow, as Consciousness focuses more and more on the separation aspect, unable to get back to Source (the All-Is-One), i.e. manifesting the broken Torus. Science is Spirituality and Spirituality is Science; this deficit of recursive energy in turn manifests as the need to acquire or re-balance the fading energy in other pathological ways, for ex via feeding from other beings or animals or organisms, as "feeding" is nothing else than Vampirism, the sucking off of the energy from others now viewed as "prey" or as "victims", in this psychopathic 'energy-survival' mode.
Therefore the devolving psychopath is multi-dimensionally diseased, locked into his own Ego as a disjointed Torus, unable to enter his original Higher Dimension; the result is an "Inter-Dimensional" or interstice existence in the Multiverse, unless they fully get locked in one Dimension/Density only; however these Dimensional Cul-De-Sacs or Interstices are by definition very empty of energy, as you need to be both in at least 2 realms to be able to generate a Vortex or Torus soul. The way these beings "managed" this problem, is by CREATING SEUDO-REALITIES WITHIN REALITIES, that contain a limited source of Recursive Energy, and long as they could hunt and trap into those realities a few "Original Souls" (or what some have called a "Theomorph" person), someone with the capacity to still be connected to different dimensions and thus serve as a permanent etheric energy source for them to siphon off.
These are the beings that created Death, to continually "harvest" the soul matrixes of those in their possession within these seudo realities they created; Death is produced by delinking Consciousness from the eternal recurring "Template of Love" flux, and becoming anchored in a non-sustaining Ego self. The Torus is ruptured, and you can never achieve a return to Source, lost in endless incarnations in between realities all managed by the same beings for the same purpose. These false-realities might occur as mini-semi-personal sets within larger realities, as mini-collectives, but also can be extrapolated as having cosmically HIJACKED the entire matrix of original realities, such that at present our 3D "reality" might probably be one of those. So that we have a series of cosmically disjointed fractals, each somehow feeding energy from a previous one.
Whatever physical Torsion/Quantum event causes "Death", must have its concomitant presence-of-consciousness adhoc to the event to manifest as such. If we go back to the beginning of this article, this leads to the awareness of the DISRUPTION OF THE UNION BETWEEN RANDOMNESS & ORDER; said in another way, this implies that a Vampire as Demiurg is a generator of False-Realitys scenarios in and by which he entraps victims where Randomness is the rule to a large extent in the Consciousness of the victims, while the inter-dimensional Vampire sees the Order perfectly, having that "vantage point of view". This disjointing or separation between Randomness & Order (Random & Not-Random) is "emphasized" in these False-Realities, it becomes the center of the action so to speak, the whole leit-motif of existential outlook even. We see this for ex in the masonic motto "Ordo Ab Chao" (Order Out of Chaos), a mass technique of manipulating the victim (humanity) to not be aware of the Order, which the victim only perceives as Randomness, or emptiness. I will call this state a "Dissociaton of Randomness & Order in the Mind", as an altered devolved state of Consciousness that paves the way to the ever repeating grip of Death, due to the the inability to ever escape the Time-Loops fabricated in this manner. We must understand that whatever new inputs in the quest for immortality occur, they do so only and only if a concomitant CHANGE in the prevailing mindset regarding "randomness" takes effect.
I once asked a guy who had fought the entire World War II about his impressions; he replied that war is hell, because death in war appears as a continual random event. Notice he wasn't emphasizing pain and all the other usual 5-senses type of dramatizations, but had actually gone in pretty deep into Consciousness itself, and discovered the main clue: senseless RANDOM Death. If you care to look around for examples of this theme, you'll discover the same, that Death & Randomness or Non-Randomness are crucially tied to one another; it's as if literally the Time/Dream machine gets slowed down to the subatomic level, and the Quantum wave/particle situation of "indetermination" plays out at extreme slow-motion, and then fractally it's ballooned into the corresponding fractal of the entire person's situation.
A magician was since old times viewed as one who could traverse between realms, and extract the governing laws of another realm -to be applied in our realm-, thus changing the 3D "form" of things. But interestingly enough the magician has always been a master of LANGUAGE, a magical secret "alchemical" language of sorts; this is because Language is a Numeric aspect of Waves but endowed with the potency of METAPHOR ("Numbers Are Metaphor"), interacting with Consciousness in the generation of forms and events. Those who consider Language as merely instrumental and pragmatic, a utilitarian random set of whatever symbols, have extremely poor insight into MULTI-DIMENSIONAL INFORMATICS, the way a Matrix is configured and the relationship of language to the Torus, via the Magic Squares templates.
Letters and Numbers have always been connected, and Language as "magical software" is a very but very ancient theme. This means that Language is also a reflection of Infinite Love, and just as well can and has been utilized to induce hypnotism and ultimately Death into Consciousness; the way this was done is by promoting the view that language is sheer Randomness, when it's NOT...!? There isn't a field of knowledge where the interplay between Randomness & Order is more explicit and provable, than Linguistics; Gematria goes a long way in establishing the new regenerative mindset for the coming re-evolution, by rewiring the neural paths of the Brain.
To me, what is particularly revealing in my experience, is the relationship between Altered Higher States of Consciousness (i.e. normal evolved Consciousness as opposed to the current very sick & utterly devolved state) and the practice of rhythm control. I got this from both music and the utilization of extensive Digital Delay (as the use of fractal subsets in music), since delays INDUCES FRACTALITY in the mind & will, with respect to emotion. And in my experience with semi-terminal ulcers disease, when I learned how to almost stop breathing to almost stop heartbeat and such; it was long after that I realized that the reason Yogas must master breathing and heartbeat control, is to make them masters of their fate...! Because these are the FRACTALS OF THE QUANTUM PULSE AS WELL AS THE COSMIC PULSE. The unavoidable implication is that hindus long ago knew that this 3D "reality" has been hijacked many times, and the current Quantum Pulse is an interference pattern (many times over) of the original, in the sense that many subset smaller quantum pulses can be obtained to "open up" a reality to the creation of copy matrixes of reality (parallel timelines). The Yoga had to then become a master of ORGANIC PULSE to gradually extricate himself from the current quantum pulse that is "tuned to" the death spiral, the non-recursive shear, that beats to the random locked in itself without recursion to fractal order.
An exploration into alternate modes of thinking and awareness, strictly from a psychic/intellectual perspective, all topics simple and complex applicable, under the motto: " 'Normal' Consciousness is a Disease " caused by devolution
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
The picture in the Big Picture -Part 1: the Stanley Kubrick leap-
In this link on basic Sacred Geometry by Bruce Rawles, we see him drawing for us the most common patterns Nature tends to abide by when producing a "physical form" (shape) in our 3D reality. Of course unless you have been living in a cave for a really long time -intellectually speaking-, obviously the TORUS is the holy grail of energy/light/gravitation/matter formation, so to speak, as it evidently is the way in which 3D formation embeds from/to 4D origin in a Spin mode (thus a rotating Spiral). The following quote from this page link seems to be of extreme interest:
"The surface of the torus can be covered with 7 distinct areas, all of which touch each other; an example of the classic 'map problem' where one tries to find a map where the least number of unique colors are needed. In this 3-dimensional case, 7 colors are needed".
Before that Rawles shows the Pyramid of Giza's Phi ratio, the Golden Triangles embedded in the Phi Spiral, and how the outer one is one arm of the 5-Star fractal formation; researcher Dan Winter for many years has been extensively showing us how the Phi-Golden Mean ratio is the key to "perfect wave embedding" which is the geometrical equivalent of best Charge in magnetic/electric terms.
In the final stargate scene of Stanley Kubrick's "2001 A Space Odyssey" (1968) masterpiece, at min. 5:41 in the video above, there appears the famous -5 that are completed into- 7 pyramids/diamonds, that quite a few Kubrick 'decoders' have puzzled about; typically the most consistent explanation has been to assume they represent the 7 CHAKRAS as vortixes of light into/from the ETHER, yet while that is quite accurate in my opinion, the above quote from Rawles link adds considerable more detail to the generic theme of chakra reconfiguration implicit in the film scene (as astronaut Dave Bowman is transitioning from 3D materiality into 4D more evolved ascension). That these 7 pyramid/diamonds are a stunning hidden reference to a TORUS geometry in relation to the CHAKRAS is not something to just frivolously dismiss as unproven, because in accordance to Kubrick's notorious penchant for 'offering clues' in key words or symbols we indeed find that he did film some of his movies in London's famous PINEWOOD Studios, the clue here being the word "Pine" as a direct reference to the Pineal Gland which is considered the gateway of the Crown Chakra and Third Eye, nonetheless.
Most people are completely unaware that in esoteric circles the Pine Cone is for this reason a notorious symbol, located in high places like chairs of the Grand Master in masonic lodges, etc; therefore they do not make the connection to the Christmas Pine Tree (and LIGHTED PINE CONE ornaments) as a secret symbol of the lighted Pineal Gland -reason for the lighting of which, expressing the "new birth" of the Third Eye in ascended individuals-. That the Pine Cone geometry is of well known Phi configuration should go without saying here, but also evidently the Pineal Gland was named after it because its shape resembles a Pine Cone, and the Pineal Gland is a CRYSTALLIZING organ; in esoteric wisdom it is considered a "tuning fork" of crystal resonance to the higher-dimensions via the Ether, that is presently DEVOLVED and "switched-off", thus incapable of SHINING in supernal light inside the brain as it was supposed to. Any correspondence between this shining and the title of Kubrick's other famous film "The Shining" is strictly coincidence, right...? In this sense, the Pineal Gland in its ascended state tunes consciousness and Dna to the fractal higher embeddable waves of the infinite dimensional existence, "connecting" one to the "All-Is-One" TORUS field.
This is the best introductory page in Rob Ager's phenomenal website pertaining the hidden message in "2001 A Space Odyssey", and reading/viewing it should suffice to give you a hands-on (head-on should I say) direct immersion in the thick of the topic. Simply put, if after reading the above Ager's page you still think there is nothing of incredible consciousness value cleverly hidden in this Kubrick master film, then you are a lost case of a moron. Follow his full website with articles and videos included:
No need to panic, here you have the link to Part 1 to 13 of the entire Kubrick film, in case you need to see it again (just click each respective next Part at the right hand column):
Kubrick utilized a 70 mm Cinerama 3-projector system, which later got transferred to a single projector Panavision system; notice how the "space shuttle" in the film carries the Panamerican logo/title. The obsession under which Kubrick placed so many fractal (repeated) visualizations to the movie screen and this 3-projector technology, imply that he was intent on transmitting HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION in carefully disguised manner. Kubrick was a photographer before entering the film industry, so he was keenly aware of optics and the visual science related; this is why his films are so exquisitely visually perfect, and also why he was apparently selected to become a part of the secret-technology establishment in the field of film illusions. Jay Wiedner contends that he was hired to actually fake the lunar landing, but that is not a relevant subject in this series, thus I'll merely provide Weidner's verbal speculation below. What matters is that it is well known in some circles that Kubrick worked for the secret technology establishment to some point, to whatever extent that may or may not have been is another story:
This involved a level of consciousness about the nature of our 3D "reality" as to some degree "fake or manufactured" -utilizing visual technology-, that was evidently decades beyond his time. It wasn't really up until 1999 (...31 years later...!) that this level of awareness caught on and we could begin to fully understand what Kubrick was trying to communicate to us utilizing a complex multi-level encoding:
Actually, even some of the best fans of Kubrick who are aware of such, are still not yet capable of grasping the FULL EXTENT & DEPTH OF HIS MESSAGE, they only 'get' a part of it. See, one really has to sort of go 'all-the-way' into the Fake-Reality approach, go fully into Total-Skepticism of this 3D Reality, and explore those extreme positions, to be able to understand what Kubrick was communicating. If we focus on his 3-projector metaphor of 3D Reality as a visual fake (symbolized by the 2D Cinerama system), one instantly finds a strikingly eerie parallel to for ex Bryan Kemila's assertions:
In this old Kemila video, on min. 11:25 he arrives at an elemental "3-projection" pyramid model of the atom as originator of physical light -that is doubled, to fully become a hexagonal geometry-, that resonates with Kubrick's suggestion, unavoidably so. Kubrick was a film maker (and many say a 33rd degree mason), not a scientist, much less a cutting-edge physicist, so how could he have gotten such insights into something as daunting of a topic as this...? I provided the above Jay Weidner interview video in order to highlight his relationship with Arthur C. Clarke, who was up to his neck in secret technology, and that is how he was able to write science-fiction. This is why Kubrick collaborated with Clarke to create "2001 A Space Odyssey"; most assume the book came first and then later Kubrick made the film, but actually while there was a basic smaller story as root of the project (called "The Sentinel"), the film was before Clarke's book, as Kubrick commissioned him to write the book each time providing Clarke with rushes of the film, and that's how the project evolved in semi-parallel, but Kubrick was the leader and originator really, at all times throughout:
As there abound more than a few insufferable idiots who claim Kubrick was nothing more than a pompous egocentric at worst or "just" a gifted filmmaker at best -implying his films were nothing more than sheer intuitive art with no real meaning or message behind (or that he simply enjoyed confusing us)-, please do watch the 2 following short interviews with Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise who worked very closely with him in his last film "Eyes Wide Shut", pay attention to the respect and tears his memory provokes in them, and use your imagination (oh, you can do it...) to extrapolate how much more than meets the eye is in all this:
And to add more insight, here the Spielberg short interview followed by the ending of the Kubrick film he alluded to ("Paths of Glory" with Kirk Douglas), the german actress singing the part became Kubrick's wife for life until his death:
If you are seriously out of touch, let me remind you now that Kubrick's long term project -the film "A.I. Artificial Intelligence"-, he could not work on, and finally gave it to Spielberg to do, this film is also a science-fiction tour de force. Here, parts 1 to 15:
Kubrick's last film "Eyes Wide Shut" also touched on a few themes similar to "2001 A Space Odyssey", only this time on a more (although hidden) auto-biographical angle; the New York doctor Tom Cruise plays is actually Kubrick himself and what he had to go through it seems; what matters here, is how similar encoding tactics of "anomalies" involving spatial and scene settings are employed, whereby Cruise for ex takes a taxi to end up after a while across the street from where he was (if you pay close attention), or for ex how London is made to appear as New York, or the actual true castle of one notorious illuminati figure in Europe is made to appear as if located in a New York suburb, or how the excessive blue-lighting coming in from the windows is deliberately over-used to imply an "artificial make-believe reality" theme as well as the colors blue & red as codes for psychic programming, etc. In other words the same FRACTAL IMAGING methodology as a revealing of sorts on the illusory nature of our 3D experience is used, only in a different manner and in a different contextual atmosphere than the Space Odyssey.
Rob Ager picked up on identical observation regarding GRAVITATION as I did in this film; when the ape man throws the bone in the air slow-motion is utilized to convey the idea of an increased control over this force, and then the bone in the air becomes the space ship moving in outer space, then a pen is seen floating in the air next to a sleeping passenger, implying his is "totally" used to being in a situation of absence of gravity, and this epitomizes the last step in the ape's evolution before the next evolutionary leap is about to take place.
The classical waltz music obviously emphasizes this levitation intent as waltz is for dancing, and dancing is an attempt at controlled playful semi-levitation. The conquering of gravitation goes in paralell to the monolith's apparition then, it comes as a concomitant manifestation of these 'threshold moments' in the evolution of consciousness; since Kubrick ties these intimately with the AWARENESS OF A VISUAL FAKE REALITY (LIVING INSIDE A MOVIE), then necessarily he is indeed alluding to the subatomic structure as well, as for ex in the Kemila version, because Kubrick is putting Light (sight) & Gravitation as One; even more so than just implying the atomic substructure, he in-your-face also implies the astronomical scale, as the computer orange light is made to be like the Sun, irrefutably sending the message that HAL's computer consciousness even manifests or controls the way the sun and planets are perceived as such...! (thus subject to software programming as well).
This is where the reach of the film acquires a deeper-than-thou depth, and that is when you "have arrived" at Kubrick's real message level. In this strata of comprehension, THE FRACTAL THEME IS THE ENTIRE MESSAGE ACTUALLY, and shows how Kubrick had a keen understanding of it way before most people even fathomed it; whatever is valid for the subatomic world, is identically valid for the astronomical world, and both 3D "realities" at apparentlly different "scale", are actually passing through man's brain as one and the same process of low consciousness and tampering/manipulation.
Dave Bowman the astronaut, arrives at an 18th Century styled hotel room of sorts, made of Memories of his past, constructed by higher beings who observe him invisibly, in order to make him fell "at home"; it is a totally artificial environment, where he is completely alone, a full opposite of previous life experiences on Earth. As such it is a place between 3D and 4D, where the younger Bowman can enter simultaneously able to see his older persona, able to bilocate or dissociate in time/space. The previous white tiled ceiling of the spaceship is now reversed in the floor, composed of an 8x10 tile grid, thus the 18th century data clearly reinforced; this was the style of Louis the XVI, and the end of monarchies and fundamentalist religions, the era where the new age of reason flourished all over the world, implying a rebirth of consciousness. But at the same time old Dave Bowman is about to die and is having his "Last Supper", in clear reference to the religious christian myth. This correlates with the use of the CELTIC CROSS SYMBOL in the space station, a wheel that rotates providing some gravity to be like on Earth.
The film's theme song is "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Richard Wagner, providing the other philosophical angle to solve the puzzle; in Nietzsche's view, Man as-is is a "Transitional Phase" in the evolution from Ape to Superhuman. While still in this phase man is subordinated to an ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE FORM OF THE SUPERCOMPUTER HAL; Arthur C. Clarke revealed that the name "HAL" means "IBM" since the 3 letters are removed 1-step in the alphabet. This in turn clearly implies that Kubrick was also utilizing Language Encryption, without a doubt (Gematria, Notarikon, Temurah). In fact as I pointed out before in this blog, both "HAL and "IBM" must be put together as 2 parts of the same name, in order to yield "BALHIM", which is the real full name of the "ALHIM" name of God in the Bible -(usually rendered as "Elohim", but letter by letter it is "ALHIM", this is why the hebrew circumcision is called "Brit-Milah", with Alhim in reverse, the "B" there to provide the full "Balhim"-), besides the genetic formula "YHVH" (yehowah).
I have noted before that this "Balhim" suggests an eerie "Mih-Lab" pun, as in Laboratory...!
Which takes us even on a further direction on top of all that Rob Ager and I have exposed; the same year 1968 another groundbreaking (yet considerably more modest in production and direction) film starring Charlton Heston premiered, the movie "Planet of the Apes". The parallel between Kubrick's Space Odyssey and this movie is striking and impossible not to consider as relevant; in "Planet of the Apes" mankind had already vanished and apes populate the Earth in the future. They appropiated some words and such from human ruins, the priests concealing the real history of the past and concocting make-believe stories about their origins. In the 1970 sequel "Beneath the Planet of the Apes", it is clearly shown how some New York subway sign names were transformed into religious words by the apes; this is what I believe is behind the "ALHIM" as "BALHIM" as "MIH-LAB" name for 'god', and this is in part what Kubrick & Clarke let on to a point, in my modest opinion.
I contend that the Monolith serves to transmit many complex things; for one the name for Ape or Monkey in latin/spanish is "MONO". The metaphor of the actors leaving the screen or equally so we as spectators entering the screens (into the Monolith black-screen), has another deeper level of meaning, that is added to the extra-dimensional notion implied (2D to 3D, 3D to 4D). The Monolith appears as an "outsider" object in each context, meaning an object "out of the programming" software, therefore becoming acquainted with it provides the incentive and curiosity needed to investigate and dare go BEYOND THE PROGRAMMING of the reality-construct. This the reason why the supercomputer HAL aborts the mission and tries to kill the crew, since the Monolith provokes a Spark of Will that leads to a Leap of Consciousness, in such a way that necessarily man abandons the simulated computer generated 3D reality, attaining freedom from it. What is at the bottom of this theme, is that man (ape) goes from "programmee" to "programmer", a god being the latter; the StarChild that Dave Bowman becomes, has to go back to the Earth to liberate all the rest of humans in a similar fashion, to communicate the wisdom of consciousness he had acquired regarding "Reality & Identity". We see the exact validity of this in the philosophical angle behind the story.
This is the role of Zarathustra in Nietzsche's story; he comes back to society after having been in total isolation and ascended in consciousness, to communicate what he achieved to man. If there is any doubt as to how central was this in Kubrick's mind when creating this film, the following will dispel them; the last initials of the title (this is the method of Notarikon encryption in Kabbalah) provide the spot-on confirmation:
[ "2001 A SpacE OdysseY ] are [ AEY = YEA ]
Next a crucial passage from "Thus Spoke Sarathustra":
"Innocence is the child, and forgetfulness, a new beginning, a game, a rolling wheel, a first movement, a holy Yea.
Aye, for the game of creating, my brethren, there is needed a holy Yea unto life: ITS OWN will, willeth now the spirit; HIS OWN world willeth the world's outcast.
Three metamorphoses of the spirit have I designated to you: how the spirit became a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child".
There you have the rotating wheel in space, the star-child, the YEA title, the alchemical meaning. Few people are aware that the name "Yahoo" is supposed to be one of the possible pronunciations of the genetic formula "YHWH" (yehowah) as supposed 'name of god'; Kubrick here is irrefutably using a similar strategy of touching upon the supposed names of god. Because the very 4-letters of the word ODYSSEY do contain the spanish/latin dor God, which is "DIOS" ("DYOS"). To insist that Kubrick was not aware of any of this and it is just sheer coincidence is both an insult to an obsessively meticulous Kubrick as well as to intelligence itself, and only a moron or superficial passerby could claim such seriously. You see, the word "ALCHEMY" is the raison d'etre of the Leap of Evolution story told in the film, and this word contains "ALHYM" -if you just care to notice and are not fully with wides eyes shut, that is-.
When we see the bed in which now aged astronaut Dave Bowman dies, we fail to perceive how Kubrick is telling us to learn how to read again:
[ DAVE BOWMAN ~~~ "DEB" + N ~~~ "BED" ] (1st & last initials)
All ellipse of logic, all hyperbole of language & interpretation are symbolized in the ceiling of the surreal room, and the ellipse even frames the backrest of the bed itself, and yet we fail to see what Kubrick is telling us, to acquire a different logic, a different way of reading & interpreting what we "see". Most people see the film and simply whine: "I don't understand a thing". Try, for a change.
Finally on a tangent note, the word "ODYSSEY" is also a pun of "DISNEY", which were/are oh so notorious in the business of simulating reality (and even psychic programming); while at the same time the acronym "DOS" as emblem of the computer technology is conveyed...! The only way to be able to truly apprehend the full extent and depth of Kubrick's message, is to carefully read this article, and go through all of Rob Ager's articles and videos, and after all that is done to watch the film again in full, and thus you will now be able to digest it properly as intended by the master filmmaker, "the" best director in film history par none.
In this link on basic Sacred Geometry by Bruce Rawles, we see him drawing for us the most common patterns Nature tends to abide by when producing a "physical form" (shape) in our 3D reality. Of course unless you have been living in a cave for a really long time -intellectually speaking-, obviously the TORUS is the holy grail of energy/light/gravitation/matter formation, so to speak, as it evidently is the way in which 3D formation embeds from/to 4D origin in a Spin mode (thus a rotating Spiral). The following quote from this page link seems to be of extreme interest:
"The surface of the torus can be covered with 7 distinct areas, all of which touch each other; an example of the classic 'map problem' where one tries to find a map where the least number of unique colors are needed. In this 3-dimensional case, 7 colors are needed".
Before that Rawles shows the Pyramid of Giza's Phi ratio, the Golden Triangles embedded in the Phi Spiral, and how the outer one is one arm of the 5-Star fractal formation; researcher Dan Winter for many years has been extensively showing us how the Phi-Golden Mean ratio is the key to "perfect wave embedding" which is the geometrical equivalent of best Charge in magnetic/electric terms.
In the final stargate scene of Stanley Kubrick's "2001 A Space Odyssey" (1968) masterpiece, at min. 5:41 in the video above, there appears the famous -5 that are completed into- 7 pyramids/diamonds, that quite a few Kubrick 'decoders' have puzzled about; typically the most consistent explanation has been to assume they represent the 7 CHAKRAS as vortixes of light into/from the ETHER, yet while that is quite accurate in my opinion, the above quote from Rawles link adds considerable more detail to the generic theme of chakra reconfiguration implicit in the film scene (as astronaut Dave Bowman is transitioning from 3D materiality into 4D more evolved ascension). That these 7 pyramid/diamonds are a stunning hidden reference to a TORUS geometry in relation to the CHAKRAS is not something to just frivolously dismiss as unproven, because in accordance to Kubrick's notorious penchant for 'offering clues' in key words or symbols we indeed find that he did film some of his movies in London's famous PINEWOOD Studios, the clue here being the word "Pine" as a direct reference to the Pineal Gland which is considered the gateway of the Crown Chakra and Third Eye, nonetheless.
Most people are completely unaware that in esoteric circles the Pine Cone is for this reason a notorious symbol, located in high places like chairs of the Grand Master in masonic lodges, etc; therefore they do not make the connection to the Christmas Pine Tree (and LIGHTED PINE CONE ornaments) as a secret symbol of the lighted Pineal Gland -reason for the lighting of which, expressing the "new birth" of the Third Eye in ascended individuals-. That the Pine Cone geometry is of well known Phi configuration should go without saying here, but also evidently the Pineal Gland was named after it because its shape resembles a Pine Cone, and the Pineal Gland is a CRYSTALLIZING organ; in esoteric wisdom it is considered a "tuning fork" of crystal resonance to the higher-dimensions via the Ether, that is presently DEVOLVED and "switched-off", thus incapable of SHINING in supernal light inside the brain as it was supposed to. Any correspondence between this shining and the title of Kubrick's other famous film "The Shining" is strictly coincidence, right...? In this sense, the Pineal Gland in its ascended state tunes consciousness and Dna to the fractal higher embeddable waves of the infinite dimensional existence, "connecting" one to the "All-Is-One" TORUS field.
This is the best introductory page in Rob Ager's phenomenal website pertaining the hidden message in "2001 A Space Odyssey", and reading/viewing it should suffice to give you a hands-on (head-on should I say) direct immersion in the thick of the topic. Simply put, if after reading the above Ager's page you still think there is nothing of incredible consciousness value cleverly hidden in this Kubrick master film, then you are a lost case of a moron. Follow his full website with articles and videos included:
No need to panic, here you have the link to Part 1 to 13 of the entire Kubrick film, in case you need to see it again (just click each respective next Part at the right hand column):
Kubrick utilized a 70 mm Cinerama 3-projector system, which later got transferred to a single projector Panavision system; notice how the "space shuttle" in the film carries the Panamerican logo/title. The obsession under which Kubrick placed so many fractal (repeated) visualizations to the movie screen and this 3-projector technology, imply that he was intent on transmitting HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION in carefully disguised manner. Kubrick was a photographer before entering the film industry, so he was keenly aware of optics and the visual science related; this is why his films are so exquisitely visually perfect, and also why he was apparently selected to become a part of the secret-technology establishment in the field of film illusions. Jay Wiedner contends that he was hired to actually fake the lunar landing, but that is not a relevant subject in this series, thus I'll merely provide Weidner's verbal speculation below. What matters is that it is well known in some circles that Kubrick worked for the secret technology establishment to some point, to whatever extent that may or may not have been is another story:
This involved a level of consciousness about the nature of our 3D "reality" as to some degree "fake or manufactured" -utilizing visual technology-, that was evidently decades beyond his time. It wasn't really up until 1999 (...31 years later...!) that this level of awareness caught on and we could begin to fully understand what Kubrick was trying to communicate to us utilizing a complex multi-level encoding:
Actually, even some of the best fans of Kubrick who are aware of such, are still not yet capable of grasping the FULL EXTENT & DEPTH OF HIS MESSAGE, they only 'get' a part of it. See, one really has to sort of go 'all-the-way' into the Fake-Reality approach, go fully into Total-Skepticism of this 3D Reality, and explore those extreme positions, to be able to understand what Kubrick was communicating. If we focus on his 3-projector metaphor of 3D Reality as a visual fake (symbolized by the 2D Cinerama system), one instantly finds a strikingly eerie parallel to for ex Bryan Kemila's assertions:
In this old Kemila video, on min. 11:25 he arrives at an elemental "3-projection" pyramid model of the atom as originator of physical light -that is doubled, to fully become a hexagonal geometry-, that resonates with Kubrick's suggestion, unavoidably so. Kubrick was a film maker (and many say a 33rd degree mason), not a scientist, much less a cutting-edge physicist, so how could he have gotten such insights into something as daunting of a topic as this...? I provided the above Jay Weidner interview video in order to highlight his relationship with Arthur C. Clarke, who was up to his neck in secret technology, and that is how he was able to write science-fiction. This is why Kubrick collaborated with Clarke to create "2001 A Space Odyssey"; most assume the book came first and then later Kubrick made the film, but actually while there was a basic smaller story as root of the project (called "The Sentinel"), the film was before Clarke's book, as Kubrick commissioned him to write the book each time providing Clarke with rushes of the film, and that's how the project evolved in semi-parallel, but Kubrick was the leader and originator really, at all times throughout:
As there abound more than a few insufferable idiots who claim Kubrick was nothing more than a pompous egocentric at worst or "just" a gifted filmmaker at best -implying his films were nothing more than sheer intuitive art with no real meaning or message behind (or that he simply enjoyed confusing us)-, please do watch the 2 following short interviews with Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise who worked very closely with him in his last film "Eyes Wide Shut", pay attention to the respect and tears his memory provokes in them, and use your imagination (oh, you can do it...) to extrapolate how much more than meets the eye is in all this:
And to add more insight, here the Spielberg short interview followed by the ending of the Kubrick film he alluded to ("Paths of Glory" with Kirk Douglas), the german actress singing the part became Kubrick's wife for life until his death:
If you are seriously out of touch, let me remind you now that Kubrick's long term project -the film "A.I. Artificial Intelligence"-, he could not work on, and finally gave it to Spielberg to do, this film is also a science-fiction tour de force. Here, parts 1 to 15:
Kubrick's last film "Eyes Wide Shut" also touched on a few themes similar to "2001 A Space Odyssey", only this time on a more (although hidden) auto-biographical angle; the New York doctor Tom Cruise plays is actually Kubrick himself and what he had to go through it seems; what matters here, is how similar encoding tactics of "anomalies" involving spatial and scene settings are employed, whereby Cruise for ex takes a taxi to end up after a while across the street from where he was (if you pay close attention), or for ex how London is made to appear as New York, or the actual true castle of one notorious illuminati figure in Europe is made to appear as if located in a New York suburb, or how the excessive blue-lighting coming in from the windows is deliberately over-used to imply an "artificial make-believe reality" theme as well as the colors blue & red as codes for psychic programming, etc. In other words the same FRACTAL IMAGING methodology as a revealing of sorts on the illusory nature of our 3D experience is used, only in a different manner and in a different contextual atmosphere than the Space Odyssey.
Rob Ager picked up on identical observation regarding GRAVITATION as I did in this film; when the ape man throws the bone in the air slow-motion is utilized to convey the idea of an increased control over this force, and then the bone in the air becomes the space ship moving in outer space, then a pen is seen floating in the air next to a sleeping passenger, implying his is "totally" used to being in a situation of absence of gravity, and this epitomizes the last step in the ape's evolution before the next evolutionary leap is about to take place.
The classical waltz music obviously emphasizes this levitation intent as waltz is for dancing, and dancing is an attempt at controlled playful semi-levitation. The conquering of gravitation goes in paralell to the monolith's apparition then, it comes as a concomitant manifestation of these 'threshold moments' in the evolution of consciousness; since Kubrick ties these intimately with the AWARENESS OF A VISUAL FAKE REALITY (LIVING INSIDE A MOVIE), then necessarily he is indeed alluding to the subatomic structure as well, as for ex in the Kemila version, because Kubrick is putting Light (sight) & Gravitation as One; even more so than just implying the atomic substructure, he in-your-face also implies the astronomical scale, as the computer orange light is made to be like the Sun, irrefutably sending the message that HAL's computer consciousness even manifests or controls the way the sun and planets are perceived as such...! (thus subject to software programming as well).
This is where the reach of the film acquires a deeper-than-thou depth, and that is when you "have arrived" at Kubrick's real message level. In this strata of comprehension, THE FRACTAL THEME IS THE ENTIRE MESSAGE ACTUALLY, and shows how Kubrick had a keen understanding of it way before most people even fathomed it; whatever is valid for the subatomic world, is identically valid for the astronomical world, and both 3D "realities" at apparentlly different "scale", are actually passing through man's brain as one and the same process of low consciousness and tampering/manipulation.
Dave Bowman the astronaut, arrives at an 18th Century styled hotel room of sorts, made of Memories of his past, constructed by higher beings who observe him invisibly, in order to make him fell "at home"; it is a totally artificial environment, where he is completely alone, a full opposite of previous life experiences on Earth. As such it is a place between 3D and 4D, where the younger Bowman can enter simultaneously able to see his older persona, able to bilocate or dissociate in time/space. The previous white tiled ceiling of the spaceship is now reversed in the floor, composed of an 8x10 tile grid, thus the 18th century data clearly reinforced; this was the style of Louis the XVI, and the end of monarchies and fundamentalist religions, the era where the new age of reason flourished all over the world, implying a rebirth of consciousness. But at the same time old Dave Bowman is about to die and is having his "Last Supper", in clear reference to the religious christian myth. This correlates with the use of the CELTIC CROSS SYMBOL in the space station, a wheel that rotates providing some gravity to be like on Earth.
The film's theme song is "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Richard Wagner, providing the other philosophical angle to solve the puzzle; in Nietzsche's view, Man as-is is a "Transitional Phase" in the evolution from Ape to Superhuman. While still in this phase man is subordinated to an ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE FORM OF THE SUPERCOMPUTER HAL; Arthur C. Clarke revealed that the name "HAL" means "IBM" since the 3 letters are removed 1-step in the alphabet. This in turn clearly implies that Kubrick was also utilizing Language Encryption, without a doubt (Gematria, Notarikon, Temurah). In fact as I pointed out before in this blog, both "HAL and "IBM" must be put together as 2 parts of the same name, in order to yield "BALHIM", which is the real full name of the "ALHIM" name of God in the Bible -(usually rendered as "Elohim", but letter by letter it is "ALHIM", this is why the hebrew circumcision is called "Brit-Milah", with Alhim in reverse, the "B" there to provide the full "Balhim"-), besides the genetic formula "YHVH" (yehowah).
I have noted before that this "Balhim" suggests an eerie "Mih-Lab" pun, as in Laboratory...!
Which takes us even on a further direction on top of all that Rob Ager and I have exposed; the same year 1968 another groundbreaking (yet considerably more modest in production and direction) film starring Charlton Heston premiered, the movie "Planet of the Apes". The parallel between Kubrick's Space Odyssey and this movie is striking and impossible not to consider as relevant; in "Planet of the Apes" mankind had already vanished and apes populate the Earth in the future. They appropiated some words and such from human ruins, the priests concealing the real history of the past and concocting make-believe stories about their origins. In the 1970 sequel "Beneath the Planet of the Apes", it is clearly shown how some New York subway sign names were transformed into religious words by the apes; this is what I believe is behind the "ALHIM" as "BALHIM" as "MIH-LAB" name for 'god', and this is in part what Kubrick & Clarke let on to a point, in my modest opinion.
I contend that the Monolith serves to transmit many complex things; for one the name for Ape or Monkey in latin/spanish is "MONO". The metaphor of the actors leaving the screen or equally so we as spectators entering the screens (into the Monolith black-screen), has another deeper level of meaning, that is added to the extra-dimensional notion implied (2D to 3D, 3D to 4D). The Monolith appears as an "outsider" object in each context, meaning an object "out of the programming" software, therefore becoming acquainted with it provides the incentive and curiosity needed to investigate and dare go BEYOND THE PROGRAMMING of the reality-construct. This the reason why the supercomputer HAL aborts the mission and tries to kill the crew, since the Monolith provokes a Spark of Will that leads to a Leap of Consciousness, in such a way that necessarily man abandons the simulated computer generated 3D reality, attaining freedom from it. What is at the bottom of this theme, is that man (ape) goes from "programmee" to "programmer", a god being the latter; the StarChild that Dave Bowman becomes, has to go back to the Earth to liberate all the rest of humans in a similar fashion, to communicate the wisdom of consciousness he had acquired regarding "Reality & Identity". We see the exact validity of this in the philosophical angle behind the story.
This is the role of Zarathustra in Nietzsche's story; he comes back to society after having been in total isolation and ascended in consciousness, to communicate what he achieved to man. If there is any doubt as to how central was this in Kubrick's mind when creating this film, the following will dispel them; the last initials of the title (this is the method of Notarikon encryption in Kabbalah) provide the spot-on confirmation:
[ "2001 A SpacE OdysseY ] are [ AEY = YEA ]
Next a crucial passage from "Thus Spoke Sarathustra":
"Innocence is the child, and forgetfulness, a new beginning, a game, a rolling wheel, a first movement, a holy Yea.
Aye, for the game of creating, my brethren, there is needed a holy Yea unto life: ITS OWN will, willeth now the spirit; HIS OWN world willeth the world's outcast.
Three metamorphoses of the spirit have I designated to you: how the spirit became a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child".
There you have the rotating wheel in space, the star-child, the YEA title, the alchemical meaning. Few people are aware that the name "Yahoo" is supposed to be one of the possible pronunciations of the genetic formula "YHWH" (yehowah) as supposed 'name of god'; Kubrick here is irrefutably using a similar strategy of touching upon the supposed names of god. Because the very 4-letters of the word ODYSSEY do contain the spanish/latin dor God, which is "DIOS" ("DYOS"). To insist that Kubrick was not aware of any of this and it is just sheer coincidence is both an insult to an obsessively meticulous Kubrick as well as to intelligence itself, and only a moron or superficial passerby could claim such seriously. You see, the word "ALCHEMY" is the raison d'etre of the Leap of Evolution story told in the film, and this word contains "ALHYM" -if you just care to notice and are not fully with wides eyes shut, that is-.
When we see the bed in which now aged astronaut Dave Bowman dies, we fail to perceive how Kubrick is telling us to learn how to read again:
[ DAVE BOWMAN ~~~ "DEB" + N ~~~ "BED" ] (1st & last initials)
All ellipse of logic, all hyperbole of language & interpretation are symbolized in the ceiling of the surreal room, and the ellipse even frames the backrest of the bed itself, and yet we fail to see what Kubrick is telling us, to acquire a different logic, a different way of reading & interpreting what we "see". Most people see the film and simply whine: "I don't understand a thing". Try, for a change.
Finally on a tangent note, the word "ODYSSEY" is also a pun of "DISNEY", which were/are oh so notorious in the business of simulating reality (and even psychic programming); while at the same time the acronym "DOS" as emblem of the computer technology is conveyed...! The only way to be able to truly apprehend the full extent and depth of Kubrick's message, is to carefully read this article, and go through all of Rob Ager's articles and videos, and after all that is done to watch the film again in full, and thus you will now be able to digest it properly as intended by the master filmmaker, "the" best director in film history par none.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Numbers ARE Metaphor, when they are ALIVE -Part 1-
Strange title...? Not quite. Strange to you, perhaps; by "you" here I mean someone operating only with a Left-Brain template, unable to connect & engage with the Right Brain (my excuses to the reader who actually has both brain hemispheres engaged in a synergy of information, a very tiny minority amongst the populace).
Some has been written about Left vs. Right Brain templates, along the lines of the Left Brain being the linear in linguistic terms & logic, the territorial, the this-world-as-I-perceive-it with the 5 senses, the survivalist (fight or flee), the pragmatic, etc., while the Right Brain is the one dealing with out-of-this-world perceptions, parallel realities (parallel circuit) logic, 6 senses platform, creative neural paths, but seldom it is mentioned that this is the hemisphere in charge of... METAPHOR. No Right Brain synergy; no Metaphor, period.
As it runs out, Metaphor is intrinsically related to EMPATHY; thus if your Right Brain template is running very low and basically your Left Brain is "what you are as you think you are", then only some Metaphor & Empathy capabilities manifest in your Consciousness, these frequently over-run by the Left Brain bulldozer type of linear-sequential "cause/effect" type of logic & perception. Thing is, what we call either to LOVE or to be a HUMAN as opposed to either an android or an animal, precisely consists in this very capacity to experience instant Empathy as an emotional fractal of Metaphor. Love is when we see others as a Metaphor or ourselves and viceversa; psychopaths and borgs cannot achieve it, locked or caged in their Left Brain tyranny of sorts, they cannot "fractalize their emotions", because the 1st. fractal operation is fractalizing what's on the Left Brain unto the Right Brain and viceversa.
The mainstream or even alternative media's superficial and constant propaganda pummels unto us its version of Men as the brutes who cannot love, while Women are the sensitive and caring, the loving ones; however as in all propaganda, there is a hidden motive behind this blatant disinformation. All propaganda seeks to conceal something very important, while emphasizing something not so important, that's how it works as a clever Distraction & Diversion tool to confuse and detour the psyche to conform to prefabricated behaviors-by-design as behaviors-on-demand; in this case, the blatant propaganda disinformation seeks to obfuscate the sad truth that it is Women by and large who still are operating consistently at a Left Brain only template. The agenda of this obfuscation, is to make Women the LURE of Men, constantly seducing Men into conforming to this Left Brain template, via selling sex and a "reduced" version of "love". This Sex & Love business "as-is only" (seldom as-should-be or as-it's-best) and in these very narrow terms, is merely the bait to induce Men to avoid going into "full mode", into a real synergy & engagement of both Left & Right Bran synergy of consciousness. We can visualize this as if you were a guy in a boat crossing over to the Right shore to get the necessary goodies for a real life "in full" (in a Multi-Dimensional mode, that is), but you are distracted and perpetually detoured back to the Left shore by some Left-Shore-Only women. And the bait works.
Of course some Women are not part of this utter TROJANIZATION of human Male/Female symbiosis, but these are the very few, a real minority in respect to the vast majority of Women on the planet currently; this is why the physical-package in its crudest expressions, is the sole obsession in Women, as every Trojan needs a bait, a lure, a desire to open it, and enact the fateful ".EXE." deed that will kill your computer -(your Left & Right Brain Synergy, following the analogy)-. The crudest forms of the physical-package constitute easily 80% if not more of the current female psyche's consciousness on the planet, and this is so because WOMEN HAVE BEEN ENGINEERED AND PERIODICALLY REENGINEERED ("updated") TO THIS END.
This is a very ancient bait process, and as such we see it in many old traditions thinly disguised under slanted rationales and explanations, for ex in the book of Genesis in the "Bible" there we are told that Women shall seek a husband compulsively, as an obsession; what they were really disclosing in tangential ways, is what I am stating here in this article in a much more direct and specific manner. In Genesis this new mode of behavior manifests in Women after "The Fall", as a direct resonance to it; this conceals the secret wisdom that the "Sacred Feminine" was trojanized into the materialistic slut or whore, constantly chasing Men for a profit or an advantage, or anything along those lines, "to get something". This spiritual degradation of the Sacred Feminine appears in the Old Testament's prophets who repeatedly use the imagery of the "Whore / Slut / Harlot / Prostitute" to imply a spiritual death of sorts, a death of the soul or the spirit, and exactly as such is further epitomized in the book of Revelation/Apocalypse, where the Harlot is seen riding the Beast, and constantly related to the "Gold Cup", which in today's terms we might understand as "Business-As-Usual", or the perennial behavior of Women in regards to love, as a mere "transaction", whereby a "Shopping List" is "fulfilled" on the part of the male "Bidder", who must "offer" this or that, so the best "candidate" -who offers more- gets the lady, the princess.
Of course Women were repressed and exploited and abused -that goes without saying-, yet failing to grasp the underlying secret wisdom pertaining the DEVOLUTION OF THE ROLES & IDENTITIES OF MEN & WOMEN after the so-called "Fall", is a lethal mistake that too many incur in. And this is the basic mistake that the current agenda seeks to perpetuate, because they are ultimately obfuscating what truly happened to humans long ago. So it comes handy and looks good, to declare yourself a supporter of Women and all that, without ever mentioning the hidden dysfunction of it all. In the book of Revelation the secret theme is actually this very Man & Woman relationship that has been aborted and distorted; the book ends with the mythical "Wedding of the Lamb" (the lamb as the sacred male & the new jerusalem as the sacred female). It totally fits in this them, that the "Beast" is the pathological devolved "Male" energy and male role, while the "Harlot" is the pathological devolved "Female" energy and female role. These project and manifest unto the 3D material highly dense world, into the events and institutions that resonate more to this inner devolution -ruled & defined by exaggerated BiPolarity-.Without grasping this, you really don't know a thing about the book of Revelation; it does not matter at all to this article, whether you believe in Christianism or not, this is irrelevant to the points in question, as this exposition goes to the underlying secret esoteric streams that to some degree got filtered into the book of Revelation. Secret knowledge passing off as religion, one might say, or hidden wisdom utilizing some religious books as a carrier of "highly sensitive" information.
This secret knowledge contained some important exposes on how Women were engineered to be Trojans, and this is what is behind all the later repression and abuse of Women throughout millennia, something that is to this day oh so evident in Islam's treatment of women for ex. In other words what I am saying here, is that the loonies got hold of this secret information stemming back a really long time (related to the "Fall" events, the Devolution events), and they used it to what loonies use everything for: to abuse and dominate. We must not confuse what these loonies have done with the information, with the information itself; hereby I offer the information, not the judgements and repressions and abuses that followed, a product of also evidently very devolved Men, now debased into becoming animal like "Alpha Males", bent on PLAYING GAMES OF SUBJUGATION.
You see, when Women enter the "Love Game", they seek attributes in Men that are emblematic of the Law of the Jungle, rather than humans per se; it is particularly troubling to witness how most Women APPLY THE LOGIC AND METHODS OF THE LEAST SPIRITUAL & EVOLVED -THE GROSS 3D MATERIAL-TO WHAT IS THE MOST SPIRITUAL AND LESS MATERIAL -LOVE-...!? Women seek all that is "hard & solid" in a male, all that has materialized to the hilt, and become DENSE, highly and terribly dense that is. Thus they seek a hard penis, perfect teeth (when Women dreamily speak of a great smile, they are dressing up their quest for... teeth...! -and teeth are Predator Tools for eating the prey...!), strong hard muscles, a tall man, a guy who can sustain & provide for her and her offspring, a defender, a knight in shining armor, a prince or king, a famous one, a guy with material resources, a hard car and a hard house go a long way into winning a girl's heart, as any man knows; offer her a wine & dine experience as token of all the above, and pretty soon she will be making love not to you, but to the "surroundings", making actually love to the "ambiance" or to the abstract symbols that you represent in society -all these just soft words to disguise the hard truth of her quest for DENSE & MATERIAL 3D or "Earth Bound" existence-. And all of this is inherently best found in Predator types, thus the male predator types "always" get all or most of the women.
What most women fail to realize, is that all of this is not because "of her or for her", as she would be infinitely more happy seeking a different earthly experience (as the very few women who have realized it do...!), a more spiritual & enlightened one; they fail to realize that they have been Trojanized, and are merely enacting a bait strategy, to further enslave and devolve men into a hard & dense 3D "reality", caged by it, bound by it, obsessed by it, born and died "In It/By It/For It". In other words they are actually becoming the material compulsive Harlot, in order to ride the Beast, the devolved Men brutes; they are being used to this end, but manipulators. But not to be liberated, or enlightened, or to be happy, or to achieve anything at all really; and this is the real reason why Women throughout history have done so little of importance, not because of "just" the repression against them, but mainly because of this Trojan that dominates almost their entire Psyches, and to which they are role-bound, so compulsively & obsessively defined by, as if this any of such crass behavior in what's supposed to be the most refined human vibration -Love-, could bring forth anything of true value or any real advancement, besides the appearances.
In short, they have been too busy being that Perfect-Trojan, to truly be interested in anything else at all...!? Family has been incorporated into the Trojan, as it fits in with the sexual bait, and that's it; yet as soon as the opportunity arises, they leave the family role and will engage in becoming a professional or an achiever or what have you, the family a "thing of the past", a little glitch in the psyche to be dealt with easy-formulas, such as adopting a son or daughter, usually done while pretending to be "great humanitarians" in doing so, like we sadly see in for ex the fad of Hollywood style actresses and musicians adopting black kids from Africa. They want to turn their abandoning family roles into a virtue by exaggerating their "leader" image; now having a baby is transformed into adopting a black african baby for the "benefit" of "all mankind" and such horseh*t. Identical "leave behind" easily what's important, was seen for ex in Sarah Palin -the quintessential Trojan-, who left her position of Alaska governor as soon as there was more fame elsewhere -Alaska now just a "glitch" in her past, quick resignation, problem solved !-. It is exactly the samed behaviour we witness regarding other "previous roles" in Women, as they flippantly dump them at the 1st chance, as "minor old glitches", for the sake of emancipation or whatever flashy name they want to justify them under. We see this preposterous balloney for ex satirized by the Onion News Network in several sketches, highly sanitized humor of course (anyone attempting a more direct approach like I am attempting here would be publicly battered by criticism of being a sick misogynist or the like):,17768/,18095/,18302/,17365/
The sketches seek to remind one of how utterly pathological some women's behavior has become, all the while pretending so desperately to appear as "great" people, so modern, so postmodern, so this so that, in what ultimately can be best labeled as one big insane cliche of a person; at the same time, they evidence how ERRATIC Women have become, switching from one thing to the next, in complete BiPolar disorder full bloom; .you look at Men, and more or less (excluding the Monarchy's courts dementia) they dress and look the same today as always, the behavior pretty much the same, men still wanting out of Women the same thing, pretty consistent throughout time. Yet in a matter of just 1 century, Women went from being "Virginal Victorian" and covered to the hilt, to behaving in public as strippers and wearing almost nothing; I don't care which is right, as the real issue is in the pathological BiPolar switches from one modality to its opposite...!, 100% erratic. Just a tad ago, they were the Good-Ole-Boys' greatest supporters, now they elected Obama. Women have become like a leaf in the wind, going from one thing to the next opposite pole in full hysteria, consistency not in the dictionary whatsoever...
While we could spend a lifetime deconstructing these pathologies in the usual "psychological/sociological" ways, little of use would follow; what this series of articles exposes, is the ARCHETYPAL BRAIN HEMISPHERE TEMPLATE DYSFUNCTION as the root of it all, or how the caging of both females and males Psyche into a fatal submission to the Left-Brain-Only innuendos, renders a human unto a near-robot and/or a borderline psychopath (or a delusional mess, at best). What has really happened, is what Philip K. Dick in his novel "Do androids dream of electric sheep?" and the "Blade Runner" film freely based on it have illustrated; that the line between "human" and "android" or "replicant" or not a fully-ensouled clone, has been blurred, dramatically so. You just can't tell one from the other, and that is the ultimate goal of the nefarious agenda that has Trojanized women, to blur that line to the point no one can effectively recognize an android or a psychopath o a clone from a real original human, because the obsessive / compulsive behaviors of androids and psychopaths, have been embedded into the Devolved Humans. By doing such, the entire human species got locked into a very low range of vibes, became totally "Earth Bound" (3D bound, gross density), and ultimately became just a piece of property no different than cattle is to us, to some et's.
Take Ludwing Van Beethoven's life; in his 20's he already wrote the moving and so advanced for his time as a minimalist piece, the so-called "Moonlight Sonata" (originally named "Almost a Fantasy", after his death a german critic commented that it reminded him of the moon reflection in Lake Lucerne, and this stuck); he wrote it for the woman he loved, and she loved him back too -however he was not a noble, so she caved in under pressure from her family & friends to reject him for this reason-. So there you have it, an obscure mediocre woman that had no greatness in her life other than being loved by none other than the greatest musician in known history !, rejecting him & this, and opting for the usual obscure and mediocre life that the majority of women seem to excel at, any speck of true virtue going out the window. Of course she did not do this for herself, she just played along a well-known role, that of a hardcore materialism which in those days was "rationalized" in the shape of a society's belief that a "desiring woman" must require only a "noble man" to marry her; imagine her after she died realizing how insanely stupid she had been...!? The sad thing is that this is by no means a rare case, but that it is rather the NORM in respect to women; always was, and still is. Thus the only thing that should have changed, women left intact; that aspect not part of the erratic behavior polar switches syndrome, when it's the the only aspect that should have been switched around for real...
Much has been written about some of the Greek philosophers' penchant for young girls -and also boys-; take for ex Socrates, who officially it is claimed was a boy's lover or the sort; I'd like to know on the other hand, how many stupid women rejected him who was one of the top philosophers in human history (Socrates the teacher of Plato, Plato then taught Aristotle), whose teachings carried via his pupils ultimately led to our entire civilization's foundations... I'd like to know before anything, how many stupid women rejected him and only after that I will devote any of my time to researching his alleged penchant for young girls and/or boys. Strong dramatic actions can have dramatic consequences you know, and as to how an intensely passionate soul as Ludwig Van came to be sober of mind & will enough to let that just terrible incident wash away without becoming afflicted by it to the point of acquiring a reactionary sexual attitude like Socrates or Van Gogh, or the so many greatest of geniuses equally rejected by women almost as a rule, is nothing short of a miracle...! Nope, Ludwing Van "took it in stride" and remained very composed, going on to love other women -later finding similar experiences of course-.
Of course when you even dare to mention such horrible "options" on the part of women throughout history, they will instantly accuse you of having been rejected and venting your resentment in this way. Oh well, that only shows how so much worse is the syndrome I am exposing here, that firewalls itself behind these tactics whenever exposed for what it is instead of discussing the issue in itself; this is the reason so few men talk about these things, in fear of being cast as a "loser" merely venting his anger at being rejected by women. As it turns out, in my case I was the one to terminate each and every single sentimental relationship I had with women, so it clearly does not apply, while every other rejection before a relationship I converted into music, not rants.
Nope, I am here writing on the subject of "Numbers ARE Metaphor, when they are ALIVE", in case you forgot the title of this series.
The Trojan syndromes I am documenting in women, constitute the prevalent cases in which NUMBERS ARE NOT METAPHORS, AND DO NOT BECOME ALIVE...! Therefore when Numbers are dead, then they become your materialistic oppressors, your very enslavers, the ones that turn you into a Zombie and an android, a soulless clone -when life becomes a thinly disguised Night of the Living Dead, starting right there at the mating darwinian game itself-; instead of as in Music where Numbers are the Ascension Keys, and are the perfect Metaphor that Emotion floats in to become Spirit. In these women numbers become dead, linear, devoid of true emotion, and their essence of being Metaphor, "disappears" from sight and sound and thought, torn into junk-numbers for junk-lifefood and junk-emotion zombies, just gadgets for apes playing the cliche game of surviving existence, as if humans were still in the jungle, and had not mastered some of the requirements of survival...!?
We are NOT in the jungle, and the dangers of lacking food and such wise, are not as they were in the jungle, and the offspring are not threatened like they were in the jungle; so why women keep acting like those were still the conditions...? Because the Trojan they carry consists first and foremost, of a severe form of AMNESIA, whereby they FORGOT WHO THEY ARE. The Trojan makes women believe they "are" this thing they became, this fixture, this obsession/compulsion walking ego maniac hysterical roleplay, bent on seeing the world as a search for "Mr Perfect" -i.e the one who will be on top of the shopping list-, "love" a mere semi automatic knee jerk extant faded glitch, a sheer decoration for the chase game, a perfume for the nasty smelling bottom-line material quest. Others are a bit more honest, and don't hide this bottom-line:
Ape metamorphosis achieved. Human turned to zombie; females driving the whole shebang. Re-engineered by the illuminati, to serve as the Perfect Trojans for Perpetual Devolution. Then you have the church types; same thing, different setting ! As George Carlin used to say in his sketch: going to church to compare clothing.
No, Numbers never become alive in these strange "people", and thus Numbers never achieve their essence which is to be Metaphors, living Metaphors as the key to Life, in any dimension or level it might happen, and across the many dimensions altogether, as the vessels of MEMORY & EXPERIENCE, through the medium of Multi-Dimensional Etheric-Synchronicity
The capacity of Numbers to be Metaphors, is how Life in the Universes is able to Remember, and this is how the Learning is passed from one level or experience to the next, or from one being to another, no matter which dimension they are in; no Metaphor, no transmission, no Oneness, no Transfiguration; INFINITE INFORMATION IS STORED AS METAPHOR, THUS METAPHOR IS HOW IT IS UNLOCKED AND SHARED, and transformed from Infinite to Human, yet still retaining the Essence, the fractal Template. Numbers are Metaphors, because they are the "atoms" so to speak, of non-material life, where the ways of the higher forms of life can embed their knowledge and experience to become a Living Software a living Thought-Form, a living Emotion-Form. This is what "Spirit" is, a supreme Language of Metaphor in the Field of Love, constantly sharing and storing experience from the minuscule to the infinite.
The moment a woman goes "Material Girl" in her myriad phony disguises of the same, all this Metaphor fractal of Spirit life stops dead in its tracks; the Sacred Feminine right there and then, dies. Why...? Because she opted for the zombie or dead aspect of Numbers, in their highly dense and fixed hard-to-share wave form, the aspect of Numbers where they can be seen only as "aggregative" or "possession" like; when Numbers are perceived as a "Game of Hoarding". Hoarding wanna-be lovers or boyfriends (a Top 10 mental list of them), hoarding potential grooms, hoarding cats, hoarding children, hoarding clothes in a closet, hoarding jewelry (rings, necklaces, pendants, what have you; man without a diamond ring for them is a blasphemy to their hoarding...), hording anything that can be bought or seduced via material Numbers, as they manifest in 3D shapes and shines, in their lowest aspect in their smallest possible expression as Metaphors of Life.
Nope, the true infinite nature of Number s as Trans-Dimensional Metaphor, to these people, goes unnoticed, uncomputed, unseen, unheard; way too busy being who they "think" they are, this little person "only here".
Some has been written about Left vs. Right Brain templates, along the lines of the Left Brain being the linear in linguistic terms & logic, the territorial, the this-world-as-I-perceive-it with the 5 senses, the survivalist (fight or flee), the pragmatic, etc., while the Right Brain is the one dealing with out-of-this-world perceptions, parallel realities (parallel circuit) logic, 6 senses platform, creative neural paths, but seldom it is mentioned that this is the hemisphere in charge of... METAPHOR. No Right Brain synergy; no Metaphor, period.
As it runs out, Metaphor is intrinsically related to EMPATHY; thus if your Right Brain template is running very low and basically your Left Brain is "what you are as you think you are", then only some Metaphor & Empathy capabilities manifest in your Consciousness, these frequently over-run by the Left Brain bulldozer type of linear-sequential "cause/effect" type of logic & perception. Thing is, what we call either to LOVE or to be a HUMAN as opposed to either an android or an animal, precisely consists in this very capacity to experience instant Empathy as an emotional fractal of Metaphor. Love is when we see others as a Metaphor or ourselves and viceversa; psychopaths and borgs cannot achieve it, locked or caged in their Left Brain tyranny of sorts, they cannot "fractalize their emotions", because the 1st. fractal operation is fractalizing what's on the Left Brain unto the Right Brain and viceversa.
The mainstream or even alternative media's superficial and constant propaganda pummels unto us its version of Men as the brutes who cannot love, while Women are the sensitive and caring, the loving ones; however as in all propaganda, there is a hidden motive behind this blatant disinformation. All propaganda seeks to conceal something very important, while emphasizing something not so important, that's how it works as a clever Distraction & Diversion tool to confuse and detour the psyche to conform to prefabricated behaviors-by-design as behaviors-on-demand; in this case, the blatant propaganda disinformation seeks to obfuscate the sad truth that it is Women by and large who still are operating consistently at a Left Brain only template. The agenda of this obfuscation, is to make Women the LURE of Men, constantly seducing Men into conforming to this Left Brain template, via selling sex and a "reduced" version of "love". This Sex & Love business "as-is only" (seldom as-should-be or as-it's-best) and in these very narrow terms, is merely the bait to induce Men to avoid going into "full mode", into a real synergy & engagement of both Left & Right Bran synergy of consciousness. We can visualize this as if you were a guy in a boat crossing over to the Right shore to get the necessary goodies for a real life "in full" (in a Multi-Dimensional mode, that is), but you are distracted and perpetually detoured back to the Left shore by some Left-Shore-Only women. And the bait works.
Of course some Women are not part of this utter TROJANIZATION of human Male/Female symbiosis, but these are the very few, a real minority in respect to the vast majority of Women on the planet currently; this is why the physical-package in its crudest expressions, is the sole obsession in Women, as every Trojan needs a bait, a lure, a desire to open it, and enact the fateful ".EXE." deed that will kill your computer -(your Left & Right Brain Synergy, following the analogy)-. The crudest forms of the physical-package constitute easily 80% if not more of the current female psyche's consciousness on the planet, and this is so because WOMEN HAVE BEEN ENGINEERED AND PERIODICALLY REENGINEERED ("updated") TO THIS END.
This is a very ancient bait process, and as such we see it in many old traditions thinly disguised under slanted rationales and explanations, for ex in the book of Genesis in the "Bible" there we are told that Women shall seek a husband compulsively, as an obsession; what they were really disclosing in tangential ways, is what I am stating here in this article in a much more direct and specific manner. In Genesis this new mode of behavior manifests in Women after "The Fall", as a direct resonance to it; this conceals the secret wisdom that the "Sacred Feminine" was trojanized into the materialistic slut or whore, constantly chasing Men for a profit or an advantage, or anything along those lines, "to get something". This spiritual degradation of the Sacred Feminine appears in the Old Testament's prophets who repeatedly use the imagery of the "Whore / Slut / Harlot / Prostitute" to imply a spiritual death of sorts, a death of the soul or the spirit, and exactly as such is further epitomized in the book of Revelation/Apocalypse, where the Harlot is seen riding the Beast, and constantly related to the "Gold Cup", which in today's terms we might understand as "Business-As-Usual", or the perennial behavior of Women in regards to love, as a mere "transaction", whereby a "Shopping List" is "fulfilled" on the part of the male "Bidder", who must "offer" this or that, so the best "candidate" -who offers more- gets the lady, the princess.
Of course Women were repressed and exploited and abused -that goes without saying-, yet failing to grasp the underlying secret wisdom pertaining the DEVOLUTION OF THE ROLES & IDENTITIES OF MEN & WOMEN after the so-called "Fall", is a lethal mistake that too many incur in. And this is the basic mistake that the current agenda seeks to perpetuate, because they are ultimately obfuscating what truly happened to humans long ago. So it comes handy and looks good, to declare yourself a supporter of Women and all that, without ever mentioning the hidden dysfunction of it all. In the book of Revelation the secret theme is actually this very Man & Woman relationship that has been aborted and distorted; the book ends with the mythical "Wedding of the Lamb" (the lamb as the sacred male & the new jerusalem as the sacred female). It totally fits in this them, that the "Beast" is the pathological devolved "Male" energy and male role, while the "Harlot" is the pathological devolved "Female" energy and female role. These project and manifest unto the 3D material highly dense world, into the events and institutions that resonate more to this inner devolution -ruled & defined by exaggerated BiPolarity-.Without grasping this, you really don't know a thing about the book of Revelation; it does not matter at all to this article, whether you believe in Christianism or not, this is irrelevant to the points in question, as this exposition goes to the underlying secret esoteric streams that to some degree got filtered into the book of Revelation. Secret knowledge passing off as religion, one might say, or hidden wisdom utilizing some religious books as a carrier of "highly sensitive" information.
This secret knowledge contained some important exposes on how Women were engineered to be Trojans, and this is what is behind all the later repression and abuse of Women throughout millennia, something that is to this day oh so evident in Islam's treatment of women for ex. In other words what I am saying here, is that the loonies got hold of this secret information stemming back a really long time (related to the "Fall" events, the Devolution events), and they used it to what loonies use everything for: to abuse and dominate. We must not confuse what these loonies have done with the information, with the information itself; hereby I offer the information, not the judgements and repressions and abuses that followed, a product of also evidently very devolved Men, now debased into becoming animal like "Alpha Males", bent on PLAYING GAMES OF SUBJUGATION.
You see, when Women enter the "Love Game", they seek attributes in Men that are emblematic of the Law of the Jungle, rather than humans per se; it is particularly troubling to witness how most Women APPLY THE LOGIC AND METHODS OF THE LEAST SPIRITUAL & EVOLVED -THE GROSS 3D MATERIAL-TO WHAT IS THE MOST SPIRITUAL AND LESS MATERIAL -LOVE-...!? Women seek all that is "hard & solid" in a male, all that has materialized to the hilt, and become DENSE, highly and terribly dense that is. Thus they seek a hard penis, perfect teeth (when Women dreamily speak of a great smile, they are dressing up their quest for... teeth...! -and teeth are Predator Tools for eating the prey...!), strong hard muscles, a tall man, a guy who can sustain & provide for her and her offspring, a defender, a knight in shining armor, a prince or king, a famous one, a guy with material resources, a hard car and a hard house go a long way into winning a girl's heart, as any man knows; offer her a wine & dine experience as token of all the above, and pretty soon she will be making love not to you, but to the "surroundings", making actually love to the "ambiance" or to the abstract symbols that you represent in society -all these just soft words to disguise the hard truth of her quest for DENSE & MATERIAL 3D or "Earth Bound" existence-. And all of this is inherently best found in Predator types, thus the male predator types "always" get all or most of the women.
What most women fail to realize, is that all of this is not because "of her or for her", as she would be infinitely more happy seeking a different earthly experience (as the very few women who have realized it do...!), a more spiritual & enlightened one; they fail to realize that they have been Trojanized, and are merely enacting a bait strategy, to further enslave and devolve men into a hard & dense 3D "reality", caged by it, bound by it, obsessed by it, born and died "In It/By It/For It". In other words they are actually becoming the material compulsive Harlot, in order to ride the Beast, the devolved Men brutes; they are being used to this end, but manipulators. But not to be liberated, or enlightened, or to be happy, or to achieve anything at all really; and this is the real reason why Women throughout history have done so little of importance, not because of "just" the repression against them, but mainly because of this Trojan that dominates almost their entire Psyches, and to which they are role-bound, so compulsively & obsessively defined by, as if this any of such crass behavior in what's supposed to be the most refined human vibration -Love-, could bring forth anything of true value or any real advancement, besides the appearances.
In short, they have been too busy being that Perfect-Trojan, to truly be interested in anything else at all...!? Family has been incorporated into the Trojan, as it fits in with the sexual bait, and that's it; yet as soon as the opportunity arises, they leave the family role and will engage in becoming a professional or an achiever or what have you, the family a "thing of the past", a little glitch in the psyche to be dealt with easy-formulas, such as adopting a son or daughter, usually done while pretending to be "great humanitarians" in doing so, like we sadly see in for ex the fad of Hollywood style actresses and musicians adopting black kids from Africa. They want to turn their abandoning family roles into a virtue by exaggerating their "leader" image; now having a baby is transformed into adopting a black african baby for the "benefit" of "all mankind" and such horseh*t. Identical "leave behind" easily what's important, was seen for ex in Sarah Palin -the quintessential Trojan-, who left her position of Alaska governor as soon as there was more fame elsewhere -Alaska now just a "glitch" in her past, quick resignation, problem solved !-. It is exactly the samed behaviour we witness regarding other "previous roles" in Women, as they flippantly dump them at the 1st chance, as "minor old glitches", for the sake of emancipation or whatever flashy name they want to justify them under. We see this preposterous balloney for ex satirized by the Onion News Network in several sketches, highly sanitized humor of course (anyone attempting a more direct approach like I am attempting here would be publicly battered by criticism of being a sick misogynist or the like):,17768/,18095/,18302/,17365/
The sketches seek to remind one of how utterly pathological some women's behavior has become, all the while pretending so desperately to appear as "great" people, so modern, so postmodern, so this so that, in what ultimately can be best labeled as one big insane cliche of a person; at the same time, they evidence how ERRATIC Women have become, switching from one thing to the next, in complete BiPolar disorder full bloom; .you look at Men, and more or less (excluding the Monarchy's courts dementia) they dress and look the same today as always, the behavior pretty much the same, men still wanting out of Women the same thing, pretty consistent throughout time. Yet in a matter of just 1 century, Women went from being "Virginal Victorian" and covered to the hilt, to behaving in public as strippers and wearing almost nothing; I don't care which is right, as the real issue is in the pathological BiPolar switches from one modality to its opposite...!, 100% erratic. Just a tad ago, they were the Good-Ole-Boys' greatest supporters, now they elected Obama. Women have become like a leaf in the wind, going from one thing to the next opposite pole in full hysteria, consistency not in the dictionary whatsoever...
While we could spend a lifetime deconstructing these pathologies in the usual "psychological/sociological" ways, little of use would follow; what this series of articles exposes, is the ARCHETYPAL BRAIN HEMISPHERE TEMPLATE DYSFUNCTION as the root of it all, or how the caging of both females and males Psyche into a fatal submission to the Left-Brain-Only innuendos, renders a human unto a near-robot and/or a borderline psychopath (or a delusional mess, at best). What has really happened, is what Philip K. Dick in his novel "Do androids dream of electric sheep?" and the "Blade Runner" film freely based on it have illustrated; that the line between "human" and "android" or "replicant" or not a fully-ensouled clone, has been blurred, dramatically so. You just can't tell one from the other, and that is the ultimate goal of the nefarious agenda that has Trojanized women, to blur that line to the point no one can effectively recognize an android or a psychopath o a clone from a real original human, because the obsessive / compulsive behaviors of androids and psychopaths, have been embedded into the Devolved Humans. By doing such, the entire human species got locked into a very low range of vibes, became totally "Earth Bound" (3D bound, gross density), and ultimately became just a piece of property no different than cattle is to us, to some et's.
Take Ludwing Van Beethoven's life; in his 20's he already wrote the moving and so advanced for his time as a minimalist piece, the so-called "Moonlight Sonata" (originally named "Almost a Fantasy", after his death a german critic commented that it reminded him of the moon reflection in Lake Lucerne, and this stuck); he wrote it for the woman he loved, and she loved him back too -however he was not a noble, so she caved in under pressure from her family & friends to reject him for this reason-. So there you have it, an obscure mediocre woman that had no greatness in her life other than being loved by none other than the greatest musician in known history !, rejecting him & this, and opting for the usual obscure and mediocre life that the majority of women seem to excel at, any speck of true virtue going out the window. Of course she did not do this for herself, she just played along a well-known role, that of a hardcore materialism which in those days was "rationalized" in the shape of a society's belief that a "desiring woman" must require only a "noble man" to marry her; imagine her after she died realizing how insanely stupid she had been...!? The sad thing is that this is by no means a rare case, but that it is rather the NORM in respect to women; always was, and still is. Thus the only thing that should have changed, women left intact; that aspect not part of the erratic behavior polar switches syndrome, when it's the the only aspect that should have been switched around for real...
Much has been written about some of the Greek philosophers' penchant for young girls -and also boys-; take for ex Socrates, who officially it is claimed was a boy's lover or the sort; I'd like to know on the other hand, how many stupid women rejected him who was one of the top philosophers in human history (Socrates the teacher of Plato, Plato then taught Aristotle), whose teachings carried via his pupils ultimately led to our entire civilization's foundations... I'd like to know before anything, how many stupid women rejected him and only after that I will devote any of my time to researching his alleged penchant for young girls and/or boys. Strong dramatic actions can have dramatic consequences you know, and as to how an intensely passionate soul as Ludwig Van came to be sober of mind & will enough to let that just terrible incident wash away without becoming afflicted by it to the point of acquiring a reactionary sexual attitude like Socrates or Van Gogh, or the so many greatest of geniuses equally rejected by women almost as a rule, is nothing short of a miracle...! Nope, Ludwing Van "took it in stride" and remained very composed, going on to love other women -later finding similar experiences of course-.
Of course when you even dare to mention such horrible "options" on the part of women throughout history, they will instantly accuse you of having been rejected and venting your resentment in this way. Oh well, that only shows how so much worse is the syndrome I am exposing here, that firewalls itself behind these tactics whenever exposed for what it is instead of discussing the issue in itself; this is the reason so few men talk about these things, in fear of being cast as a "loser" merely venting his anger at being rejected by women. As it turns out, in my case I was the one to terminate each and every single sentimental relationship I had with women, so it clearly does not apply, while every other rejection before a relationship I converted into music, not rants.
Nope, I am here writing on the subject of "Numbers ARE Metaphor, when they are ALIVE", in case you forgot the title of this series.
The Trojan syndromes I am documenting in women, constitute the prevalent cases in which NUMBERS ARE NOT METAPHORS, AND DO NOT BECOME ALIVE...! Therefore when Numbers are dead, then they become your materialistic oppressors, your very enslavers, the ones that turn you into a Zombie and an android, a soulless clone -when life becomes a thinly disguised Night of the Living Dead, starting right there at the mating darwinian game itself-; instead of as in Music where Numbers are the Ascension Keys, and are the perfect Metaphor that Emotion floats in to become Spirit. In these women numbers become dead, linear, devoid of true emotion, and their essence of being Metaphor, "disappears" from sight and sound and thought, torn into junk-numbers for junk-lifefood and junk-emotion zombies, just gadgets for apes playing the cliche game of surviving existence, as if humans were still in the jungle, and had not mastered some of the requirements of survival...!?
We are NOT in the jungle, and the dangers of lacking food and such wise, are not as they were in the jungle, and the offspring are not threatened like they were in the jungle; so why women keep acting like those were still the conditions...? Because the Trojan they carry consists first and foremost, of a severe form of AMNESIA, whereby they FORGOT WHO THEY ARE. The Trojan makes women believe they "are" this thing they became, this fixture, this obsession/compulsion walking ego maniac hysterical roleplay, bent on seeing the world as a search for "Mr Perfect" -i.e the one who will be on top of the shopping list-, "love" a mere semi automatic knee jerk extant faded glitch, a sheer decoration for the chase game, a perfume for the nasty smelling bottom-line material quest. Others are a bit more honest, and don't hide this bottom-line:
Ape metamorphosis achieved. Human turned to zombie; females driving the whole shebang. Re-engineered by the illuminati, to serve as the Perfect Trojans for Perpetual Devolution. Then you have the church types; same thing, different setting ! As George Carlin used to say in his sketch: going to church to compare clothing.
No, Numbers never become alive in these strange "people", and thus Numbers never achieve their essence which is to be Metaphors, living Metaphors as the key to Life, in any dimension or level it might happen, and across the many dimensions altogether, as the vessels of MEMORY & EXPERIENCE, through the medium of Multi-Dimensional Etheric-Synchronicity
The capacity of Numbers to be Metaphors, is how Life in the Universes is able to Remember, and this is how the Learning is passed from one level or experience to the next, or from one being to another, no matter which dimension they are in; no Metaphor, no transmission, no Oneness, no Transfiguration; INFINITE INFORMATION IS STORED AS METAPHOR, THUS METAPHOR IS HOW IT IS UNLOCKED AND SHARED, and transformed from Infinite to Human, yet still retaining the Essence, the fractal Template. Numbers are Metaphors, because they are the "atoms" so to speak, of non-material life, where the ways of the higher forms of life can embed their knowledge and experience to become a Living Software a living Thought-Form, a living Emotion-Form. This is what "Spirit" is, a supreme Language of Metaphor in the Field of Love, constantly sharing and storing experience from the minuscule to the infinite.
The moment a woman goes "Material Girl" in her myriad phony disguises of the same, all this Metaphor fractal of Spirit life stops dead in its tracks; the Sacred Feminine right there and then, dies. Why...? Because she opted for the zombie or dead aspect of Numbers, in their highly dense and fixed hard-to-share wave form, the aspect of Numbers where they can be seen only as "aggregative" or "possession" like; when Numbers are perceived as a "Game of Hoarding". Hoarding wanna-be lovers or boyfriends (a Top 10 mental list of them), hoarding potential grooms, hoarding cats, hoarding children, hoarding clothes in a closet, hoarding jewelry (rings, necklaces, pendants, what have you; man without a diamond ring for them is a blasphemy to their hoarding...), hording anything that can be bought or seduced via material Numbers, as they manifest in 3D shapes and shines, in their lowest aspect in their smallest possible expression as Metaphors of Life.
Nope, the true infinite nature of Number s as Trans-Dimensional Metaphor, to these people, goes unnoticed, uncomputed, unseen, unheard; way too busy being who they "think" they are, this little person "only here".
Monday, November 1, 2010
Hidden History in the Stars of Orion -part 2-
Note: *(these 2 preliminary -short written link and the following 18 Part video interview- are essential to properly grasping the contents of this post)*
Both authors/researchers Christopher Knight (1st link: short written interview) & David Icke (2nd link: a stunning video interview) agree in that the Moon is a hollowed-out body that definitely is not of natural origin and/or positioning. Icke reveals how the Zulu shamans still maintain the secret knowledge that the Moon was rolled over the heavens by et beings in Orion, who brought it to the Solar System to use it as a substation or proto-colony of sorts, the Moon made of inner compartments where different beings from Orion inhabit. In Part 1 of this series, I already laidout the strong case for the Orion stars of Rigel & Betelgeuse as the most emblematic hidden origin ("origin" is pun of "Orion Gen"). Here in Part 2 we will continue to present likewise evidence, found in so many hidden embedded codes that it stands out as akin to irrefutable proof of the paradigm.
Let's for ex consider one of the most iconic symbols in recent centuries, that of the Masonic logo of a "Compass & Square" (often codes are disguised by just moving n+spaces up or n-spaces down the alphabet), simply looking at the initials -I preserve the colors they represent, Red & Blue-:
"C"-OMPASS ~~~ "C" moved 1-space down becomes "B" (Betelgeuse)
"S"-QUARE ~~~ "S" moved 1+space up becomes "R" (Rigel)
We have to rather think in terms of a long series of 'attached chains' derived from this Orion origin; let us then consider for ex that RIGEL is the icon for female Orion QUEEN, while Betelgeuse is the icon for male Orion KING. If there is any truth to this, then we should find some easily confirming code in these words as well:
QUEE-"N" & KIN-"G" ~~~ (last initials): "NG"
RIGE-"L" & BETELGEUS-"E" ~~~ (last initials): "LE"
Besides these double pair of last initials forming almost the word A-"NGEL", these 2 pairs are actually the same exact code (i.e. they name the same thing), it is only our eyes that fail to consciously pickup something so utterly obvious (because we are never taught how to read this way, except when you read Gematria blogs such as this one):
"LE" moved 2+spaces up becomes "NG"
However those in the know do utilize these methods of elemental encryption to convey info that is of sensitive nature, placed in highly visible mainstream media following the mantra that "Everything Is Hidden In Plain Sight" -in other words it is only us who fail to read these messages, due to our terminal ignorance on the matter-. The recent case of the 33 miners who got rescued in Chile is a typical example, as it was viewed worldwide more than the Michael Jackson's death event; in spanish a Mine is called a "MINA" (and in Chile this word is also slang for "girl" or "chick", ever since long time ago the chilean miners would excuse themselves of the premises at night claiming to go to the mine to pickup something left there, when they of course meant in code they were going to the brothels). Looking at the 1st & last initials:
"N"-EPHILI-"M" & "A"NNUNAK-"I" ~~~ "MINA"
But then again this is the hidden pun of the british secret service -the "MI"6-, as the last initials of "nephili-M annunak-I" (please read my September's article on the Nephilim); furthermore the same brit secret service acronym directly also refers to the previous Rigel Betelgeuse & Queen King match, as follows -"MI6" is "MIF" (F is letter No. 6 in the english alphabet)-:
rige-"L" betelgeus-"E" ~~~ last initials moved 1+space up become "MF"
quee-"N" kin-"G" ~~~ last initials moved 1-space down become "MF"
But then again the exact same code is carried in plain sight through the most important financial globalization institution in the world, the "IMF" (International Monetary Fund) also run by the british -(the USA runs the World Bank, while the british & europeans run the IMF)-.
I have started to include Precautionary-Notes in my articles, which make it crystal clear that any information contained in this blog applies just as well to any other religion or ethnia or place in the world, since some people are always bent on using alternative information to "validate" their own worldview and religion and ethnic stance, implying that since most alternative info is produced by white people in the occident, than this is supposed to "mean" that the white people and the occident are the "only" ones who can be deconstructed in such manner -which is of course ridiculous, as this is a many millennia old global and cosmic paradigm-. I simply do not delve into other religions & languages for they are not my forte', however let me here include just a few examples of just how key words in other places of power encode cosmic secret info all the same (in Standard English Gematria, a=1, b=2, ..., z=26), and even how identical are they in their puns & use of archetypal figures, little or none real difference between East & West:
[ ISLAM = 54 = SUN ] while [ MOSLEM = 77 = CHRIST ]
Of course -unless you are blind-, you easily see that the brit secret service "MI" is also found on the 1st & last initials of "I"-sla-"M". Why...? Because they both obviously encode and refer to the same exact "nephili-M" & annunak-I" hidden encryption. The recent "conversion" of Tony Blair's sister in law to Islam, must be taken with a grain of salt, as these people are global elitists only playing the role of a part in a specific "country" who are well in the know about the hidden background to it all. They are promoting now a switch or swap to Islam, because lately white Christians in the West have been decoding the whole pie, while Islam in the Middle-East is still at a medieval fundamentalist psychological stance for the most part, which strongly favors the elite's undertakings. This is why Prince Charles publicly declared (leaving little doubts to the previous rumors about his Islam secret ties) that Islam is the only religion that does not destroy the Environment. What he meant of course is that they are willing to bring the earth back to the Medieval Ages in order to have a sustainable planet, which is the perfect colony -sparsely populated by fully undeveloped serfs- for them, naturally. Islam to these elitists is but the perfect "serfdom" that can be fully manipulated at will via fundamentalist religion, just like the medieval population was of course.
The real agenda behind the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) is most definitely "not" the agenda that the Left wing describes in terms of the usual Left-Right cliche blabber (basically an outdated 19th century reductive-rationale, pre-technologic & information age), but rather a much more secretive agenda of effecting a process of "HOMOLOGUING-THE-GLOBE" by "REDISTRIBUTING WEALTH IN INDIRECT MANNER", forcing 3rld World and Emergent Nations to have governments that produce CHRONIC OR PERIODIC CRISIS, in order to force them to "OUTSOURCE THEIR BANKRUPT & DISPOSSESSED PEOPLE" to the 1st World (up to recently mainly it was the USA), while at the same time on the other hand forcing by "brutal price competition" the productive sectors of the 1st Word to also "OUTSOURCE EMPLOYMENT" to the 3rd World or Emergent Nations. This is called the double "Outsourcing & Insourcing" disgrace, disguised publicly as a necessity of price reduction for competition purposes; if that was the case, how come Wall Street never abides by the same mantra...? I does not because that is not and never was the real reason, which is to Balkanize the white developed world middle & upper middle classes.
If you look at the percentages of people who have experienced what is called (but "never" mentioned in the news whatsoever) "ECONOMIC EXILE", you find that in every non developed nation there is a say 2% to 5% or more (in the case of Mexico it is a preposterously high percentage) of the population that has been "Forced to Disappear" from the nation, as they have emigrated typically to the USA, who must then cater to them - and now Europe is experiencing an identical Balkanization-. This is the equivalent of having a "Soft Genocide", as these people are the ones who bear the actual brunt of the failed economic/political policies
and inefficient governments in the 3rd World & emerging nations, and for all practical purposes help continually these governments to "PROGRESS" and become more and more "EFFICIENT". If you kept "losing" or "disappearing" entire populations of poor or even middle/upper class suddenly bankrupt, how could you not progress and become more efficient...? Imagine if for ex the USA would all of a sudden begin to "expatriate" and ship abroad every year millions and millions of its poor and/or bankrupt citizens, how could then not the country experience a boom...? Of course it would, and this is the type of "boom" that is fueling the 3rd World and Emergent Nations economies, all based on DISCARDING at least a 2% to 5% if not way more of their citizens in financial trouble. What I am stating here is that this at the mid-level management might be thought of as "Compassionate Conservatism" or plain old "Left-Wing" humanitarian pose, yet at the elite level is as part of their forced process of "Homologuing the Globe", in order to make the entire planet a same level platform -"collapsing" the 1st World and "booming" the 3rd World-, because only when this is firmly done, it will be "possible & feasible" to have 1 Central World Goverment run by this
and inefficient governments in the 3rd World & emerging nations, and for all practical purposes help continually these governments to "PROGRESS" and become more and more "EFFICIENT". If you kept "losing" or "disappearing" entire populations of poor or even middle/upper class suddenly bankrupt, how could you not progress and become more efficient...? Imagine if for ex the USA would all of a sudden begin to "expatriate" and ship abroad every year millions and millions of its poor and/or bankrupt citizens, how could then not the country experience a boom...? Of course it would, and this is the type of "boom" that is fueling the 3rd World and Emergent Nations economies, all based on DISCARDING at least a 2% to 5% if not way more of their citizens in financial trouble. What I am stating here is that this at the mid-level management might be thought of as "Compassionate Conservatism" or plain old "Left-Wing" humanitarian pose, yet at the elite level is as part of their forced process of "Homologuing the Globe", in order to make the entire planet a same level platform -"collapsing" the 1st World and "booming" the 3rd World-, because only when this is firmly done, it will be "possible & feasible" to have 1 Central World Goverment run by this
tiny elite.
But I am also suggesting here a cosmic extrapolation of the same "tactics" via fractal-agenda; in other words, just as it is within planet Earth might be the same way it is/was in the Solar System at large, or amongst the much larger Orion/Sirius/Solar System area, in terms of "movements" and "transfers" of peoples to/from cosmic inter-planetary or inter-galactic places.
One must really laugh at the absolutely contrived public buzzwords to "justify" Over-Population of the least viable, and a constant attack on the middle-class educated folk, that constitute a thinly disguised PERPETUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE against the ones who are most aware. Then in the same vein one must seriously begin to take a really hard raw look at the cosmic agendas of similar "Hybridization" and transfers of entire populations to/from Earth; perhaps it is part of the same cosmic Psychological Warfare waged against all those who achieve Awareness in the cosmic Colonies...! Is this a classic Modus-Operandi to deal with Evolving Consciousness on the part of Cosmic Predators who profit from "Order Out of Chaos" (famous masonic motto)...? See, if Evolution of Consciousness always achieves a "CRITICAL MASS POINT" of Convergence, then are we not supposed to agree that such point can be easily predicted in advance by cosmic predators, whose sole cosmic function is PRECISELY TO AVERT AND DESTROY THESE POINTS OF RAPID EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS...? Why...? To keep perpetual control of cosmic colonies, that is. So what we see in an advanced Greece invaded by the brute Romans, or the educated/aware white middle & upper class on Earth presently being forced into a preposterous game of Balkanization, etc etc etc, is the same agenda of "Control via Chaos and "Hybridization", simply taking different forms according to what's easier and more convenient
One must really laugh at the absolutely contrived public buzzwords to "justify" Over-Population of the least viable, and a constant attack on the middle-class educated folk, that constitute a thinly disguised PERPETUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE against the ones who are most aware. Then in the same vein one must seriously begin to take a really hard raw look at the cosmic agendas of similar "Hybridization" and transfers of entire populations to/from Earth; perhaps it is part of the same cosmic Psychological Warfare waged against all those who achieve Awareness in the cosmic Colonies...! Is this a classic Modus-Operandi to deal with Evolving Consciousness on the part of Cosmic Predators who profit from "Order Out of Chaos" (famous masonic motto)...? See, if Evolution of Consciousness always achieves a "CRITICAL MASS POINT" of Convergence, then are we not supposed to agree that such point can be easily predicted in advance by cosmic predators, whose sole cosmic function is PRECISELY TO AVERT AND DESTROY THESE POINTS OF RAPID EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS...? Why...? To keep perpetual control of cosmic colonies, that is. So what we see in an advanced Greece invaded by the brute Romans, or the educated/aware white middle & upper class on Earth presently being forced into a preposterous game of Balkanization, etc etc etc, is the same agenda of "Control via Chaos and "Hybridization", simply taking different forms according to what's easier and more convenient
to enact without raising too many flags.
Why was the Library of Alexandria burned down...? This was the equivalent of the Internet in today's terms...! Because the real and sole enemy of the cosmic predators are not the poor as the Left Wing claims (a paradigm created as a Diversion of the Truth), BUT THE EVOLVED...! Those who evolve rapidly into Awareness & Multi-Dimensional wisdom, have always been the "Real-Target", a secret-target cunningly disguised always amidst the bulk of a larger pool, so it won't be all too obvious what has been going on for millions of years. The real war is against Consciousness and not just against a social class (as Marx claimed, because his philosophy was created by the secret elite way before he was assumed to have written it, as he was a clear instrument of Diversion). Therefore the real disguised target of the 20th century genocides by both the Left & the Right gone-bonkers, where NOT the ones publicly claimed to be after, but these were merely the convenient covers, under which the educated & more evolved & aware, could be easily made to be presented as a "political enemy" utilizing the Left-Right rationales to this end. By reason of "perpetual instabilities", it is a lot easier to instill the "spirituality" of your convenience, to run everything and model the collective unconscious archetypes:
[ RIGEL = GREIL ] (by anagram, just rearrange the order of letters)
So when we go back into a deep-trance so to speak, to reclaim the lost memories of those cosmic upheavals that made the Solar System as it is today -just a decayed ruin-, our subconscious mind always goes to the former lands of MU or Lemuria, and Atlantis. However as I have stated many times in different articles, these were by no means strictly Earth-bound civilizations, but at least inter-planetary (if not part of inter-stellar) civilizations. What this means is that whatever part of Lemuria & Atlantis was on Earth, was just one aspect or one chapter or colony or "substation" or "experimental post" for them; it's then imperative that we look at the stars in order to regain a clearer memory of them. What better than once again take a look at the name "RIGEL" only now in relation to the "Land of MU"...?
"The land of "MU" (on Earth) was hybridized with RIGEL, thus: "LE-MU-RI-a"
(observe how the letter "a" upside down is "g", so "Lemuria" is "LEMURIG",
a perfect mix of the names "MU" and "RIGEL"...!
This implies a hybridization of humans -a 'somewhat stable' yet 'still mutating' mixture of human & reptilian DNA-. Such that the conventional fable of Evolution we are told, is just that - a children's tale-; because whatever long term Evolution happens, is irrelevant compared to the "Sudden Evolution" or "Rapid Evolution" brought on by direct hybridizations using very advanced science on the part of beings from Orion. The pervading god name "EL" found in semitic lands of old, is the "rig-EL" of "LE"-muria; it denotes those from Rigel/Orion who ruled over these hybridizations, the higher beings, the experimenters. Yet to believe so naively that this "EL" is "the one God" in the sense normally assumed, is just laughable.
When considering the Christopher Knight and David Icke (just to mention 2 current names, as this is a very long stream of thought, remember Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon", etc) assertion that the Moon was brought to the Solar System and is not a natural body, we do find that the Gematria for the names of planetary bodies actually does evidence an artificial tampering as well, yielding exact-square-decimal totals that are completely 'unnatural':
[ RIGEL MOON LUNA = 200 ] while [ EARTH LUNA = 100 ]
It seems to me the latin name "Luna" for the Moon, contains in part the former name for the Moon, the name associated with its previous cosmic eras & locations outside of the Solar System. What is truly extraordinary, is how the 2 main 'sacred mounts' in the Bible, seem to actually refer to places outside the Earth and in the moon & planets (Mount Horeb, and Mount Sinai):
[ HOREB = 48 = LUNA ] while [ SINAI = 52 = Earth = "A Mars" ]
In other words, the name "Horeb" seems to clearly be a place in the Moon...!, while the name of the desert of Sinai indicates the desert of Sinai as we know it in the Red Sea, yet "Mount Sinai" following identical logic & Gematria concordance seems to refers to "CY-DO-NIA" in Mars...! { "CY-NAI" }. But that is by no means surprising, if you have been following this article; therefore when religions speak of an "ORIGINAL SIN", what they in secret code are doing is pinpointing the place where the real events that are charicaturized in symbols in the Book of Genesis took place, as part of a very advanced science & technology:
"Sinai" merely the main former planet Mars, a specific region there where the Rigelians enacted some hybridizations and so forth. The very name Sinai even gives the clue: { SIN - AI } such that the problem was the "AI" (Artificial Intelligence") technology, which we now address as in the terms of "CLONING" and of "CYBORG". Do not let it slip by how "CY-DONIA" and "CY-BORG" are the same theme...! The Sinai Desert on Earth but a fractal image of a now defunct and barren Mars desert red planet that was once the centerpiece of the Hybridization agenda, outsourced in "subchapters" to the "islands" of MU (first) and ATLANTIS (later). This is why we find identical clue in the name of the charicatures made to symbolize the "1st Man & Woman":
[ "AD-AM" is from MA-rs, while "E-VE" is from "VE-nus" ]
Where would the location of the fable of "The Garden of Eden" be...?:
[ "Mount Horeb" = 131 = "The Garden of Eden" ]
{ Horeb = 48 = Luna }
The way I read this, is that the earthly Mount Horeb (a mythical mount never identified yet) may signify what was just a portal-gate to/from the Moon, the Moon itself just in turn a portal/gate to Mars -the real garden of Eden of course-, all communications and transfer to or from Earth run indirectly through the Moon for security.
{ Horeb = 48 = Luna }
The way I read this, is that the earthly Mount Horeb (a mythical mount never identified yet) may signify what was just a portal-gate to/from the Moon, the Moon itself just in turn a portal/gate to Mars -the real garden of Eden of course-, all communications and transfer to or from Earth run indirectly through the Moon for security.
That Mars was a colony of Rigel seems to be a gratuitous affirmation, until you take the precaution of actually checking their Gematria, that is:
[ RIGEL = 51 = MARS ]
D. Icke seems to be particularly on the money regarding the Moon, because when we look into the word "SHIELD" which is a crucial term in esoterics (Star of David is Shield of David, Rothschild means Red Shield), we find that:
The symbol of "The Rose" seems to be a disguised icon for a tunneling WormHole (the view of the Rose from the top is akin to entering the WormHole); while "SION" evidently is once again just a disguised version of "SINAI", needless to say (or "Scion", or "Scyon", pun of "Cydonia"/Scydonia").
Then what is hidden behind what passes off as "religion" (rigelion), is actually a higher science and a more advanced technology stemming from the very far past, whose acronyms were preserved as "sacred" words; why...? Because the civilizations that comprised that very ancient inter-planetary history, when compared to ours (even for ex presently) were so much more advanced that they seemed to be truly "Gods" to humans.
Now in respect to these super advanced sciences and technologies, very few are aware that the names of sacred figures in the Bible precisely conceal the mystery of LIGHT, or of traveling BEYOND THE SPEED OF LIGHT, and that this is what is hidden behind the whole "resurrection" theme in fact; researchers such as William Henry have become aware in part of some of these themes, which are also secretly embedded in emblematic architecture, such as the Domes in iconic buildings, etc:
Now in respect to these super advanced sciences and technologies, very few are aware that the names of sacred figures in the Bible precisely conceal the mystery of LIGHT, or of traveling BEYOND THE SPEED OF LIGHT, and that this is what is hidden behind the whole "resurrection" theme in fact; researchers such as William Henry have become aware in part of some of these themes, which are also secretly embedded in emblematic architecture, such as the Domes in iconic buildings, etc:
[ "OUR" = 54 = Sun ] and [ "LORD" = 49 = Speed ]
[ "SAVIOUR" = 105 = Moon Luna ]
[ "OUR SAVIOUR" = 159 = Sun Light Speed ]
What this type of concordance phenomenon goes to show, is that the secrets of higher-science were also hidden in not just architecture but more recently in LANGUAGE itself, specially the formula names of religious "titles" and such.
What this type of concordance phenomenon goes to show, is that the secrets of higher-science were also hidden in not just architecture but more recently in LANGUAGE itself, specially the formula names of religious "titles" and such.
The problem regarding these themes, is that the further up you go "dimensionally" so to speak, the less material the "technology/science" becomes, because the reality at higher frequencies is less dense and more "Psychic" per se; this means that the 'navigational tools' to access those higher realms, are embedded in your Psyche and in your DNA, and that you must 1st activate both in order to "link with" the higher Templates. This is where "religion" kicked in the picture; they made a (many) fundamentalist cult(s), of what was Higher Wisdom as in Advanced Multi-Dimensional Science, because this elevated science involves the Psyche so fully, as a tool. Thus multidimensional science "directly" manifests an interaction of ideas & emotions, as FRACTAL ARCHETYPES IN ORGANIC ACTION. Yes, you cannot ascend, unless you have the Inner Psychic & Spiritual tools in you, fully activated; you end up "where-you-is" and as "What-You-Is" in the old 70's slang saying.
In this extrapolated context, the techniques of Gematria and its associated linguistic methods, are simply the preferred modus operandi by which higher entities EMBEDDED IN APPARENTLY "NORMAL" OR ROUTINE LANGUAGE, THE TRIGGERS TO LOST MEMORIES OF VERY ANCIENT INTER-PLANETARY EVENTS THAT ARE "DEFINING" TO OUR ORIGINS AND NATURE OF BEING, because only reclaiming or regaining these Lost Memories is how we can re-activate our Psychic Tools of Ascension, while not becoming fodder for the usual manipulations, all the cosmic/religious/esoteric plain Disinformation designed to "own" you.
Thus the typical "utter perplexity" most -even highly intelligent people- experience when confronted with Gematria in general or more specifically with the contents of this blog for ex, reflects the inability to remember the most important things in the world, a testament to how deeply the prevailing AMNESIA brought on by DEVOLUTION erased all traces from our "Conscious Self", of what transpired eons ago which produced our current "world" as the resulting Collateral-Damage, and more importantly that are essential to ascend at the right moment which approaches. This blog is poorly written and lacking in spectacular graphics sure, yet it contains some of the necessary clues to regain our cosmic memory, so it should be read even as just a fun exercise by a much larger pool of people; and the same exact dysfunction is apparent in all blogs or websites that extrapolate information regarding our true origins and nature, and all the hijacking processes that took place, and the series of devolutions et al. Humanity keeps obsessively bent on not seeing what is there in front of our very eyes, simulating a "happiness" that is visibly phony, content in all kinds of Diversions; very but very "busy" in anything but what is actually the task at hand as a species. "THISMUSTOP", as the title of a book of poems I wrote in 1995 stated; there is an imperative to wake up, now, for real.