Note: *(these 2 preliminary -short written link and the following 18 Part video interview- are essential to properly grasping the contents of this post)*
Both authors/researchers Christopher Knight (1st link: short written interview) & David Icke (2nd link: a stunning video interview) agree in that the Moon is a hollowed-out body that definitely is not of natural origin and/or positioning. Icke reveals how the Zulu shamans still maintain the secret knowledge that the Moon was rolled over the heavens by et beings in Orion, who brought it to the Solar System to use it as a substation or proto-colony of sorts, the Moon made of inner compartments where different beings from Orion inhabit. In Part 1 of this series, I already laidout the strong case for the Orion stars of Rigel & Betelgeuse as the most emblematic hidden origin ("origin" is pun of "Orion Gen"). Here in Part 2 we will continue to present likewise evidence, found in so many hidden embedded codes that it stands out as akin to irrefutable proof of the paradigm.
Let's for ex consider one of the most iconic symbols in recent centuries, that of the Masonic logo of a "Compass & Square" (often codes are disguised by just moving n+spaces up or n-spaces down the alphabet), simply looking at the initials -I preserve the colors they represent, Red & Blue-:
"C"-OMPASS ~~~ "C" moved 1-space down becomes "B" (Betelgeuse)
"S"-QUARE ~~~ "S" moved 1+space up becomes "R" (Rigel)
We have to rather think in terms of a long series of 'attached chains' derived from this Orion origin; let us then consider for ex that RIGEL is the icon for female Orion QUEEN, while Betelgeuse is the icon for male Orion KING. If there is any truth to this, then we should find some easily confirming code in these words as well:
QUEE-"N" & KIN-"G" ~~~ (last initials): "NG"
RIGE-"L" & BETELGEUS-"E" ~~~ (last initials): "LE"
Besides these double pair of last initials forming almost the word A-"NGEL", these 2 pairs are actually the same exact code (i.e. they name the same thing), it is only our eyes that fail to consciously pickup something so utterly obvious (because we are never taught how to read this way, except when you read Gematria blogs such as this one):
"LE" moved 2+spaces up becomes "NG"
However those in the know do utilize these methods of elemental encryption to convey info that is of sensitive nature, placed in highly visible mainstream media following the mantra that "Everything Is Hidden In Plain Sight" -in other words it is only us who fail to read these messages, due to our terminal ignorance on the matter-. The recent case of the 33 miners who got rescued in Chile is a typical example, as it was viewed worldwide more than the Michael Jackson's death event; in spanish a Mine is called a "MINA" (and in Chile this word is also slang for "girl" or "chick", ever since long time ago the chilean miners would excuse themselves of the premises at night claiming to go to the mine to pickup something left there, when they of course meant in code they were going to the brothels). Looking at the 1st & last initials:
"N"-EPHILI-"M" & "A"NNUNAK-"I" ~~~ "MINA"
But then again this is the hidden pun of the british secret service -the "MI"6-, as the last initials of "nephili-M annunak-I" (please read my September's article on the Nephilim); furthermore the same brit secret service acronym directly also refers to the previous Rigel Betelgeuse & Queen King match, as follows -"MI6" is "MIF" (F is letter No. 6 in the english alphabet)-:
rige-"L" betelgeus-"E" ~~~ last initials moved 1+space up become "MF"
quee-"N" kin-"G" ~~~ last initials moved 1-space down become "MF"
But then again the exact same code is carried in plain sight through the most important financial globalization institution in the world, the "IMF" (International Monetary Fund) also run by the british -(the USA runs the World Bank, while the british & europeans run the IMF)-.
I have started to include Precautionary-Notes in my articles, which make it crystal clear that any information contained in this blog applies just as well to any other religion or ethnia or place in the world, since some people are always bent on using alternative information to "validate" their own worldview and religion and ethnic stance, implying that since most alternative info is produced by white people in the occident, than this is supposed to "mean" that the white people and the occident are the "only" ones who can be deconstructed in such manner -which is of course ridiculous, as this is a many millennia old global and cosmic paradigm-. I simply do not delve into other religions & languages for they are not my forte', however let me here include just a few examples of just how key words in other places of power encode cosmic secret info all the same (in Standard English Gematria, a=1, b=2, ..., z=26), and even how identical are they in their puns & use of archetypal figures, little or none real difference between East & West:
[ ISLAM = 54 = SUN ] while [ MOSLEM = 77 = CHRIST ]
Of course -unless you are blind-, you easily see that the brit secret service "MI" is also found on the 1st & last initials of "I"-sla-"M". Why...? Because they both obviously encode and refer to the same exact "nephili-M" & annunak-I" hidden encryption. The recent "conversion" of Tony Blair's sister in law to Islam, must be taken with a grain of salt, as these people are global elitists only playing the role of a part in a specific "country" who are well in the know about the hidden background to it all. They are promoting now a switch or swap to Islam, because lately white Christians in the West have been decoding the whole pie, while Islam in the Middle-East is still at a medieval fundamentalist psychological stance for the most part, which strongly favors the elite's undertakings. This is why Prince Charles publicly declared (leaving little doubts to the previous rumors about his Islam secret ties) that Islam is the only religion that does not destroy the Environment. What he meant of course is that they are willing to bring the earth back to the Medieval Ages in order to have a sustainable planet, which is the perfect colony -sparsely populated by fully undeveloped serfs- for them, naturally. Islam to these elitists is but the perfect "serfdom" that can be fully manipulated at will via fundamentalist religion, just like the medieval population was of course.
The real agenda behind the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) is most definitely "not" the agenda that the Left wing describes in terms of the usual Left-Right cliche blabber (basically an outdated 19th century reductive-rationale, pre-technologic & information age), but rather a much more secretive agenda of effecting a process of "HOMOLOGUING-THE-GLOBE" by "REDISTRIBUTING WEALTH IN INDIRECT MANNER", forcing 3rld World and Emergent Nations to have governments that produce CHRONIC OR PERIODIC CRISIS, in order to force them to "OUTSOURCE THEIR BANKRUPT & DISPOSSESSED PEOPLE" to the 1st World (up to recently mainly it was the USA), while at the same time on the other hand forcing by "brutal price competition" the productive sectors of the 1st Word to also "OUTSOURCE EMPLOYMENT" to the 3rd World or Emergent Nations. This is called the double "Outsourcing & Insourcing" disgrace, disguised publicly as a necessity of price reduction for competition purposes; if that was the case, how come Wall Street never abides by the same mantra...? I does not because that is not and never was the real reason, which is to Balkanize the white developed world middle & upper middle classes.
If you look at the percentages of people who have experienced what is called (but "never" mentioned in the news whatsoever) "ECONOMIC EXILE", you find that in every non developed nation there is a say 2% to 5% or more (in the case of Mexico it is a preposterously high percentage) of the population that has been "Forced to Disappear" from the nation, as they have emigrated typically to the USA, who must then cater to them - and now Europe is experiencing an identical Balkanization-. This is the equivalent of having a "Soft Genocide", as these people are the ones who bear the actual brunt of the failed economic/political policies
and inefficient governments in the 3rd World & emerging nations, and for all practical purposes help continually these governments to "PROGRESS" and become more and more "EFFICIENT". If you kept "losing" or "disappearing" entire populations of poor or even middle/upper class suddenly bankrupt, how could you not progress and become more efficient...? Imagine if for ex the USA would all of a sudden begin to "expatriate" and ship abroad every year millions and millions of its poor and/or bankrupt citizens, how could then not the country experience a boom...? Of course it would, and this is the type of "boom" that is fueling the 3rd World and Emergent Nations economies, all based on DISCARDING at least a 2% to 5% if not way more of their citizens in financial trouble. What I am stating here is that this at the mid-level management might be thought of as "Compassionate Conservatism" or plain old "Left-Wing" humanitarian pose, yet at the elite level is as part of their forced process of "Homologuing the Globe", in order to make the entire planet a same level platform -"collapsing" the 1st World and "booming" the 3rd World-, because only when this is firmly done, it will be "possible & feasible" to have 1 Central World Goverment run by this
and inefficient governments in the 3rd World & emerging nations, and for all practical purposes help continually these governments to "PROGRESS" and become more and more "EFFICIENT". If you kept "losing" or "disappearing" entire populations of poor or even middle/upper class suddenly bankrupt, how could you not progress and become more efficient...? Imagine if for ex the USA would all of a sudden begin to "expatriate" and ship abroad every year millions and millions of its poor and/or bankrupt citizens, how could then not the country experience a boom...? Of course it would, and this is the type of "boom" that is fueling the 3rd World and Emergent Nations economies, all based on DISCARDING at least a 2% to 5% if not way more of their citizens in financial trouble. What I am stating here is that this at the mid-level management might be thought of as "Compassionate Conservatism" or plain old "Left-Wing" humanitarian pose, yet at the elite level is as part of their forced process of "Homologuing the Globe", in order to make the entire planet a same level platform -"collapsing" the 1st World and "booming" the 3rd World-, because only when this is firmly done, it will be "possible & feasible" to have 1 Central World Goverment run by this
tiny elite.
But I am also suggesting here a cosmic extrapolation of the same "tactics" via fractal-agenda; in other words, just as it is within planet Earth might be the same way it is/was in the Solar System at large, or amongst the much larger Orion/Sirius/Solar System area, in terms of "movements" and "transfers" of peoples to/from cosmic inter-planetary or inter-galactic places.
One must really laugh at the absolutely contrived public buzzwords to "justify" Over-Population of the least viable, and a constant attack on the middle-class educated folk, that constitute a thinly disguised PERPETUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE against the ones who are most aware. Then in the same vein one must seriously begin to take a really hard raw look at the cosmic agendas of similar "Hybridization" and transfers of entire populations to/from Earth; perhaps it is part of the same cosmic Psychological Warfare waged against all those who achieve Awareness in the cosmic Colonies...! Is this a classic Modus-Operandi to deal with Evolving Consciousness on the part of Cosmic Predators who profit from "Order Out of Chaos" (famous masonic motto)...? See, if Evolution of Consciousness always achieves a "CRITICAL MASS POINT" of Convergence, then are we not supposed to agree that such point can be easily predicted in advance by cosmic predators, whose sole cosmic function is PRECISELY TO AVERT AND DESTROY THESE POINTS OF RAPID EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS...? Why...? To keep perpetual control of cosmic colonies, that is. So what we see in an advanced Greece invaded by the brute Romans, or the educated/aware white middle & upper class on Earth presently being forced into a preposterous game of Balkanization, etc etc etc, is the same agenda of "Control via Chaos and "Hybridization", simply taking different forms according to what's easier and more convenient
One must really laugh at the absolutely contrived public buzzwords to "justify" Over-Population of the least viable, and a constant attack on the middle-class educated folk, that constitute a thinly disguised PERPETUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE against the ones who are most aware. Then in the same vein one must seriously begin to take a really hard raw look at the cosmic agendas of similar "Hybridization" and transfers of entire populations to/from Earth; perhaps it is part of the same cosmic Psychological Warfare waged against all those who achieve Awareness in the cosmic Colonies...! Is this a classic Modus-Operandi to deal with Evolving Consciousness on the part of Cosmic Predators who profit from "Order Out of Chaos" (famous masonic motto)...? See, if Evolution of Consciousness always achieves a "CRITICAL MASS POINT" of Convergence, then are we not supposed to agree that such point can be easily predicted in advance by cosmic predators, whose sole cosmic function is PRECISELY TO AVERT AND DESTROY THESE POINTS OF RAPID EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS...? Why...? To keep perpetual control of cosmic colonies, that is. So what we see in an advanced Greece invaded by the brute Romans, or the educated/aware white middle & upper class on Earth presently being forced into a preposterous game of Balkanization, etc etc etc, is the same agenda of "Control via Chaos and "Hybridization", simply taking different forms according to what's easier and more convenient
to enact without raising too many flags.
Why was the Library of Alexandria burned down...? This was the equivalent of the Internet in today's terms...! Because the real and sole enemy of the cosmic predators are not the poor as the Left Wing claims (a paradigm created as a Diversion of the Truth), BUT THE EVOLVED...! Those who evolve rapidly into Awareness & Multi-Dimensional wisdom, have always been the "Real-Target", a secret-target cunningly disguised always amidst the bulk of a larger pool, so it won't be all too obvious what has been going on for millions of years. The real war is against Consciousness and not just against a social class (as Marx claimed, because his philosophy was created by the secret elite way before he was assumed to have written it, as he was a clear instrument of Diversion). Therefore the real disguised target of the 20th century genocides by both the Left & the Right gone-bonkers, where NOT the ones publicly claimed to be after, but these were merely the convenient covers, under which the educated & more evolved & aware, could be easily made to be presented as a "political enemy" utilizing the Left-Right rationales to this end. By reason of "perpetual instabilities", it is a lot easier to instill the "spirituality" of your convenience, to run everything and model the collective unconscious archetypes:
[ RIGEL = GREIL ] (by anagram, just rearrange the order of letters)
So when we go back into a deep-trance so to speak, to reclaim the lost memories of those cosmic upheavals that made the Solar System as it is today -just a decayed ruin-, our subconscious mind always goes to the former lands of MU or Lemuria, and Atlantis. However as I have stated many times in different articles, these were by no means strictly Earth-bound civilizations, but at least inter-planetary (if not part of inter-stellar) civilizations. What this means is that whatever part of Lemuria & Atlantis was on Earth, was just one aspect or one chapter or colony or "substation" or "experimental post" for them; it's then imperative that we look at the stars in order to regain a clearer memory of them. What better than once again take a look at the name "RIGEL" only now in relation to the "Land of MU"...?
"The land of "MU" (on Earth) was hybridized with RIGEL, thus: "LE-MU-RI-a"
(observe how the letter "a" upside down is "g", so "Lemuria" is "LEMURIG",
a perfect mix of the names "MU" and "RIGEL"...!
This implies a hybridization of humans -a 'somewhat stable' yet 'still mutating' mixture of human & reptilian DNA-. Such that the conventional fable of Evolution we are told, is just that - a children's tale-; because whatever long term Evolution happens, is irrelevant compared to the "Sudden Evolution" or "Rapid Evolution" brought on by direct hybridizations using very advanced science on the part of beings from Orion. The pervading god name "EL" found in semitic lands of old, is the "rig-EL" of "LE"-muria; it denotes those from Rigel/Orion who ruled over these hybridizations, the higher beings, the experimenters. Yet to believe so naively that this "EL" is "the one God" in the sense normally assumed, is just laughable.
When considering the Christopher Knight and David Icke (just to mention 2 current names, as this is a very long stream of thought, remember Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon", etc) assertion that the Moon was brought to the Solar System and is not a natural body, we do find that the Gematria for the names of planetary bodies actually does evidence an artificial tampering as well, yielding exact-square-decimal totals that are completely 'unnatural':
[ RIGEL MOON LUNA = 200 ] while [ EARTH LUNA = 100 ]
It seems to me the latin name "Luna" for the Moon, contains in part the former name for the Moon, the name associated with its previous cosmic eras & locations outside of the Solar System. What is truly extraordinary, is how the 2 main 'sacred mounts' in the Bible, seem to actually refer to places outside the Earth and in the moon & planets (Mount Horeb, and Mount Sinai):
[ HOREB = 48 = LUNA ] while [ SINAI = 52 = Earth = "A Mars" ]
In other words, the name "Horeb" seems to clearly be a place in the Moon...!, while the name of the desert of Sinai indicates the desert of Sinai as we know it in the Red Sea, yet "Mount Sinai" following identical logic & Gematria concordance seems to refers to "CY-DO-NIA" in Mars...! { "CY-NAI" }. But that is by no means surprising, if you have been following this article; therefore when religions speak of an "ORIGINAL SIN", what they in secret code are doing is pinpointing the place where the real events that are charicaturized in symbols in the Book of Genesis took place, as part of a very advanced science & technology:
"Sinai" merely the main former planet Mars, a specific region there where the Rigelians enacted some hybridizations and so forth. The very name Sinai even gives the clue: { SIN - AI } such that the problem was the "AI" (Artificial Intelligence") technology, which we now address as in the terms of "CLONING" and of "CYBORG". Do not let it slip by how "CY-DONIA" and "CY-BORG" are the same theme...! The Sinai Desert on Earth but a fractal image of a now defunct and barren Mars desert red planet that was once the centerpiece of the Hybridization agenda, outsourced in "subchapters" to the "islands" of MU (first) and ATLANTIS (later). This is why we find identical clue in the name of the charicatures made to symbolize the "1st Man & Woman":
[ "AD-AM" is from MA-rs, while "E-VE" is from "VE-nus" ]
Where would the location of the fable of "The Garden of Eden" be...?:
[ "Mount Horeb" = 131 = "The Garden of Eden" ]
{ Horeb = 48 = Luna }
The way I read this, is that the earthly Mount Horeb (a mythical mount never identified yet) may signify what was just a portal-gate to/from the Moon, the Moon itself just in turn a portal/gate to Mars -the real garden of Eden of course-, all communications and transfer to or from Earth run indirectly through the Moon for security.
{ Horeb = 48 = Luna }
The way I read this, is that the earthly Mount Horeb (a mythical mount never identified yet) may signify what was just a portal-gate to/from the Moon, the Moon itself just in turn a portal/gate to Mars -the real garden of Eden of course-, all communications and transfer to or from Earth run indirectly through the Moon for security.
That Mars was a colony of Rigel seems to be a gratuitous affirmation, until you take the precaution of actually checking their Gematria, that is:
[ RIGEL = 51 = MARS ]
D. Icke seems to be particularly on the money regarding the Moon, because when we look into the word "SHIELD" which is a crucial term in esoterics (Star of David is Shield of David, Rothschild means Red Shield), we find that:
The symbol of "The Rose" seems to be a disguised icon for a tunneling WormHole (the view of the Rose from the top is akin to entering the WormHole); while "SION" evidently is once again just a disguised version of "SINAI", needless to say (or "Scion", or "Scyon", pun of "Cydonia"/Scydonia").
Then what is hidden behind what passes off as "religion" (rigelion), is actually a higher science and a more advanced technology stemming from the very far past, whose acronyms were preserved as "sacred" words; why...? Because the civilizations that comprised that very ancient inter-planetary history, when compared to ours (even for ex presently) were so much more advanced that they seemed to be truly "Gods" to humans.
Now in respect to these super advanced sciences and technologies, very few are aware that the names of sacred figures in the Bible precisely conceal the mystery of LIGHT, or of traveling BEYOND THE SPEED OF LIGHT, and that this is what is hidden behind the whole "resurrection" theme in fact; researchers such as William Henry have become aware in part of some of these themes, which are also secretly embedded in emblematic architecture, such as the Domes in iconic buildings, etc:
Now in respect to these super advanced sciences and technologies, very few are aware that the names of sacred figures in the Bible precisely conceal the mystery of LIGHT, or of traveling BEYOND THE SPEED OF LIGHT, and that this is what is hidden behind the whole "resurrection" theme in fact; researchers such as William Henry have become aware in part of some of these themes, which are also secretly embedded in emblematic architecture, such as the Domes in iconic buildings, etc:
[ "OUR" = 54 = Sun ] and [ "LORD" = 49 = Speed ]
[ "SAVIOUR" = 105 = Moon Luna ]
[ "OUR SAVIOUR" = 159 = Sun Light Speed ]
What this type of concordance phenomenon goes to show, is that the secrets of higher-science were also hidden in not just architecture but more recently in LANGUAGE itself, specially the formula names of religious "titles" and such.
What this type of concordance phenomenon goes to show, is that the secrets of higher-science were also hidden in not just architecture but more recently in LANGUAGE itself, specially the formula names of religious "titles" and such.
The problem regarding these themes, is that the further up you go "dimensionally" so to speak, the less material the "technology/science" becomes, because the reality at higher frequencies is less dense and more "Psychic" per se; this means that the 'navigational tools' to access those higher realms, are embedded in your Psyche and in your DNA, and that you must 1st activate both in order to "link with" the higher Templates. This is where "religion" kicked in the picture; they made a (many) fundamentalist cult(s), of what was Higher Wisdom as in Advanced Multi-Dimensional Science, because this elevated science involves the Psyche so fully, as a tool. Thus multidimensional science "directly" manifests an interaction of ideas & emotions, as FRACTAL ARCHETYPES IN ORGANIC ACTION. Yes, you cannot ascend, unless you have the Inner Psychic & Spiritual tools in you, fully activated; you end up "where-you-is" and as "What-You-Is" in the old 70's slang saying.
In this extrapolated context, the techniques of Gematria and its associated linguistic methods, are simply the preferred modus operandi by which higher entities EMBEDDED IN APPARENTLY "NORMAL" OR ROUTINE LANGUAGE, THE TRIGGERS TO LOST MEMORIES OF VERY ANCIENT INTER-PLANETARY EVENTS THAT ARE "DEFINING" TO OUR ORIGINS AND NATURE OF BEING, because only reclaiming or regaining these Lost Memories is how we can re-activate our Psychic Tools of Ascension, while not becoming fodder for the usual manipulations, all the cosmic/religious/esoteric plain Disinformation designed to "own" you.
Thus the typical "utter perplexity" most -even highly intelligent people- experience when confronted with Gematria in general or more specifically with the contents of this blog for ex, reflects the inability to remember the most important things in the world, a testament to how deeply the prevailing AMNESIA brought on by DEVOLUTION erased all traces from our "Conscious Self", of what transpired eons ago which produced our current "world" as the resulting Collateral-Damage, and more importantly that are essential to ascend at the right moment which approaches. This blog is poorly written and lacking in spectacular graphics sure, yet it contains some of the necessary clues to regain our cosmic memory, so it should be read even as just a fun exercise by a much larger pool of people; and the same exact dysfunction is apparent in all blogs or websites that extrapolate information regarding our true origins and nature, and all the hijacking processes that took place, and the series of devolutions et al. Humanity keeps obsessively bent on not seeing what is there in front of our very eyes, simulating a "happiness" that is visibly phony, content in all kinds of Diversions; very but very "busy" in anything but what is actually the task at hand as a species. "THISMUSTOP", as the title of a book of poems I wrote in 1995 stated; there is an imperative to wake up, now, for real.
Your Part 1 and Part 2 articles are really interesting. I wanted to comment on the star, BETELGEUSE.
ReplyDeleteYou said:
I also believe (as well as what you said) that eh "geuse" also means Jews. Listen to the words, geuse and Jews. They are the same word.
Also, I believe the the 1st part of the word Betel, refers to the word "Bee" tel. As in the Bees in the bible which refer to the tribe of Judah, or the Jews.
What do you think? Patti.