Thursday, December 16, 2010

The picture in the Big Picture -Part 2: the union of Random & Not Random-

In Part 1 we let Kubrick (via Rob Ager & yours truly) make some important awakening doubts about the dubious nature of our 3D "reality" become more manifest to our awareness, by paying meticulous attention to seemingly imperceptible anomalous details. Here in part 2 we shall go the opposite way, trying hard to take a very broad bird's eye view of reality as it really is in a multi-dimensional sense, and its intrinsic relation to Infinite Consciousness. As this is no philosophical treatise but a free-flowing humble blog as an aid to reclaim a more evolved state, I will make several fundamental statements that are not proven sanctimoniously, if at all; yet you will find that they lead to an opening of sorts, as a psychic vehicle to a better understanding of existence, and a smoother and more assured transition or shift from Devolved to Re-Evolved. I am no lama on a Cloud-9 dispensing sacred gifts, but just a guy here in America; yet here a lot of very-big-words you shall read, nevertheless. Read them with kindness, and ye shall be rewarded; read them like a thief and ye shall eat your own tail.

In official Physics, the basic principle is that for every Action there is a corresponding Reaction; we will thus state here that for every Randomness to occur, a corresponding resonant Order exists, and call this the "RO" or "Root" Principle.

It is not needed for you to 'come-in' and 'put-some-order'; the Randomness itself already has an equivalent Non-Random pattern of Order, otherwise it would not exist. You throw a bunch of balls 'at-random' yet by reason of mass/energy/gravitaton/inertia etc, they appear 'randomnly' projected when in fact half of them (assuming all of them appear randomly dispersed) have a pattern of stasis, inherently so. Famous oracles as the I-Ching for ex, have followed this knowledge -that random is not random at all-. Stasis to what...?

Einstein thought along these lines, but Quantum Physics proved him really wrong. So God DOES play dice with the universe, or not...? I am no fan of Einstein, but the point is well taken, and you are one pesky tiny god (that's why I love Patty Griffin's never released song "Little God"); the particle cannot be determined as a space/time location, and is truly dependent on the observer to manifest again between the previous Quantum Pulse's position and the new Pulse position, thus the observer alters whatever random "trajectory" the particle had or had not, or something along those lines. All this is just funny talk about the fact that physical reality does not exist independent of Consciousness, and that the latter brings a wave into a particle "body" that can be observed in a particular "historic position" in space/time. Alright then, but now let's make the big leap.

We could add that Consciousness then, IS MADE OF A "PSIONIC ENERGY" THAT HAS THE POWER OF ALCHEMY BETWEEN WAVE AND PARTICLE; this Psionic Energy ("Sion / Psion") can be in another manner be understood as a Manifesting-Power made of a mixture of Thought & Will.


The question then obviously becomes: How does the Psion(ic) Energy manifest this intrinsic power...? Let's go back to the 1st statement above, that for every Randomness to occur, a corresponding Order exists; then you must come to realize that when the particle between 2 Quantum Pulses "appears" at a location that cannot be determined or predicted (thus "random"), it does so to your 3D perception since the corresponding Order is not within the 3D space/time, but at a higher 4D & up reality.  "3D" or "4D" both intend to mean a transition between one DIMENSION and another, as well as one DENSITY and another  -between 3D and 4D to maximally simplify the conundrum, in this case-. Read the preceding until well digested before carrying on; this stuff seems simple, but no it's not, oh no.

While you could on one hand be satisfied in the fact that we don't really see nothing at all "physically", as all visual inputs go through the cornea and are projected upside down in the retina where they are transformed into electrical impulses that travel to the inside dark cavity of the brain where they are "reconfigured" by software to be "visualized" as such within the brain -(implying that if the software is programmed to only decode 3D data then all 4D data is not "seen" at all, and/or that only 5 senses in 3D operation can pickup the input)-, on the other hand you must factor in that necessarily what occurs in one dimension / density is not easily perceived (if at all) in another conjoining dimension / density, and that what appears as "Random" in one is "Order" in the other, then a clearer definition of the vague term "Consciousness" begins to make its way:

Consciousness is the FRACTAL-RESONANT AWARENESS of the symbiotic relationship between at least 2 Dimensions/Densities, thus of the inherent relationship between Randomness and Order, as events manifest in either in respect of the other. Insanity is the obsessive worship of Randomness as sheer randomness as-is, as an absolute entity devoid-of intrinsic Order; Insanity is then a terrible "Diminishing of Consciousness" that results in Devolution, and an illusory self-entrapment in an illusory "single separate realm" of existence. The doors to the asylum are actually closed off by the inside, by the inmates; this 3D reality is as such an asylum to a large degree, and yes the inmates have taken over parts of the asylum

An officially certified teacher would feel insulted by this definition, since official education only teaches the relationships in Order, and discards everything "not in order or patterned" as merely Random, in the sense it is totally chaotic and senseless, empty. It follows naturally from this very narrow uni-dimensional view, that they must call the Multiverse a "Universe", and that they see all the empty space in their Universe as VOID or devoid of any substance/energy/pattern/density/order. And they like to call this "peace".

I call this the "fascist/communist/royalist" physicist's position; in this schizoid worldview, without 1 really big central authority, all else is hopeless irredeemable senseless chaos without Consciousness in act, in other words it is only the king/tyrant or what have you that inseminates Order and sense (enter just below them the academic teacher as rational savior of the mind, dictating what is and is not, uff...!? such arrogance). And yes this is totally true... as long as the people have been educated to think there is only 1 single Universe...!? , religion kicks in and of course will ingrain the fundamental notion that there is "only one way" to contact the divinity in this single Universe (you guessed it) through them of course. But the moment there are more universes or "realities" and that each is a subset of a larger Conjoined Double or Triple (etc) Realm, then none of it makes any sense in the least, it's all hocus-pocus blabber for intellectually and spiritually disadvantaged people. You remove the Multiverse and the Fractal Resonance, and naturally "only one" rule and ruler applies, duh... Perhaps that might explain why they taught so long the unidimensional Universe, don't you think?

Nothing exists in a "vacuum" separate from Consciousness; if something appears "empty" to you, it is because another form of Consciousness (from a conjoined reality or universe) inhabits and Manifests it (via Psionic Energy), that lays outside your dimensional fathoming.

More than this meaning that what you see as "empty space" is full of substance from another realm conjoined to your realm, taken to the ultimate extrapolation this means that EVERYTHING IS FULL AND NOTHING IS VOID, while at the very same time simultaneously EVERYTHING IS VOID AND NOTHING IS FULL in each other's conjoining universe or reality realm. But both extremes do not exist per-se, as they are only "potential fields of existence"; in simple lingo this means that at a minimum of 2 universes or realms conjoined, then on each of them "void/empty space" appears where its mirror-event is "solid substance" (or energy) on the other...! (I am oversimplifying this to the extreme, in order to make it understandable, as a beginning of knowledge on the subject of Conjoined Realms or Universes, since I am only for the moment speaking of a minimum of 2 Realms/Universes conjoined, when there are many more -but you get the idea, I hope-).

As we learned before that Matter becomes as the Psion(ic) Alchemy of Manifesting a Wave into a Particle, the "particle matter" that we perceive in 3D reality is 1-harmonic degree of Psionic Energy removed from the other "physical energies" of Electro-Magnetism and Gravitation, upwards dimensionally speaking.

Everything is already infinitely Full ( "All" -resonant with Order- ), but it FLUCTUATES into an infinitely Empty ("Nothing" -non resonant or Random- ) complement. This is valid for saying between Infinitely Dense and Infinitely Void, as Nassim Haramein's 100% Density of the Void observations apply. That specific "Moment of Consciousness" between both Infinites (totally Full & totally Empty) is an EVENT which we call "Manifestation" -an Event Formation-, caused by at least 3 types of Consciousness in act. As stated before, what es Empty/Random in one realm, is Full/Order in another ream; yet now we understand that these conjoined-mirrors fluctuate in state between one another, via a PULSE.

The Quantum Pulse is then the simple recognition of the fact that one Realm or Universe (dimension/density) FLUCTUATES unto another Realm or Universe (dimension/density), "appearing" in one while "dissolving" in the other, and viceversa. The Order of the Full -"All"- is of a fractal spiral nature, this Going-To the "Full" is also a Spiral Fractal, while the coming-from it is the same as the Going-To the "Void", thus the same Spiral Fractal applies. These 2 opposite direction "Goings-To" are a Fluctuation of State between a CHARGE and a DISCHARGE in energy terms, and one is recursive unto the other, because the "Full" & the "Void" are merely 2 aspects of the same, as All-Is-Nothing and Nothing-Is-All; to the Ether in between, they are only directions in the acts of Charge/Discharge.

This energy from the Ether or empty space in the sense that you go to its Zero-Point Void, has been widely seen as a 4D Torus extracting a recursive 3D/4D energy from nothingness; why...? Because there is no empty space just as nothingness, and it permanently fluctuates between this state in one dimension/density, and its complement  as Full/All in another conjoined dimension/density; but it does this fluctuation both "Alternatively & Simultaneously", and that's where the trick is.

Because in the Ether it is the same event in Time that is occurring everywhere in Space, whereas in one Dimension/Density realm it occurs "before or after" the same occurs in the other Dimension / Density FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF EACH. Time is the flow from one Quantum Pulse unto its other concomitant one in a another realm, in such a way that a lower Dimension / Density can be thought by Consciousness as "Going to the Past", just as as higher Dimension/Density can be thought of by Consciousness as "Going to the Future". Since this eternal fluctuation is at the core of Consciousness essence and existence, it is not possible to avoid perceiving or thinking in those terms: THE SPIN OF THE FRACTAL SPIRAL IS INDEED "MOVING" FROM PAST TO FUTURE OR FUTURE TO PAST, yet at the same time in the Ether it is occurring "simultaneously" & everywhere. 

We could not think of this or be aware of such, if there weren't any Numbers; because it is Numbers that are the dual capacity to exist as All/Timeless/Everywhere yet also as Nothing/In a Time & Space; what this means is that ONLY  NUMBERS can be both simultaneous and sequential. Numbers then are the Ether itself which is full of all numbers from Zero to Infinity, and this is the Ether's "Grid" so to speak; we are formed by Numbers and are able to think in Numbers and be in Numbers, because they are the "Ether" that mediates between all conjoined Dimension/Density realms or Universes -in the most essential aspect of the Ether (spiral grid)-. In this sense, the Psion(ic) Energy manifest as Thought & Will, is the expression of Numbers as the Empathy of the Whole and the Nothingness; these could not be one unless there are numbers that connect both ends of the Infinite -the All & the Nothing-. We then have to be aware than numbers 1 to 9 have a "built-in" AXIS & SPIN, to Go-To/From any Dimension/Density, carrying with it any Consciousness that entertains it; then it follows that Psion(ic) Energy of Manifesting can be aroused and intensified and trained, via Numbers and their Geometry Fractals, if we know the spin-route. However not just by focusing on their Sequential aspect, but also in their Simultaneous aspect, in other words focusing in their full Harmonic/Resonant ubiquity, their etheric double-nature.

---Below are introductory links to the works of Marko Rodin and Randy Powell---:!

A certified educator will once again feel insulted, and rightly so!; they have been so far training pupils NOT to focus multi-dimensionally, but at the contrary training pupils to "only" focus on one half of the nature of Numbers  -the sequential/hierarchical aspect-; in this way, an imbalance is produced whereby only 1 half of the Brain hemispheres is evolved (the so called Right Brain), while the other half goes paraplegic so to speak; this has the existential effect of "locking" the person unto this 3D realm only, in terms of Consciousness & Perception. Any senses above the 5 Senses construct, are rendered inoperative by this imbalanced training.

We are now able to specify that Consciousness is the Awareness of Spaces in the Infinitely Dense (Full), while at the same time the Awareness of Packed Energies in the Infinitely Empty (Void); as such, Consciousness is essentially an OSCILLATION OF FOCUS, "tied" by a "Moment" in the Event-Formation between the 2 opposing Infinites, that renders them as a UNION, and not simply as a disjointed or separate Bi-Polarity. What this means is that Consciousness is the act of Thought & Will that can "conjoin" what is of opposing Spiral Spin, what "exists" in apparently separate Dimension/Density realms,  as a whole ORGANISM. If this was not so, there could not be a Recursive Charge between the opposing spirals in the Torus, they would be going off into their opposing Infinities (the All & the Nothing) or unto their Dimensions/Densities without ever "feeding back" to Source. This Thought & Will of "Feedback" Recursiveness, is called LOVE, and it is thus INFINITE in essence, able to manifest in a fixed-scale, yet infinite by definition (you can love a person, but not "just" a person only); it does those 2 things, because that's what Consciousness does, be of limited fractal scale while simultaneously be of infinite All & Nothing scale. The important lesson here, that the Recursion of Zero-Point Energy is an Intensification of the Psion(ic) Energy as Love, or what we could term "Fractal Feeling". In a society and realm and mindset without this type of Consciousness/Love, extracting energy from the void is a doomed feat, as the Thought & Will are not in-sync and never will be;  like trying to play music if you're tone deaf and lacking in emotional intelligence.

If Consciousness is actually the manifestation of Love as Thought & Will of uniting the All & Nothing (the Infinite at both ends of it), then Love is the RECURSION IN THE FLUCTUATION; we have to pause here and remember than inter-dimensional existence is not a "material physical" 3D technological feat. All Ego linear logic mindset will end you up where you started, or more often worse; we have all heard how in reality UFO's are semi/etheric vehicles controlled by thought, interacting with the psyche of the driver, since anti-gravity interacts with consciousness to be mastered and put to some use. This is not merely a matter of convenience, but an intrinsic aspect of multi-dimensional existence, as the higher up you go in dimensions / densities the more Psychic or Etheric you become, in respect to the "fixed particle" mindset and manifestation of 3D "reality" (the knock-on-wood illusion). Going-Up dimensionally speaking, is becoming less physical in the way matter is here in 3D, and there is a Perception attached to it, an Awareness of it, a Modality to it, a Feeling to it, since you are more & more Wave instead of Particle...! In other words it's higher vibes upon higher vibes as you go up in Dimensions/ Densities, as we all have heard of, and reality is not "fixed" in forms, but rather susceptible to "Instant Manifestation" of Inner Thought & Will.

What happens then, is that your mindset becomes more & more a Psioni(ic) Energy state per se, and this Energy that we now manifest in part as "Thought & Will" here in 3D, is refined to its Wave more pure aspects, in the sense it becomes "you", in the sense "you" become the wave itself, pure light if you will. But this light is Thought & Will of Love as the Union of the Infinite All & Nothing, THROUGH YOU...! These 2 conditions "pass through you" and "are" you as experience; therefore you cannot simply exist in 1 single Dimension/Density, as there would be no "Going-To" either direction. You exist in many Dimensions / Densities, because this is Love and how Love works and manifests, and how Wisdom is acquired.

The operating love "I love You" is just a fractal of the entire picture, as one dimensions loves the other, and how the whole loves the part, the part loves the whole, the All loves the Nothing and viceversa. In other words the Torus passes through you and in you at you for you by you, in every single NODE; in 3D we think of these Nodes as "atoms", but they are in reality Toroids akin to Black/White Holes, each smaller one a fractal of a bigger one, in both directions of the Infinite -the All & the Nothing-. This is how everything is linked to everything, and how existence in one Dimension/Density is concomitant to existence in a another.
And this is why you have a Heart as a perfect Toroid embedding of infinitely recursive fractal sharing waves:

[ EARTH = HEART ] (rearrange the letters)

The Multiverse is recording your experience as each Torus or Black/White Hole passes "through you", and this is the Great Feedback of Love as Infinite Consciousness; the Ying/Yang of the different realms as they are the "mirror"of one another. It's by Infinite Love worked as a UNION, whereas if turned into a Consciousness of Bi-Polarity it is a disease called Psychopathy. This causes disruption or extreme-shear in the Recursive Convection of the Etheric Energy flow, as Consciousness focuses more and more on the separation aspect, unable to get back to Source (the All-Is-One), i.e. manifesting the broken Torus. Science is Spirituality and Spirituality is Science; this deficit of recursive energy in turn manifests as the need to acquire or re-balance the fading energy in other pathological ways, for ex via feeding from other beings or animals or organisms, as "feeding" is nothing else than Vampirism, the sucking off of the energy from others now viewed as "prey" or as "victims", in this psychopathic 'energy-survival' mode.

Therefore the devolving psychopath is multi-dimensionally diseased, locked into his own Ego as a disjointed Torus, unable to enter his original Higher Dimension; the result is an "Inter-Dimensional" or interstice existence in the Multiverse, unless they fully get locked in one Dimension/Density only;  however these Dimensional Cul-De-Sacs or Interstices are by definition very empty of energy, as you need to be both in at least 2 realms to be able to generate a Vortex or Torus soul. The way these beings "managed" this problem, is by CREATING SEUDO-REALITIES WITHIN REALITIES, that contain a limited source of Recursive Energy, and long as they could hunt and trap into those realities a few "Original Souls" (or what some have called a "Theomorph" person), someone with the capacity to still be connected to different dimensions and thus serve as a permanent etheric energy source for them to siphon off.

These are the beings that created Death, to continually "harvest" the soul matrixes of those in their possession within these seudo realities they created; Death is produced by delinking Consciousness from the eternal recurring "Template of Love" flux, and becoming anchored in a non-sustaining Ego self. The Torus is ruptured, and you can never achieve a return to Source, lost in endless incarnations in between realities all managed by the same beings for the same purpose. These false-realities might occur as mini-semi-personal sets within larger realities, as mini-collectives, but also can be extrapolated as having cosmically HIJACKED the entire matrix of original realities, such that at present our 3D "reality" might probably be one of those. So that we have a series of cosmically disjointed fractals, each somehow feeding energy from a previous one.

Whatever physical Torsion/Quantum event causes "Death", must have its concomitant presence-of-consciousness adhoc to the event to manifest as such. If we go back to the beginning of this article, this leads to the awareness of the DISRUPTION OF THE UNION BETWEEN RANDOMNESS & ORDER; said in another way, this implies that a Vampire as Demiurg is a generator of False-Realitys scenarios in and by which he entraps victims where Randomness is the rule to a large extent in the Consciousness of the victims, while the inter-dimensional Vampire sees the Order perfectly, having that "vantage point of view". This disjointing or separation between Randomness & Order (Random & Not-Random) is "emphasized" in these False-Realities, it becomes the center of the action so to speak, the whole leit-motif of existential outlook even. We see this for ex in the masonic motto "Ordo Ab Chao" (Order Out of Chaos), a mass technique of manipulating the victim (humanity) to not be aware of the Order, which the victim only perceives as Randomness, or emptiness. I will call this state a "Dissociaton of Randomness & Order in the Mind", as an altered devolved state of Consciousness that paves the way to the ever repeating grip of Death, due to the the inability to ever escape the Time-Loops fabricated in this manner. We must understand that whatever new inputs in the quest for immortality occur, they do so only and only if a concomitant CHANGE in the prevailing mindset regarding "randomness" takes effect. 

I once asked a guy who had fought the entire World War II about his impressions; he replied that war is hell, because death in war appears as a continual random event. Notice he wasn't emphasizing pain and all the other usual 5-senses type of dramatizations, but had actually gone in pretty deep into Consciousness itself, and discovered the main clue: senseless RANDOM Death. If you care to look around for examples of this theme, you'll discover the same, that Death & Randomness or Non-Randomness are crucially tied to one another; it's as if literally the Time/Dream machine gets slowed down to the subatomic level, and the Quantum wave/particle situation of "indetermination" plays out at extreme slow-motion, and then fractally it's ballooned into the corresponding fractal of the entire person's situation. 

A magician was since old times viewed as one who could traverse between realms, and extract the governing laws of another realm -to be applied in our realm-, thus changing the 3D "form" of things. But interestingly enough the magician has always been a master of LANGUAGE, a magical secret "alchemical" language of sorts; this is because Language is a Numeric aspect of Waves but endowed with the potency of METAPHOR ("Numbers Are Metaphor"), interacting with Consciousness in the generation of forms and events. Those who consider Language as merely instrumental and pragmatic, a utilitarian random set of whatever symbols, have extremely poor insight into MULTI-DIMENSIONAL INFORMATICS, the way a Matrix is configured and the relationship of language to the Torus, via the Magic Squares templates.

Letters and Numbers have always been connected, and Language as "magical software" is a very but very ancient theme. This means that Language is also a reflection of Infinite Love, and just as well can and has been utilized to induce hypnotism and ultimately Death into Consciousness; the way this was done is by promoting the view that language is sheer Randomness, when it's NOT...!? There isn't a field of knowledge where the interplay between Randomness & Order is more explicit and provable, than Linguistics; Gematria goes a long way in establishing the new regenerative mindset for the coming re-evolution, by rewiring the neural paths of the Brain.

To me, what is particularly revealing in my experience, is the relationship between Altered Higher States of Consciousness (i.e. normal evolved Consciousness as opposed to the current very sick & utterly devolved state) and the practice of rhythm control. I got this from both music and the utilization of extensive Digital Delay (as the use of fractal subsets in music), since delays INDUCES FRACTALITY in the mind & will, with respect to emotion. And in my experience with semi-terminal ulcers disease, when I learned how to almost stop breathing to almost stop heartbeat and such; it was long after that I realized that the reason Yogas must master breathing and heartbeat control, is to make them masters of their fate...! Because these are the FRACTALS OF THE QUANTUM PULSE AS WELL AS THE COSMIC PULSE. The unavoidable implication is that hindus long ago knew that this 3D "reality" has been hijacked many times, and the current Quantum Pulse is an interference pattern (many times over) of the original, in the sense that many subset smaller quantum pulses can be obtained to "open up" a reality to the creation of copy matrixes of reality (parallel timelines). The Yoga had to then become a master of ORGANIC PULSE to gradually extricate himself from the current quantum pulse that is "tuned to" the death spiral, the non-recursive shear, that beats to the random locked in itself without recursion to fractal order.

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