that there is n-o-t-h-i-n-g "wrong" with the year 1776 or any year
or any number for that matter. If there is anything peculiar about
this number 1776 -it being a Triple Triangular No. for ex {111+
666+999} or all the the other similar triangular sums that can be
added up to 1776-, it is of obvious BENEFIC nature.
What happens as I explained in Part A, is that certain elites have
effected a Hoarding process, by keeping all multi-dimensional and
6-Senses knowledge for themselves, while feeding you the contrary
view of strictly 3D material & linear-sequential logic, the so-called
5-Senses Science, "this reality is all there is" false knowledge. They
in turn secretly utilize to their advantage all the etheric sciences
they can get hold of, Gematria/Numerology prominently so; thus
some have chosen numbers like 144, or 153, or (1)492, or 1776,
etc, to "charge" their ventures with a winning energy. Different
groups do so all the time, not all with the same agenda or belonging
to the same root, these are all universal qualities in numbers, quite
well known since antiquity. New Amsterdam was renamed New
York, as {New York=111}, much more positive & winning that way.
There's a myriad of examples such as these, that people with vague
notions of "satanism" and a superstitious mindset tend to associate
with negative black-magick and the like, in utter ignorance of either
negative slant etheric uses or Gematria & Numerology to begin with.
At the same time there are also crazy deliberate mischaracterizations
of this wisdom, as in the cases of the Louis Farrakhan goons, & also
within the extremist Muslim elements. All these "Made-To-Fit-A-
Political-Agenda" uses of Gematria & Numerology, besides being
extremely cheap and mediocre in their practice, are vomitive in their
slant; they are the equivalent of cheap rap compared to great music.
Sadly so, in the end they are indeed utilized for Mind Control means,
nothing more than horrendous brain washing. Not to mean that in
the West cultures Gematria & Numerology are also not utilized often
for the same means & ends, because they indeed are, all the same,
a lot of times. These misuses, are the ones I try to shed some light
on whenever they can be easily understood, since a lot of times
these things are more complex and intricate, laberynthine.
The word "ILLUMINATI" as noted before, carries a clear imprint of
the 3-Pillars symbol, viewed-written as "III uminati"/"111 uminati",
being in effect a Templar cipher (a ref to the Jacques DeMolay tomb);
the remaining expression "uminati" also specifically addresses the
Knights Templar, unmistakably so as they had a unique Constitution
called "Militia Dei", that allowed them independence from any bishop
or parish, having to answer only directly to the Pope (something
the modern 'Catholic Templars' -the "Opus Dei"- also carry in their
Constitution): { MILITIA ~~~ UMINATI }. Funny how on the left
"MILITIA" the letters "IL" (illuminati) are left over, whereas in the
right "UMINATI" the letters "UN" (United Nations) are. Thus on
the entire world "ILLUMINATI", we can find the famous acronyms
"MI","UN", and almost "NATO". Since "ill" can be rendered "III"
or "111", and {New York=111}, it seems to me that 911 ties in with
way more than meets the eye; the UN is based in New York also,
where 911 happened. Now consider the following, when using Std.
English Gematria (a=1, b=2, ..., z=26):
[ MILITIA DEI = 91 = GHWB/ETRH = 91 = Ben Bernanke ]
(that's the full 1st. & last initials of George Herbert Walker Bush)
When we give more careful attention to the ritual figure of the
executed leader of the Knights Templar -Jacques DeMolay-, and
we compare his name with the figure of Pharaoh Akhenaten, a very
extradordinary thing happens when spelling this as "Achenaten"
(don't need to point out the obvious "NATI ~ "NATE"):
{JACQUES = 1+75 }
( Molay = 66 = A Prince = 66 = Charles )
Jacques DeMolay was ritually inflicted with same wounds as the
archetypal Christ figure, in purpose; it was a reaffirmation of the
fable, a re-living of it, that was to create the now called "Shroud
of Turin" myth -most likely a Leonardo DaVinci photographic
feat (see for ex. "Turin Shroud, in whose image?" by Lynn Picknett
& Clive Prince, 1994 HarperCollins Publishers)-.
The obvious occult riddle, that Jesus did not literally exist, and the
archetype has to be "enacted" as a "ritual" to be preserved as such
because the meaning is ASTRO-ZODIACAL, the Christ as the "Sun
of God" -the Helios-, in a clear Egyptian mode. Therefore the term
"illuminati" was chosen on ref to this SUN as such, to match the all
winning powers of the Triple-Triangular number "1776", in this
manner when using Roman numerals (as in the Great Seal of the
1-dollar, at the base of the EGYPTIAN pyramid with a lighted Eye
in top):
[ MDCCLXXVI = 114 = "III uminati" ]
So anyone in the know about the all-winning powers of the 1776
number, would try to "match" any other important names to it,
one way is to use this Roman numerals version of the number:
[ MDCCLXXVI ~~~ VI-sa ~~~ DC ~~~ "MI" ~~~ MD ]
(MI for british intel agencies, or MI-crosoft, etc; MD for medical)
In the case of "VISA", there are other talismanic codes, as for ex:
{ V-E-SI-C-A pisces ~~~ "VISA" }, the Visa/Mastercard logo is
the intertwined circles, literally the geometrical Vesica Pisces, etc:
153 is a very unique charged number, being a Triangular Cube;
[ (1x1x1)+(5x5x5)+(3x3x3) = 153 ]
For this reason it appears in the Miracle Fishing fable in the Gospel.
Also 153 is the sum of numbers 1 through 17; (153+513=666),
as 666 is the sum of numbers 1 through 36; (17+19=36), thus
"19" is the complement that ties in both numbers.
While also the name "Master CARD" can mean "Master DRAC":
All cultures utilize these talismanic/astrological/gematria codes,
be them in number/name, or color, logo, shape of buildings or
plazas or cities etc, up to the very disposition of entrances and
floor spaces, furniture, plants, and what have you; in India and
the Orient in general, this is not secret like here in the West, it
is well known and widely practiced by all, usually laid out and
performed before a business or political program is established.
Most pieces of clothing follow the same talismanic and secret
codes symbology; the business Tie created by the french masons,
is a subliminal for the male Penis (so are the long shoes), while
its different colors signal a variety of secret Penis/Obelisk
messages, pertinent to the agenda of the occasion. This fact
-besides it being so uncomfortable- is the reason why so many
have got rid of it, one becomes like those natives wearing long
protruding objects on their penises, when using the Tie. Thus
all politicians and businessmen wear it de-rigueur because it
emphasizes the aggressive Penis/Obelisk psycho-sexual energies;
both the electorate or employees (or women in general) that
get turned on or feel "leadership" by men wearing a Tie, are in
a subconscious level surrendering their will, to be dominated.
Small tale-telling details like this, are a testament to the low state
of mind of the populace at large, and how unaware they are.
Of course feminists miss the point, when aware of these things,
they don't want to know the full extent of it, that manipulators
are not "only" using psycho-sexual occult masculine imagery,
but at the same time they use FEMININE energy, every single
time they hide something, as secrecy is a negative use of the
feminine energy. This is why most power-cults embed Homo
Gay practices in their rituals, directed to mastering this end
of manipulation in secret.
But those who claim the existence of the AKASHIC RECORDS,
say that everything that exists is "recorded" & "stored", and
that the Universal Mind (as opposed to the Hive-Mind Body-
Computer managed by the Ego as false identity) continuously
accesses it; problem is, if Humanity devolved after the Fall of
previous advanced civilizations, we lost both a "clear" access
to the Universal Mind (and the Akashic Records), as well as a
"complete" access to it -in those cases when we do gain some
subconscious access-. Point being, that multi-dimensional beings
manipulating humans, will "only" enter into the Body-Computer
Ego, those bits & pieces of the Akashic Records they deem more
convenient to their ends, enhancing some to prominence, while
supressing others; and that this is exactly how the Hive-Mind
Collective Unconscious pools operate.
In a simpler manner, you may view this as the usual Propaganda;
by repeating certain names and logos and the like, you "LOG IN"
your brain certain products or leaders or divine figures. In the
case of the emblematic number "666", dozens & dozens of power
figures (from all places, races, and sides of all fences) for quite a
long time now, have been found to contain the code of this number
in their names and/or titles, this is very old news. Performing
Gematria/Numerology in different languages involved, provides
the hidden clues; as noted in Part A and previous posts, I regard
the Book of Revelation in the "Bible", as merely a secret blueprint
for an agenda to enact, an instruction manual so to speak, hidden
in the cover carrier of a "prophecy". From this angle, EVERYONE
in the power game, WANTS to carry the 666 Code, because in
secret 666 is nothing more than the Number of Water, the Star
of David, the key to the Hexameron of Creation, and the Flower
of Life as the light-energy template (zero-point energy, etc). In a
more mundane level, 666 is a Triangular Number, and all triangular
numbers have a winning vibration attached to them; so if we look
only at the latest power game here in the West, we easily find 2
dynasties which deliberately chose names to match the 666 Code,
this is nothing more than sheer opportunistic ritual:
[ 666 = 234 + 432 ]
{ 13 x 18 = 234 } (Rev. 13:18)
[ "Apocalypse Revelation" = 234 ]
A Prince Charles Windsor = 234
(A George Herbert Walker Bush) + (A George Walker Bush) = 432
Now the father figure has also embedded the code "Wild Beast
Therion" in his full 1st. & last initials. "Therion" is the greek word
that appears in the Book of Rev when the Beast is mentioned, its
correct translation as "Wild Beast":
"GeorgE HerberT WalkeR BusH ~~~ GHWB/THER
So yes, we had a dynasty in America that for the 1st. time produced
a father and a son president, deliberately crafted to 'match' the
"2 Horns" of the Book of Apoc/Rev prophecy of the "Wild Beast
of the Earth" ("W.B." initials and all), that to some this may have
been overwhelming; thus fear was instilled in many, who saw them
as super-powerful and divine in nature almost. But it's all hocus-
pocus, it's all make-believe, it's all "ritually enacted to appear as
such", in purpose; names are easily chosen, it's very easy to do all
this stuff, it's basically child play. There have been a great many
leaders who have also deliberately chosen names to "carry the 666
code" with the same exact intention, through the centuries -yawns-.
And as to the more general secret use of archetype figures long ago
logged-on to the human collective unconscious Hive-Mind, it's the
same, it's legion, it's classic modus-operandi on the part of extra
dimensional beings manipulating the human psyche; you add this
"matching" of a current leader with a famous emblematic figure of
the far past, throw in certain Gematria/Numerology concordances
to reinforce the mesmerizing process, and voila!, you got hypnotism.
With the current level of consciousness amnesia in the population,
how prone to being hypnotized humans are, how blissfully unaware
most people are, plus the usual "please control & dominate me"
tendencies, and you have quite the herd mentality, the perfect
neural soup for the designer brain chefs.
Take the case of Barack Obama; he played the Messiah role to its
perfection, as far as it can be played in politics that is; everything
that was wrong with America and the system, he would cure. It
was sheer manipulation on a grand scale; a simple look at his name
& archetypes involved, and a careful analysis of his slogans that
were repeated like religious mantras in every public event (also
written in signs and placards everywhere), yields the conclusion
that this was evangelical hammering in quite classic mode. Please
note the use of Double-Digit "Master" numbers (11, 22, 33, ... etc),
the quintessential "144" of the "biblical saved", etc:
[ CHANGE WE = 66 ] [ HOPE = 44 ]
[ A YES WE CAN BARACK = 66+66 ]
[ YES WE = 77 ]
You get the picture; this was some carefully crafted crap. Your
brain was supposed to go mush, you all smiles and cheers with
all this "master" reinforcing, you would end up feeling elation!?
Now to the "Reinforcing Concordances" part of the deal; take
a close look at the classic Kabbalah Notarikon technique -that
is, pay attention to all 1st & last initials-:
{ ChangE WE CaN BelievE IN }
[ AKHENATEN IV = 83 ] (the "IV" for the "AmenHotep" name)
Don't be so naive; these techniques have been used for centuries!,
even from Shakespeare (i.e. the Bacon/Newton/etc team of Sion
linguists "harmonizing" the english language and translating the
King James Version Bible), and way back in the days of Emperor
Constantine, as through successive Romans Caesars the ancient
Greek Gematria codes were utilized to syncretize the "Bible"; as
the book got translated 1st. to Latin and then to English, all these
Greek Gematria codes would be lost -or rather had to be "redone"
(reformatted/rearranged/recodified), thus the Sion team had to
extract the Gematria Concordances to be performed in the new
English language (thoroughly practiced in the "Shake-the-Spear"
books). These techniques have been utilized in religion, in ads
for selling purposes, in political slogans, in anything were control &
gain is to be expected in return; practiced everywhere, the East,
the West, North, South, you name it. In the case of the ex., we have
a fabricated political figure in the name of "Barack Obama", who so
ostensibly was picked because his physical appearance resembles
so much the emblematic PHARAOH AKHENATEN:
[ ]
Akhenaten created Monotheism; the new monotheistic God was
named "ATEN", and he went under a previous name before he
changed to "AKHEN-ATEN" { AMEN-HOTEP in Egyptian, and
AMEN-OPHIS in Greek, adding the "IV" to denote his place
in the dynasty}. If you haven't already picked up the all-too-
obvious clue, you are lacking in powers of observation:
[ HOTEP ~~~ HOPE ]
That's why his ancestry is traced to Kenya; Lake Victoria in Kenya
is the upper origin of the Nile River of Egypt:
The ciphers are so in-your-face evident, it's hard to believe so few
people would notice them (consciously that is) . Of course the ATEN
is HOPE itself...:
[ HOPE = 44 = ATEN ]
As a constant not so hidden pun, we have the Book of Rev theme of
the "ANTI-CHRIST", a term deliberately mistranslated to mislead;
the literal original greek word is "ANTE" -as in "substitute for", to
stand in front substituting for-. The key importance of this, is that
by purposefully mistranslating "ANTE" as "ANTI", they have
hidden from public view the all crucial archetypal figure of Pharaoh
AKHEN-ATEN (ANTE), as the centerpiece of the 'prophecy', or
the blueprint instruction manual as I call it.
The Book of Rev chapter 13 is about... the "resurrection of Akhen-
Aten", at least in ritual manner; the text implies a physical cloning
resurrection, but this is an alternative I am not discussing here. At
the heart of the issue, is the translation of Akhen-Aten to MASONIC
SPEAK code; the ritual figure of one "HIRAM ABIFF" as center of
all masonic endeavour, the goal of the craft is to ritually resurrect
this "Hiram Abiff" (i.e. Akhen-Aten), supposedly a Master-Builder
at the mythical "TEMPLE OF SOLOMON", that is not found on
Earth or else, because it never existed, and it's just a CIPHER-CODE
for the TEMPLATE left to us (those who follow Akhen-Aten that is)
in EGYPT under AKHEN-ATEN (the Sun is Sol obviously, the Orb...
the Aten...! -Moon is Luna, Sun is Sol-). It's all a giant metaphor
delivered in cipher symbols, about the Outer Sun/Moon/Planets
and Stars, in relation to the Inner Lights in the Cave of Brahman in
the Brain (Pineal/Pituitary/Hypothalamus, the 3 Pillars), on how to
achieve a Within/Without HARMONIC SYNCHRONICITY with all
these and the multi-verse, only... for those... chosen by the elite, at
their disposition and who blindly follow their orders -these named
"The Illuminati", a militia, a secret private high level militia of the
et's in human affairs-. Yet all this can have a bright side, and a very
dark side at the same time, the vampiric extraction of a few etheric
"sacred juices" out of humans, Earth considered a mere "Kundalini
Factory" of carefully harvested Pineal/Pituitary/Hyphothalamus
secretions, combined the usual Menstrual "StarFire" secretions, the
"Ambrosia", the "SOMA" (mason), the Garden of Eden and its fruits
and nectars, humans not at the top of the food chain pyramid, but
only the top fruit for the 4D et vampires, as predators.
The ultimate secret here folks, that these "sacred secretions" do not
only have an outward 3D physical form, but also a 4D etheric form
IN HUMAN DNA, and this is the reason of the desire by some higher
dimensional beings (or devolving former higher now turned merely
intra or inter-dimensional beings, i.e. "fallen angels") to "own" this
little Humanity here on 3D Earth -and/or the many parallel and
semi virtual versions of this Earth thay have split it into-. That's
why after all the hoopla and propaganda, all religion... ultimately...
is about... H-U-M-A-N-S-A-C-R-I-F-I-C-E, thinly disguised under
a saviour or prophet figure or the like, sacrificing for the rest, or...
viceversa...! Pay attention; always someone dies, his blood and his
wounds become crucial, his "image" key; it's all DNA & Secretions
of the "UPPER PILLARS" of the Pineal/Pituitary/Hyphothalamus,
or of the "LOWER PILLARS" -the Yoni/Lingam, the Ying/Yang, the
Vesica Pisces, the Virgin Vulva and the Obelisk Penis, the semen &
the menstrual menses, the ovule. It all revolves around those things;
whether the extraction is strictly in 4D etheric realms, or performed
in 3D material substance here, what's the difference...? Whenever
the Human Sacrifice theme kicks in, you know you're in vampire
territory. It's starts as virgin birth, it ends as human sacrifice.
The central goal of all this esoteric & ritual craft, is to engage in a
fine PROCESS OF ALIGNMENT, whereby the Lower Sexual Portal
aligns with the Upper Brain Portal, which also aligns with the Earth
Poles and the Moon/Sun/Planets/Stars, all intended to FRACTALLY
HARMONIZE THE MULTIVERSE, in order to at certain Time-Gate
moments (most peculiarly at the Solstice/Equinoxes), an etheric
multi-dimensional "intimate vampiric contact" is effected between
the human and the extra-dimensional or inter-dimensional beings.
In other words, while ASCENSION is possible in positive terms, at
the Portal StarGate lie many vampires, some of which have either
come here or sent voyagers to "fix" the Ascension Process in such
way that they can deviate the Ascension, & lead it to their vampiric
Grid-Nests, in vibrational DNA kundalini terms. All earthly human
affairs and mediocre external material power-games, stem from
these secret coordinates, it's about "etheric slavery", kundalini juices.
Now this Hijacking Process of the true Ascension, may happen
on a personal scale, on a group scale, city scale, world scale, etc;
it may occur 1 time, or twice, or randomnly here & there, or at
finely precisely set "ritual times in the year", or for certain periods
of time only, or perhaps... there is a CYCLICAL TIME OF A BIG
HARVEST, something on a really grand longer scale, and maybe
just maybe... this is what the cyclical return of NIBIRU is all about.
Such that the Cross is the moment the 3D intersects the 4D, and
you either jump straight unto 5D skipping the 4D vampires, or
end up becoming theirs. Now as this Grand DNA StarGate Moment
approaches into/after the 2012 marker, things here get hairy in
the control of things level so to speak, now does it...?
(pay attention on min 2:00)
Going back to the mundane aspect of this labyrinth, we see that:
Hiram Abiff=73=Perfect=Egypt=Britain=United=Kingdom=Crown
(the illuminati where at first called "The Perfectibilists")
[ NIBIRU = 73 ]
While the "ATEN" (ANTE) is the SUN-GOD DISK, and what this
exactly means is a matter of another post, yet not-surprisingly the
so much publicized logo of Barack Obama's candidacy was the
"ORB", such a clear ref to the ATEN, it is almost laughable; it's
like they tried so hard to leave every clue imaginable, to convince
all that he is indeed Akhenaten himself "resurrected" -in 'secret'
of course, those secrets anybody who knows something, knows-.
{ } (or google "Obama Logo" in images).
Now in many previous posts I have explained how "Moses" is in
reality a composite figure based foremost on Pharaoh Akhenaten,
who was 'taken out' and his records excised of Egypt, as early on
Carl Jung let it be known to all in a book ( as Jung was part of the
elite, and knew many secrets). The fable of the 10 Commandments
is so clearly egyptian it is even found in part in similar text in the
Egyptian so-called "Book of the Dead" much earlier; however only
in english we get the actual true clue: [ ATEN ~~~ TEN ] (10).
Now when using the "Achenaten" spelling, it gets easily confirmed:
[ ACHENATEN = 71 = MOSES = 71 = ORION ]
Interesting how Michelle Obama carries the "MO" of Moses.
She also carries the { MICHELLE = 1+66 = OPHIS }.
"AmenOphis" greek for egyptian "AmenHotep" (later AkhenAten).
But obviously this has all been "scripted" to "match" in this very
precise manner; there is no "destiny" here, as so many black people
in some knowledge of this correspondence seem to believe. After all,
his last name was SOETORO, and he went by "Barry Soetoro"; only
after he was apparently hired by the CIA, that he began going under
the Barack Obama current name. It has been documented that a
company that fronts for the agency in 1983 paid his entire Columbia
University debt (as to his studies in Columbia, besides the official
univ records showing he was there, NO ONE remembers him being
there, so either he was not, or was there so little it is impossible to
have actually studied there. On his book, Obama preemptively tries
to explain this saying he lived like a hermit -definitely not nearly
good enough an explanation for the absence-). In other words, it
seems as if when Bill Clinton got pissed off at the way his campaign
treated his wife Hilllary during the democrat pres primaries, as he
stated about Obama : "HE'S A FAIRY TALE...!", he might have high
on resentment spilled the beans, meaning he is a manufactured
icon. For one thing he got "elected" Senator, by having no one run
for real against him; he had a team of lawyers check for legalese
problems in other candidates, and in this way both the democrat
figure he was supposed to fight against, as well as the republican
opposer, were "disqualified"; to make matters worse, the revered
black woman politician he pushed out in such horrendous manner,
was actually the one who brought him in as possible senator, but
when she decided his time was not yet and had to wait another term,
he simply maneuvered her out as described. The republican party
later placed fringe figure Alan Keyes as his contender, an assured
victory for Obama from the getgo.
The story about Alice Palmer has been sanitized everywhere, but
a TV program exposed the real events a while ago, the way they
are briefly described here; the object of this detail, is to illuminate
on the way Obama was manufactured by some higher-powers in
the system, which I and others contend, is to PLAY THE ROLE
sensitive nature of the times -as previous pres W. Bush left both
a destroyed economy and a destroyed int'l USA reputation-, I did
not wish in the beginning to tamper with Obama's attempt to mend
fences and correct things (although privately I expressed to many
similar observations). However since it is now vox-populi he is
not the real deal and just a puppet phony figure for the system,
I can now publicly expose some of the Gematria regarding him,
since it does no harm anymore, more than the harm he already
has done himself to his image & reputation.
Phenomenal write up my friend! I'm increasingly more interested in the numerology you were using. Are there any books you recommend on the subject? Another question, is the fact you leave out certain letters from phrases illegitamize the equations?
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